CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Rabbit and his arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Rabbit and his arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" ] using (team, giants)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" ] using (giants, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" ] using (team, giants)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" ] using (giants, team)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 lost to the Pittsburgh arg2" "arg1 will play the Pittsburgh arg2" "arg1 beat the Pittsburgh arg2" ] using (team, steelers)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 lost to the Pittsburgh arg2" "arg1 will play the Pittsburgh arg2" "arg1 beat the Pittsburgh arg2" ] using (steelers, team)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 lost to the Pittsburgh arg2" "arg1 will play the Pittsburgh arg2" "arg1 beat the Pittsburgh arg2" ] using (team, steelers)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 lost to the Pittsburgh arg2" "arg1 will play the Pittsburgh arg2" "arg1 beat the Pittsburgh arg2" ] using (steelers, team)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House basketball arg2" "arg1 Rabbit and his arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Steve arg1" "arg2 along with Steve arg1" "arg2 without Steve arg1" "arg2 has Steve arg1" ] using (nash, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House economic arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House advisory arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and head coach arg1" "arg2 fired head coach arg1" "arg2 under coach arg1" "arg2 coach arg1" ] using (jack_del_rio, team)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Steve arg1" "arg2 along with Steve arg1" "arg2 without Steve arg1" "arg2 has Steve arg1" ] using (nash, team)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 coach arg1" "arg2 head coach arg1" "arg2 by new coach arg1" "arg2 under coach arg1" ] using (fabio_capello, team)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was coached by arg2" "arg1 is coached by arg2" "arg1 with head coach arg2" "arg1 coach arg2" "arg1 head coach arg2" ] using (team, dale_mitchell)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 coach arg2" "arg1 was coached by arg2" "arg1 under coach arg2" "arg1 head coach arg2" ] using (team, pete_carroll)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 officially changed its name to arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (cardinals, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 officially changed its name to arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (team, cardinals)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 officially changed its name to arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (cardinals, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 officially changed its name to arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (team, cardinals)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is formerly known as arg2" "arg1 was earlier known as arg2" "arg1 was formerly known as arg2" ] using (team, philadelphia_warriors)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is formerly known as arg2" "arg1 was earlier known as arg2" "arg1 was formerly known as arg2" ] using (philadelphia_warriors, team)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is formerly known as arg2" "arg1 was earlier known as arg2" "arg1 was formerly known as arg2" ] using (team, philadelphia_warriors)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is formerly known as arg2" "arg1 was earlier known as arg2" "arg1 was formerly known as arg2" ] using (philadelphia_warriors, team)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and head coach arg1" "arg2 fired head coach arg1" "arg2 under coach arg1" "arg2 coach arg1" ] using (jack_del_rio, team)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Steve arg1" "arg2 along with Steve arg1" "arg2 without Steve arg1" "arg2 has Steve arg1" ] using (nash, team)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (team, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (team, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (team, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (team, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Rabbit and his arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Rabbit and his arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Rabbit and his arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Rabbit and his arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (team, cardinals)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (cardinals, team)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 beat the Boston Red arg1" "arg2 or the Boston Red arg1" "arg2 beat the Chicago White arg1" ] using (team, sox)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 lost to the Boston arg1" "arg2 beat the Boston arg1" ] using (team, red_sox)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 lost to the Boston arg1" "arg2 beat the Boston arg1" ] using (red_sox, team)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 beat the Boston Red arg1" "arg2 or the Boston Red arg1" "arg2 beat the Chicago White arg1" ] using (sox, team)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (team, cardinals)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (cardinals, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" ] using (knicks, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" ] using (team, knicks)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the the United arg1" "arg2 lost to the United arg1" "arg2 besides the United arg1" "arg2 and the United arg1" "arg2 members to the United arg1" "arg2 of the Community of Independent arg1" "arg2 plays the United arg1" "arg2 meets the United arg1" "arg2 before emigrating to the United arg1" "arg2 hopes the United arg1" "arg2 will play the United arg1" "arg2 beat the United arg1" "arg2 before moving to the United arg1" "arg2 but in the United arg1" "arg2 defeated the United arg1" "arg2 