CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=sch 2.74110 PREFIX=scho 2.69630 PREFIX=sc 2.36483 SUFFIX=aw 2.16605 SUFFIX=chool 2.06424 SUFFIX=hool 2.06424 PREFIX=schoo 2.05543 POS=NN -1.18359 WORDS -7.13852 CHARS -7.28249 ] using yale_law_school
SEAL @155 (98.4%) on 28-sep-2010 [ 123456 ] using yale_law_school
CPL @1097 (99.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "universities worldwide , including _" "he graduated from _" "political science at _" "LL.M. degrees from _" "policy professor at _" "Tennessee , graduated from _" "law faculty at _" "second-year law student at _" "year student at _" "former professor at _" "society was founded at _" "graduate student at _" "law at _" "science at _" "Mr. Miller attended _" "He graduates from _" "Science degree from _" "Doctor degree at _" "adjunct law professor at _" "Davis graduated from _" "graduate work at _" "economics at _" "Project , based at _" "Juris Doctorate degree at _" "chaired professor at _" "JD is from _" "Christine graduated from _" "Juris Doctor at _" "JD candidate at _" "Ford graduated from _" "law expert at _" "Goldstein graduated from _" "first-year student at _" "human rights law from _" "corporate law from _" "Stein graduated from _" "J.D. is from _" "L.L.B. degree from _" "Doctorate degree at _" "comparative law at _" "research appointment at _" "assistant dean at _" "adjunct professor at _" "researchers at _" "magna cum laude from _" "Laws degrees from _" "journalism fellow at _" "African-American graduate of _" "African American professor at _" "American student at _" "Karen graduated from _" "J.D. degree from _" "B.A. degrees from _" "first year law student at _" "law degree is from _" "finance professor at _" "Roth graduated from _" "JD/MBA program at _" "Juris Doctor from _" "Association conference at _" "She is currently attending _" "Law Degree from _" "third year law student at _" "law clinic at _" "She graduated from _" "law degree , from _" "Kathryn graduated from _" "LL.M. program at _" "constitutional law expert at _" "deanship at _" "professor at _" "He is currently attending _" "post-graduate study at _" "honors from _" "law degree magna cum laude from _" "human rights law at _" "University , then attended _" "Nina graduated from _" "Marshall graduated from _" "LLM degree from _" "cum laude from _" "young professor at _" "law studies from _" "cum laude , from _" "laude , from _" "B. degree from _" "LL.B from _" "Matt graduated from _" "Law Program at _" "Jurisprudence from _" "Paul graduated from _" "J.D. program at _" "student at _" "J.D. candidate at _" "universities , including _" "First Amendment law at _" "year law student at _" "honors graduate of _" "famous professor at _" "He then enrolled at _" "student-run organization at _" "she then attended _" "he was studying at _" "post graduate degree from _" "Cox graduated from _" "Page graduated from _" "Jones graduated from _" "LL.D. from _" "Stephen graduated from _" "Ivy League education at _" "Juris Doctor degree from _" "She later enrolled in _" "He graduated from _" "environmental law at _" "international law professor at _" "juris doctorate degree from _" "post-doctoral work at _" "juris doctor degree from _" "media fellow at _" "Studies at _" "law student at _" "Stewart graduated from _" "juris doctor from _" "international human rights law at _" "law journal at _" "legal history at _" "postgraduate studies at _" "advanced law degree from _" "last semester at _" "law degrees from _" "Brown graduated from _" "rights law at _" "first job out of _" "graduate degree from _" "LL.M. degree from _" "first-year law student at _" "J.D. at _" "Doctor degree from _" "J.D. degree at _" "Juris Doctor degree at _" "University , graduated from _" "He later graduated from _" "legal degree from _" "degrees from _" "black professor at _" "JD degree at _" "alumni magazine of _" "teaching fellow at _" "law degree from _" "he had taught at _" "_ educated attorney" "law schools including _" "graduate of _" "Pennsylvania , graduated from _" "law professor at _" "Meyer graduated from _" "I graduated from _" "He subsequently graduated from _" "White graduated from _" "Evans graduated from _" "magna cum laude , from _" "Richardson graduated from _" "Juris Doctorate degree from _" "JD from _" "LLB degree from _" "American professor at _" "I was graduating from _" "lecturer at _" "League education at _" "J.D. from _" "laws degree from _" "junior year of _" "Laws degree from _" "_ 's Information Society Project" "J.S.D. degrees from _" "she enrolled at _" "American graduate of _" "jurisprudence degree from _" "degree at _" "doctorate from _" "distinguished professor at _" "constitutional law professor at _" "He also has taught at _" "legal studies from _" "JD degree from _" "Fisher graduated from _" "associate dean at _" "honorary degree from _" "doctoral position at _" "degree from _" "Amendment law at _" "LL.B. degree from _" "rights law from _" "summa cum laude from _" "summer course at _" "studies at _" "laude from _" "trial advocacy at _" "doctor degree from _" "assistant adjunct professor at _" "lawyer educated at _" "Robertson graduated from _" "JD at _" "degree magna cum laude from _" "juris doctorate from _" "tax professor at _" "faculty at _" "Doctorate degree from _" "She has also taught at _" "academic institutions including _" "_ 's law review" "Jurisprudence degree from _" "LL.M. degree at _" "African American graduate of _" "trial practice at _" ] using yale_law_school
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Fisher graduated from arg2" "arg1 Clinton attended arg2" "arg1 Clinton graduated from arg2" ] using (bill, yale_law_school)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Fisher graduated from arg2" "arg1 Clinton attended arg2" "arg1 Clinton graduated from arg2" ] using (bill, yale_law_school)