SEAL @206 (99.6%) on 12-feb-2011 [ 12345678 ] using southern_methodist_university
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "environmental engineering professor at _" "undergraduate education was completed at _" "accounting student at _" "adjunct instructor at _" "universities , including _" "B.D. degree from _" "Missouri , graduated from _" "MBA programs at _" "law degree , from _" "master?s degree at _" "associate head coach at _" "A. degree from _" "Andy graduated from _" "Testament studies at _" "High School , attended _" "women’s soccer coach at _" "Jeremy graduated from _" "Latin American studies from _" "Trophy winner from _" "business administration degrees from _" "Juris Doctorate degree from _" "Divinity degree from _" "M.S. degree from _" "English degree from _" "cum laude , at _" "business journalism at _" "_ 's dance department" "magna cum laude , from _" "fall quarter at _" "business administration from _" "piano performance at _" "systematic theology at _" "theology degree from _" "studies professor at _" "former professor at _" "Student newspaper of _" "viola performance from _" "undergraduate student at _" "year scientists at _" "Masters degrees from _" "Doctoral candidate at _" "Betsy graduated from _" "BSEE degrees from _" "Modern European History from _" "law at _" "organ performance from _" "undergraduate at _" "universities , like _" "theater arts from _" "Business administration from _" "J.D. cum laude from _" "_ 's Continuing" "He then taught at _" "recreational sports at _" "tutors become available from _" "universities like _" "undrafted free agent out of _" "economics major at _" "business education from _" "liberal studies at _" "honors graduate of _" "M.A. degree from _" "M.F.A. degree from _" "Doctorate degrees from _" "school , then attended _" "writing professor at _" "Ph.D. degrees from _" "defensive back at _" "film students at _" "head golf coach at _" "major universities including _" "Christian theology at _" "He had graduated from _" "medical anthropology from _" "sociology professor at _" "Postgraduate Civil Engineering courses offered at _" "B.F.A. degree from _" "Middle East history at _" "Liberal Studies at _" "American studies from _" "theology professor at _" "undergraduate degree at _" "Academic Information Students from _" "Master degrees from _" "M.A. degrees from _" "earth sciences at _" "graduate business degrees from _" "fine arts graduate of _" "theological studies from _" "undergraduate business degree from _" "summa cum laude from _" "former graduate student at _" "former adjunct professor at _" "creative writing professor at _" "Craig graduated from _" "Laude graduate of _" "_ 's Asian Studies Program" "Jurisprudence from _" "Engineering courses offered at _" "Administration degrees from _" "Matt graduated from _" "backfield coach at _" "Postgraduate Telecommunications courses offered at _" "religious studies from _" "computer science degree at _" "degree cum laude from _" "art history major at _" "scholarship athlete at _" "flute professor at _" "journalism professor at _" "first job out of _" "theology degree at _" "student body president at _" "tenure-track assistant professorship at _" "star running back at _" "laude from _" "doctoral student at _" "vocal performance from _" "creative writing programs at _" "post-graduate work at _" "political science at _" "political science department at _" "student-run radio station of _" "undergraduate career at _" "university librarian at _" "vice chancellor at _" "adjunct professor at _" "tenured professorship at _" "engineering from _" "trial advocacy at _" "full football scholarship to _" "doctor degree from _" "science at _" "honorary degree from _" "fine arts from _" "year student at _" "BFA at _" "ethnic studies from _" "graduate degrees from _" "honors graduate from _" "Epsilon chapter at _" "Ministry degrees from _" "Doctor degrees from _" "Postgraduate Telecommunications courses at _" "undergraduate degree from _" "design class at _" "American studies at _" "Music degree at _" "Cum Laude graduate of _" "Latin American Studies at _" "Melanie graduated from _" "honorary doctorate from _" "degree summa cum laude from _" "Philosophy department at _" "East history at _" "Bowl win over _" "Business degree from _" "Biblical studies at _" "athletic scholarship to _" "school professor at _" "researchers at _" "biomedical engineering at _" "physics group at _" "successful college career at _" "psychology department at _" "psychology at _" "_ 's Graduate School" "engineering management from _" "juris doctor degree from _" "star football player at _" "Officer Training Corps program at _" "graduate of _" "electrical engineering department of _" "Diploma program at _" "Speech-Language Pathology at _" "B.F.A from _" "Texas , having graduated from _" "MFA from _" "Caroline graduated from _" "MBA degree from _" "Elizabeth graduated from _" "Telecommunications courses offered at _" "Ministry degree from _" "J.D. degrees from _" "juris doctorate from _" "psychology from _" "right choice , choose _" "scholarship student at _" "Television Production at _" "JD from _" "/ Media courses at _" "MBA candidate at _" "MSEE at _" "international economics at _" "dual degrees from _" "cultural anthropology at _" "studies at _" "law professor at _" "economics from _" "creative writing at _" "electrical engineering from _" "courses Courses at _" "new tutors become available from _" "Science degree from _" "Social Studies from _" "Murphy graduated from _" "Music degrees from _" "collegiate experience at _" "creative writing program at _" "piano performance from _" "Arts degrees from _" "Vicki graduated from _" "Mike graduated from _" "fine arts degree at _" "honors , from _" "summa cum laude , from _" "property law at _" "BFA degree from _" "Studies from _" "Juris Doctorate degrees from _" "_ 's Dedman School" "Bachelors Degree from _" "Ph.D. at _" "Evans graduated from _" "Institute located at _" "M.M. degree from _" "M.B.A. from _" "Author A graduate of _" "I graduated from _" "Asian Studies at _" "bachelor’s at _" "biology research at _" "degrees were earned at _" "night classes at _" "electrical engineering department at _" "graduate studies were at _" "he had taught at _" "physics professor at _" "psychology major at _" "MBA degrees from _" "He previously taught at _" "European History from _" "sociology from _" "undergraduate education at _" "laude , from _" "horn performance from _" "studio art at _" "tennis scholarship at _" "Doctorate degree from _" "BSEE from _" "Public Administration degrees from _" "Business / Finance courses at _" "vocal coach at _" "higher learning such as _" "science professor at _" "computer engineering from _" "church history at _" "juris doctorate degree from _" "marketing professor at _" "master degrees at _" "major universities like _" "postgraduate studies at _" "respected institutions like _" "graduate certificate from _" "engineering at _" "father taught at _" "MS degree from _" "Cole graduated from _" "Engineering courses at _" "M.F.A. from _" "JD degree from _" "B.D. from _" "American Studies at _" "Fine Arts degree from _" "bachelor degree from _" "chemistry professor at _" "prestigious universities like _" "public policy from _" "school he enrolled at _" "developmental psychology at _" "film degree from _" "double major at _" "cello performance from _" "BSEE degree from _" "O'Brien graduated from _" "Journalism degree at _" "_ is a four-year private university" "biblical studies at _" "history degree at _" "psychology studies at _" "cum laude graduate of _" "vocal performance at _" "science degree from _" "previous appointments at _" "universities nationwide including _" "theater studies at _" "Undergraduate at _" "M.B.A. degree from _" "Law Degree from _" "MSEE degree from _" "Texas , graduated from _" "Juris Doctor from _" "She is currently attending _" "dance major at _" "affairs major at _" "religious history at _" "provost at _" "choral activities at _" "campus minister at _" "ethicist at _" "horn performance at _" "mechanical engineering from _" "law degree from _" "law education from _" "Page graduated from _" "Lauren graduated from _" "Student Rentals near _" "Joseph graduated from _" "business school professor at _" "scores gpa _" "creative nonfiction at _" "M.S. degrees from _" "full music scholarship to _" "undergraduate days at _" "third year graduate student at _" "Science degrees from _" "Cum Laude graduate from _" "Divinity degree at _" "Doctor cum laude from _" "Ph.D. program at _" "piano pedagogy from _" "psychology professor at _" "undergraduate years at _" "trombone performance from _" "conducting from _" "distinguished professor at _" "assistant marketing professor at _" "civil engineering from _" "art scholarship to _" "associate provost at _" "Therapy degree at _" "He played collegiately for _" "Media courses at _" "Divinity degrees from _" "Doctoral degree from _" "public administration from _" "business administration degree from _" "choral conducting from _" "counseling psychology at _" "undergraduate business program at _" "medieval studies at _" "Business Administration degree from _" "B.F.A. from _" "Communication Arts from _" "Laude graduate from _" "Postgraduate courses Courses at _" "Liberal Arts program at _" "Telecommunications courses at _" "Music Education degree at _" "laude graduate of _" "violin performance from _" "writing program at _" "young professor at _" "vocal studies at _" "wide receivers coach at _" "American religious history at _" "English professor at _" "PhD candidate at _" "Kathryn graduated from _" "MSEE from _" "Cohen graduated from _" "professor at _" "J.D. from _" "Carter graduated from _" "textbook used at _" "Divinity program at _" "BBA degree from _" "anthropology department at _" "clinical psychology from _" "comparative law at _" "Juris Doctor degree from _" "He graduated from _" "Heisman Trophy winner from _" "advertising professor at _" "assistant sports informat" ] using southern_methodist_university