and moved to the United arg1" "arg2 as opposed to the United arg1" ] using (states, team)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from Tokyo Institute of arg1" "arg2 at New Jersey Institute of arg1" "arg2 from Massachusetts Institute of arg1" "arg2 from Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Tokyo Institute of arg1" "arg2 at Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 at the Darmstadt University of arg1" "arg2 from the Warsaw University of arg1" "arg2 from the Chalmers University of arg1" "arg2 from Graz University of arg1" "arg2 from Illinois Institute of arg1" "arg2 at Amirkabir University of arg1" "arg2 from the Technion Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Delft University of arg1" "arg2 from the Eindhoven University of arg1" "arg2 from Eindhoven University of arg1" "arg2 from the Illinois Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Karlsruhe Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Indian Institute of arg1" "arg2 from Delft University of arg1" "arg2 from Stevens Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the California Institute of arg1" "arg2 at the Israel Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Georgia Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Massachusetts Institute of arg1" "arg2 from the Royal Institute of arg1" "arg2 at the Georgia Institute of arg1" ] using (technology, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Trustees and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Senior arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Finance arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Trustees and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Governors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors or the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors or Executive arg2" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Trustees and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Senior arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Finance arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Trustees and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Governors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors or the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors or Executive arg2" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs and the rest of arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs and the rest of arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs and the rest of arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House basketball arg2" "arg1 Rabbit and his arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House basketball arg2" "arg1 Rabbit and his arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House economic arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House advisory arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House economic arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House advisory arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 including physicians and arg1" "arg2 includes skilled arg1" "arg2 such as doctors and arg1" "arg2 consists of trained arg1" "arg2 is comprised of registered arg1" "arg2 like doctors and arg1" "arg2 includes registered arg1" "arg2 include registered arg1" "arg2 including registered arg1" "arg2 including doctors and arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 consists of highly trained arg1" "arg2 includes physicians and arg1" "arg2 consists of registered arg1" "arg2 includes highly trained arg1" ] using (nurses, team)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are trained arg1" "arg2 consists of trained arg1" "arg2 consists of seasoned arg1" "arg2 includes board certified arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 includes licensed arg1" ] using (clinicians, team)
CPL @1095 (99.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 consists of trained arg1" "arg2 consists of seasoned arg1" "arg2 consists of highly qualified arg1" "arg2 are seasoned arg1" "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 of factory trained arg1" "arg2 and nurse arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 of experienced design arg1" ] using (consultants, team)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 includes highly trained arg1" "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 includes skilled arg1" ] using (craftsmen, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 committed to superior arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to providing exceptional arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 provides attentive arg1" "arg2 provides impeccable arg1" "arg2 is committed to providing outstanding arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to providing excellent arg1" "arg2 dedicated to providing exceptional arg1" "arg2 committed to excellent arg1" "arg2 are committed to providing excellent arg1" "arg2 is committed to providing exceptional arg1" "arg2 provides exemplary arg1" "arg2 will provide you with excellent arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to providing outstanding arg1" ] using (customer_service, team)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 includes licensed arg1" "arg2 consists of licensed arg1" "arg2 including physicians and arg1" ] using (dentists, team)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 consists of licensed arg1" "arg2 of healthcare professionals includes arg1" "arg2 consists of highly qualified arg1" ] using (doctors, team)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 includes highly trained arg1" "arg2 consists of trained arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" ] using (educators, team)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 are highly skilled arg1" "arg2 of factory trained service arg1" "arg2 consists of licensed arg1" "arg2 includes registered professional arg1" "arg2 is comprised of highly qualified arg1" "arg2 consists of trained arg1" "arg2 members are certified arg1" "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 of factory trained arg1" "arg2 