university_of_brighton (university)
literal strings: University Of Brighton, university of brighton, University of Brighton
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- university(100.0%)
- CMC @751 (100.0%) on 11-jul-2013 [ PREFIX=univ 5.19467 PREFIX=unive 5.18498 PREFIX=un 3.39645 FIRST_WORD=university 3.27915 PREFIX=uni 3.12416 POS=IN 2.36034 SUFFIX=ton 1.68800 FULL_POS=NN_IN_NN -0.70414 CHARS -0.74812 WORDS -2.83249 ] using university_of_brighton
- LE @1097 (53.2%) on 20-jan-2018
- OE @820 (99.7%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using university_of_brighton
- SEAL @206 (96.9%) on 12-feb-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 5 ] using university_of_brighton
- school(100.0%)
- SEAL @206 (75.0%) on 12-feb-2011 [ 1 2 ] using university_of_brighton