of professional appliance arg1" "arg2 includes physicians and arg1" "arg2 of degreed arg1" "arg2 of experienced design arg1" "arg2 includes licensed professional arg1" "arg2 includes civil arg1" "arg2 consists of highly qualified arg1" "arg2 of experienced service arg1" "arg2 includes degreed arg1" "arg2 includes licensed arg1" "arg2 consists of seasoned arg1" "arg2 of registered professional arg1" "arg2 of highly trained and certified arg1" ] using (engineers, team)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 includes nationally recognized arg1" "arg2 of factory trained arg1" "arg2 are fully trained arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 is comprised of certified arg1" "arg2 consists of seasoned arg1" "arg2 of experienced service arg1" "arg2 and skilled arg1" "arg2 includes highly trained arg1" "arg2 is comprised of highly qualified arg1" "arg2 includes board certified arg1" "arg2 and other subject matter arg1" "arg2 members are trained arg1" "arg2 of degreed arg1" "arg2 are highly qualified arg1" "arg2 are trained arg1" "arg2 consists of highly trained arg1" "arg2 of experienced design arg1" "arg2 are all highly qualified arg1" "arg2 consists of highly qualified arg1" "arg2 are seasoned arg1" ] using (experts, team)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and dedicated support arg2" "arg1 or academic staff arg2" "arg1 members and administrative arg2" "arg1 and student services arg2" "arg1 member or faculty arg2" ] using (faculty, team)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 consists of seasoned arg1" "arg2 are trained arg1" ] using (industry_professionals, team)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is comprised of certified arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 includes highly trained arg1" ] using (investigators, team)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of communications and information technology arg1" "arg2 includes skilled arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" ] using (lawyers, team)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 includes skilled arg1" "arg2 consists of seasoned arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" ] using (litigators, team)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 is comprised of highly trained arg1" "arg2 of experienced service arg1" "arg2 consists of seasoned arg1" ] using (managers, team)
CPL @1112 (75.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 includes board certified arg1" ] using (pediatricians, team)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 are highly experienced arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 and nurse arg1" "arg2 consists of highly trained arg1" "arg2 or nurse arg1" "arg2 is comprised of registered arg1" "arg2 consists of highly qualified arg1" ] using (practitioners, team)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 includes physicians and arg1" "arg2 includes licensed arg1" "arg2 consists of highly qualified arg1" "arg2 are highly qualified and experienced arg1" ] using (psychologists, team)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of factory trained arg1" "arg2 includes skilled arg1" "arg2 of experienced service arg1" ] using (representatives, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is dedicated to providing exceptional arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to providing superior arg1" "arg2 committed to excellent arg1" "arg2 are trained in customer arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to superior arg1" "arg2 is committed to providing exceptional arg1" "arg2 are committed to providing excellent arg1" "arg2 provides impeccable arg1" "arg2 provide a personal arg1" "arg2 will provide personalized arg1" "arg2 takes pride in providing personalized arg1" "arg2 always at your arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to providing excellent arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to customer arg1" "arg2 is dedicated to providing outstanding arg1" "arg2 is committed to providing outstanding arg1" "arg2 provides attentive arg1" "arg2 provides superior customer arg1" "arg2 provides outstanding customer arg1" "arg2 ready to provide personalized arg1" "arg2 is committed to providing excellent arg1" "arg2 who are always at your arg1" "arg2 dedicated to providing exceptional arg1" "arg2 are committed to customer arg1" "arg2 provides excellent customer arg1" "arg2 will provide you with quality arg1" "arg2 will provide you with personalized arg1" "arg2 will provide a level of arg1" "arg2 look forward to being of arg1" "arg2 provides great customer arg1" "arg2 provide excellent customer arg1" "arg2 are dedicated to customer arg1" ] using (service, team)
CPL @1116 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 and our highly trained arg2" "arg1 and skilled arg2" "arg1 and dedicated support arg2" "arg1 provided by you and your arg2" "arg1 provided by an expert arg2" "arg1 provided by our professional arg2" "arg1 offered by the Career Services arg2" "arg1 provided by our experienced arg2" "arg1 are provided by professional arg2" "arg1 are provided by qualified arg2" "arg1 provided by our dedicated arg2" ] using (services, team)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are highly trained arg1" "arg2 of experienced service arg1" "arg2 is comprised of certified arg1" "arg2 and skilled arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 of experienced design arg1" "arg2 consists of highly trained arg1" "arg2 of highly trained and certified arg1" "arg2 consists of highly qualified arg1" "arg2 includes engineers and arg1" "arg2 of factory trained arg1" "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 is comprised of highly trained arg1" "arg2 of factory trained service arg1" "arg2 are highly trained and experienced arg1" ] using (technicians, team)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are seasoned arg1" "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" ] using (trial_lawyers, team)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 ranging from skilled arg1" "arg2 includes skilled arg1" "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 and skilled arg1" ] using (workers, team)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 of factory trained service arg1" "arg2 of degreed arg1" "arg2 consists of experienced arg1" "arg2 consists of skilled arg1" ] using (writers, team)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in all of Major League arg1" "arg2 in Major League arg1" "arg2 in Division III arg1" "arg2 in the Major League arg1" "arg2 in all of Minor League arg1" "arg2 in Minor League arg1" "arg2 in Nippon Professional arg1" ] using (baseball, team)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is playing their best arg1" "arg2 in college arg1" "arg2 to ever play arg1" "arg2 in major college arg1" "arg2 sports such as soccer and arg1" "arg2 played inspired arg1" "arg2 to watch in college arg1" "arg2 in the history of professional arg1" "arg2 ever to play college arg1" "arg2 that made me love arg1" "arg2 in NCAA Division I arg1" "arg2 in all of college arg1" "arg2 in black college arg1" "arg2 in all of minor league arg1" "arg2 playing his best arg1" "arg2 in Division I college arg1" "arg2 in Division III arg1" "arg2 in American college arg1" "arg2 in the history of college arg1" "arg2 in fantasy arg1" ] using (basketball, team)
CPL @1108 (100.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 in Division III arg1" "arg2 in the history of pro arg1" "arg2 in major league arg1" "arg2 in the history of college arg1" "arg2 in fantasy arg1" "arg2 in the history of team arg1" "arg2 in college arg1" "arg2 in all of college arg1" "arg2 in Minor League arg1" "arg2 in the history of professional arg1" "arg2 in professional American arg1" ] using (sports, team)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 win their first arg1" "arg2 won the league arg1" "arg2 won the NFL arg1" "arg2 win the national arg1" ] using (championship, team)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and head coach arg1" "arg2 is currently coached by arg1" "arg2 is coached by arg1" ] using (randy_shannon, team)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is coached by arg1" "arg2 with head coach arg1" "arg2 coach arg1" "arg2 head coach arg1" ] using (dale_mitchell, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House economic arg2" "arg1 are the official colors of arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House and the intelligence arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House national security arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House technology arg2" "arg1 House foreign policy arg2" "arg1 House medical arg2" "arg1 House climate arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 Sox were arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House advisory arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House communications arg2" "arg1 House spin arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House economic arg2" "arg1 are the official colors of arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House and the intelligence arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House national security arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House technology arg2" "arg1 House foreign policy arg2" "arg1 House medical arg2" "arg1 House climate arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 Sox were arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House advisory arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House communications arg2" "arg1 House spin arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (team, cardinals)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (cardinals, team)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 beat the Boston Red arg1" "arg2 or the Boston Red arg1" "arg2 beat the Chicago White arg1" ] using (team, sox)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 lost to the Boston arg1" "arg2 beat the Boston arg1" ] using (team, red_sox)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 lost to the Boston arg1" "arg2 beat the Boston arg1" ] using (red_sox, team)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 beat the Boston Red arg1" "arg2 or the Boston Red arg1" "arg2 beat the Chicago White arg1" ] using (sox, team)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (team, cardinals)
CPL @1116 (87.5%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (cardinals, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" ] using (knicks, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" ] using (team, knicks)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" ] using (team, assistance_contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
SEAL @670 (100.0%) on 16-dec-2012 [ 123456 ] using (team, questions_contact)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" ] using (team, questions_contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (team, call)
SEAL @664 (100.0%) on 27-nov-2012 [ 123456789 ] using (team, call)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" ] using (team, clinton_white)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 coach arg2" "arg1 head coach arg2" "arg1 by new coach arg2" "arg1 under coach arg2" ] using (team, fabio_capello)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was coached by arg2" "arg1 is coached by arg2" "arg1 with head coach arg2" "arg1 coach arg2" "arg1 head coach arg2" ] using (team, dale_mitchell)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 officially changed its name to arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (cardinals, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 will play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 play the Arizona arg2" "arg1 officially changed its name to arg2" "arg1 defeated the Arizona arg2" ] using (team, cardinals)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (team, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Rabbit and his arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Rabbit and his arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (team, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (team, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Prine and arg2" "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Fossett and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" ] using (team, giants)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" ] using (giants, team)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" ] using (team, giants)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 played the New York arg1" "arg2 defeated the New York arg1" "arg2 play the New York arg1" "arg2 take on the New York arg1" ] using (giants, team)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, send)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, circumstances)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (team, call)
SEAL @664 (100.0%) on 27-nov-2012 [ 123456789 ] using (team, call)
CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" ] using (team, contact_technical_support_contact)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, send)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, send)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (team, call)
SEAL @664 (100.0%) on 27-nov-2012 [ 123456789 ] using (team, call)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (team, call)
SEAL @664 (100.0%) on 27-nov-2012 [ 123456789 ] using (team, call)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, send)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, circumstances)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, send)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (team, call)
SEAL @664 (100.0%) on 27-nov-2012 [ 123456789 ] using (team, call)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" ] using (team, assistance_contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (team, call)
SEAL @664 (100.0%) on 27-nov-2012 [ 123456789 ] using (team, call)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, send)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 the Connect arg1" "arg2 our Public Relations arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 our tech support arg1" "arg2 our human resources arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 the Development Services arg1" "arg2 our experienced sales arg1" "arg2 the Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Relations arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Sales arg1" "arg2 our Member Services arg1" "arg2 the customer support arg1" "arg2 the Support arg1" "arg2 the technical support arg1" "arg2 us and our customer service arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our technical sales arg1" "arg2 our sales support arg1" "arg2 our Concierge arg1" "arg2 our Technical Service arg1" "arg2 our sales and marketing arg1" "arg2 your Cisco account arg1" "arg2 our order arg1" "arg2 the Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Corporate Sales arg1" "arg2 the Technical Support arg1" "arg2 the Member Services arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 our enquiry arg1" "arg2 our Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our Tech Support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our subscriptions arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our Marketing arg1" "arg2 the Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our public relations arg1" "arg2 our HR arg1" "arg2 our member services arg1" "arg2 our Customer Services arg1" "arg2 our Client Services arg1" "arg2 our dedicated sales arg1" "arg2 the Web site arg1" "arg2 us if you need our arg1" "arg2 our business development arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our advertising sales arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our Service arg1" "arg2 our Business Development arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our media relations arg1" "arg2 our inside sales arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our client services arg1" "arg2 our Sales and Marketing arg1" "arg2 our Technical Support arg1" ] using (team, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our customer care arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 the Customer Support arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our customer support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, case)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 a member of our sales arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" ] using (team, call)
SEAL @664 (100.0%) on 27-nov-2012 [ 123456789 ] using (team, call)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our Support arg1" "arg2 our technical support arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" ] using (team, send)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the lives of my arg2" "arg1 and the life of my arg2" "arg1 and the life of his arg2" "arg1 or the life of your arg2" "arg1 and the lives of his arg2" "arg1 and the life of your arg2" "arg1 and the lives of your arg2" ] using (life, team)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 who do stupid arg1" "arg2 do bad arg1" "arg2 doing extraordinary arg1" "arg2 can do extraordinary arg1" ] using (things, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey Nets basketball arg2" "arg1 England is a great arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York legal arg2" "arg1 York Yankees baseball arg2" "arg1 Brunswick is arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 York has been arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 Zealand is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 York Jets football arg2" "arg1 York has always been arg2" "arg1 England Patriots football arg2" "arg1 Jersey Devils hockey arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 England became arg2" "arg1 Zealand to be arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Orleans is a great arg2" "arg1 England is arg2" "arg1 Zealand was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Mexico is arg2" "arg1 Zealand our arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 York hotel reservation arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 Orleans is arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a good arg2" "arg1 Hampshire has been arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Orleans Saints football arg2" "arg1 Zealand rugby arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is arg2" "arg1 York Mets baseball arg2" "arg1 Zealand New Zealand is arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Zealand and the rest of arg2" "arg1 York publishing arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 York had become arg2" "arg1 York Islanders hockey arg2" "arg1 York is a good arg2" "arg1 Mexico was arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 Orleans Hornets basketball arg2" "arg1 York and our arg2" "arg1 York Giants football arg2" "arg1 Zealand cricket arg2" "arg1 Zealand web arg2" "arg1 York Knicks basketball arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York theatre arg2" "arg1 Zealand research arg2" "arg1 York or New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Orleans and is arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a good arg2" "arg1 England Revolution soccer arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" "arg1 York Rangers hockey arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 England Patriots football arg2" "arg1 Zealand cricket arg2" "arg1 York Yankees baseball arg2" ] using (the_new, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey Nets basketball arg2" "arg1 England is a great arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York financial arg2" "arg1 York legal arg2" "arg1 York Jets at arg2" "arg1 York Giants baseball arg2" "arg1 York Yankees baseball arg2" "arg1 Leaders for New Schools arg2" "arg1 Brunswick is arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 York has been arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 Zealand is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 York Jets football arg2" "arg1 York has always been arg2" "arg1 York Post reports arg2" "arg1 England Patriots football arg2" "arg1 Jersey Devils hockey arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 Zealand and arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York media arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 England became arg2" "arg1 Zealand to be arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Orleans is a great arg2" "arg1 England is arg2" "arg1 York dance arg2" "arg1 Zealand was the first arg2" "arg1 Zealand All Blacks rugby arg2" "arg1 Orleans is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Mexico is arg2" "arg1 York college arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 York hotel reservation arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 Orleans is arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 York City and our arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a good arg2" "arg1 Hampshire has been arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Orleans Saints football arg2" "arg1 York field arg2" "arg1 York on our arg2" "arg1 Zealand rugby arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is arg2" "arg1 York Mets baseball arg2" "arg1 Zealand New Zealand is arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Zealand and the rest of arg2" "arg1 York publishing arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 York had become arg2" "arg1 York Islanders hockey arg2" "arg1 York is a good arg2" "arg1 Mexico was arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 Orleans Hornets basketball arg2" "arg1 York and our arg2" "arg1 Zealand leads arg2" "arg1 York Giants football arg2" "arg1 Jersey is a good arg2" "arg1 York Mets farm arg2" "arg1 Zealand are arg2" "arg1 Zealand cricket arg2" "arg1 Zealand web arg2" "arg1 York Knicks basketball arg2" "arg1 York City their arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York theatre arg2" "arg1 Zealand research arg2" "arg1 York or New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Orleans and is arg2" "arg1 York State Department of Labor arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a good arg2" "arg1 Zealand design arg2" "arg1 England Revolution soccer arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" "arg1 York Rangers hockey arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1107 (87.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 England Patriots football arg2" "arg1 Zealand cricket arg2" "arg1 York Yankees baseball arg2" ] using (the_new, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Trustees and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Senior arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Finance arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Trustees and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Governors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors or the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors or Executive arg2" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Trustees and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Senior arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Finance arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Trustees and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Governors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors or the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors or Executive arg2" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (team, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (team, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (team, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Trustees and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Senior arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Finance arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Trustees and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Governors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors or the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors or Executive arg2" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of Trustees and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Senior arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Finance arg2" "arg1 of Directors and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Trustees and Executive arg2" "arg1 of Governors and the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors or the Executive arg2" "arg1 of Directors and the Management arg2" "arg1 of Directors or Executive arg2" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (team, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (team, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (team, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Mexico became the first arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Mexico is the only arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the only arg2" "arg1 York is a big arg2" "arg1 York led arg2" "arg1 York as his arg2" "arg1 York is a great arg2" "arg1 Jersey or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the only arg2" "arg1 Mexico is a great arg2" "arg1 Zealand is a great arg2" "arg1 York his arg2" "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York became the first arg2" "arg1 members of the editorial arg2" "arg1 York was the only arg2" "arg1 England has been arg2" "arg1 Zealand his arg2" "arg1 Hampshire was the first arg2" "arg1 Orleans a better arg2" "arg1 Jersey and into arg2" "arg1 Jersey or arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York on their arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 York or any other arg2" "arg1 York is the best arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs told arg2" "arg1 Ballmer and arg2" "arg1 Jobs and the rest of arg2" "arg1 Jobs created arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs and his arg2" "arg1 Jobs and arg2" ] using (steve, team)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 coach arg2" "arg1 head coach arg2" "arg1 by new coach arg2" "arg1 under coach arg2" ] using (team, fabio_capello)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 by head coach arg2" "arg1 coach arg2" "arg1 is coached by arg2" "arg1 under head coach arg2" ] using (team, pia_sundhage)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House vetting arg1" "arg2 House staff and arg1" "arg2 House economic arg1" "arg2 are the official colors of arg1" "arg2 House public relations arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House and the intelligence arg1" "arg2 House liaison arg1" "arg2 House national security arg1" "arg2 House security arg1" "arg2 House review arg1" "arg2 House environmental arg1" "arg2 House and the Obama arg1" "arg2 House speechwriting arg1" "arg2 House technology arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House foreign policy arg1" "arg2 House news arg1" "arg2 House basketball arg1" "arg2 Sox are the only arg1" "arg2 House trade arg1" "arg2 House media arg1" "arg2 House medical arg1" "arg2 House climate arg1" "arg2 House strategy arg1" "arg2 House advance arg1" "arg2 Sox were arg1" "arg2 House press arg1" "arg2 House transition arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 Sox became the first arg1" "arg2 House and a new arg1" "arg2 House legal arg1" "arg2 Sox broadcast arg1" "arg2 House says that arg1" "arg2 House travel arg1" "arg2 House advisory arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House communications arg1" "arg2 House hit arg1" "arg2 House spin arg1" "arg2 House economics arg1" "arg2 House political arg1" "arg2 House counterterrorism arg1" "arg2 Sox farm arg1" ] using (team, white)
CPL @1098 (99.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 in college arg1" "arg2 in all of college arg1" "arg2 ever in college arg1" "arg2 in minor league arg1" "arg2 in modern college arg1" "arg2 in major college arg1" "arg2 in fantasy arg1" ] using (football_history, team)
CPL @1108 (98.4%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York hotel reservation arg2" "arg1 York field arg2" "arg1 Zealand and the rest of arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 Zealand leads arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1108 (98.4%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York hotel reservation arg2" "arg1 York field arg2" "arg1 Zealand and the rest of arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 Zealand leads arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1108 (98.4%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is the first arg2" "arg1 York hotel reservation arg2" "arg1 York field arg2" "arg1 Zealand and the rest of arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is the only arg2" "arg1 Zealand leads arg2" ] using (new, team)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (team, board)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of Trustees and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and an Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Finance arg1" "arg2 Members and Senior Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors and Advisory arg1" "arg2 of Trustees and Executive arg1" "arg2 of Governors and the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors or the Executive arg1" "arg2 of Directors and the Management arg1" "arg2 of Directors or Executive arg1" "arg2 and its Executive arg1" ] using (board, team)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House economic arg2" "arg1 are the official colors of arg2" "arg1 House public relations arg2" "arg1 House budget arg2" "arg1 House and the intelligence arg2" "arg1 House liaison arg2" "arg1 House national security arg2" "arg1 House environmental arg2" "arg1 House speechwriting arg2" "arg1 House technology arg2" "arg1 House foreign policy arg2" "arg1 House medical arg2" "arg1 House climate arg2" "arg1 House advance arg2" "arg1 Sox were arg2" "arg1 House transition arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House and a new arg2" "arg1 House legal arg2" "arg1 House travel arg2" "arg1 House advisory arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House communications arg2" "arg1 House spin arg2" ] using (white, team)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 coach arg1" "arg2 head coach arg1" "arg2 by new coach arg1" "arg2 under coach arg1" ] using (fabio_capello, team)