CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ SUFFIX=eans 2.09296 LASTSUFFIX=eans 1.54635 PREFIX=soy 1.30952 LASTPREFIX=so 1.28215 LASTPREFIX=soy 0.98144 PREFIX=so 0.96784 PREFIX=soybe 0.95248 FULL_WORDSHAPE=A -0.31048 WORDS -0.49785 CHARS -1.66571 ] using soybeans
CPL @1107 (90.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ are the main crop" "_ provide calcium" "foods like _" "agricultural commodities such as _" "cash crops like _" "_ fix nitrogen" "_ is a legume" "_ are an important crop" "other grains such as _" "_ are a healthy food" "_ are self-pollinating" "_ are high" "_ are turning color" "_ are soft" "_ contain complete protein" "_ are another food" "_ need regular watering" "food crops such as _" "_ are a major crop" ] using soybeans
CPL @1112 (71.9%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "milk , whole _" "traditional crops , such as _" "tofu , green _" "aphids off _" "Dietary sources include _" "_ seasoned with" "important crops include _" "soy sauce , green _" "sensitive crops such as _" "food crops , such as _" "Primary crops include _" "annual crops like _" "cob , green _" "single crop of _" "potatoes , green _" "bamboo shoots , green _" "other grains , such as _" "potato salad , green _" "beans , green _" "_ interseeded into" "products , fermented _" "_ are a major crop" "area planted to _" "certain vegetables such as _" "crop plants such as _" "other food crops such as _" "mixture of cooked _" "Common crops are _" "specialty varieties of _" "soyfoods such as _" "sesame seeds , black _" "Principal crops are _" "Weeds compete with _" "profitable crops such as _" "principal crops were _" "oxalic acid , such as _" "cultivated crops such as _" "rice with green _" "areas are cropped to _" "plant-based foods such as _" "plain boiled _" "Many foods , such as _" "rice , black _" "_ have a glycemic index" "crops are mainly _" "veggies such as _" "staple crops like _" "salad , green _" "vegetables , like _" "vegetable oils , such as _" "corn following _" "foods , such as _" "important pests of _" "important crops , such as _" "grain crops like _" "handful of roasted _" "nodulation of _" "cash crop is _" "greens , fresh _" "food commodities , such as _" "nuts , whole _" "wheat , whole _" "wild relatives of _" "Other important crops are _" "_ tossed with" "bowl of steamed _" "fields of ripe _" "important crops , including _" "export crops such as _" "_ are tender" "_ are the principal crops" "feed grains such as _" "field crops are _" "improved varieties of _" "disease-resistant varieties of _" "Agricultural products such as _" "Other crops like _" "Crops grown include _" "milk , cooked _" "different crops such as _" "Roundup Ready _" "season crops like _" "isoflavone found in _" "land is planted to _" "major pest of _" "double cropping of _" "foods , including _" "cover crop such as _" "seasonings such as _" "major crops such as _" "eggplant , roasted _" "crops grown are _" "high fiber foods such as _" "soy products , such as _" "potato , boiled _" "Major crops are _" "seeds , whole _" "rats fed genetically modified _" "beans , also known as _" "tofu , boiled _" "products made from whole _" "peas , cooked _" "important crops like _" "walnuts , green _" "main crops grown are _" "burger made from _" "nitrogen fixation of _" "onion , roasted _" "land was planted to _" "corn follows _" "major crops including _" "_ are an important crop" "legumes , like _" "_ are the main crops" "principal crops are _" "beverage produced from _" "nutritional benefits of whole _" "foods made with whole _" "ground yellow _" "_ lose nutrients" "Tofu is made from _" "cattle , grew _" "soy foods such as _" "various crops such as _" "boston baked _" "chief crops are _" "tofu , black _" "small seeded _" "staple foods like _" "Legumes such as _" "products are made with certified organic _" "major crops like _" "crop species such as _" "chlorosis of _" "planting of green _" "other grains like _" "certain crops like _" "_ marinated with" "bowl , combine cooked _" "brown rice , whole _" "farm price of _" "plant sources , such as _" "phytoestrogen found in _" "sensitive crops like _" "celery , green _" "cash crops such as _" "curd made from _" "other crops , like _" "_ are important crops" "alfalfa , green _" "staple crops such as _" "_ are the staple crops" "foods such as _" "row crops , such as _" "preparation of fermented _" "crop rotations with _" "_ tastes like" "_ are also important crops" "_ are the only vegetable" "certain vegetables , such as _" "Other important crops include _" "Principal crops include _" "protein sources , such as _" "_ are the main food crops" "peanuts , roasted _" "nutrients found in whole _" "new crops , such as _" "beans , black _" "broth , black _" "agricultural crops like _" "Main crops include _" "soy products like _" "omega-D enriched _" "foods like _" "such crops as _" "other crops like _" "main crop was _" "cattle , grow _" "_ have lecithin" "vegetables such as _" "kind of fermented _" "major crops , such as _" "high protein foods like _" "foods made from whole _" "soybeans , dry _" "many foods , such as _" "commodity crops such as _" "food crops such as _" "field crops such as _" "_ contain more protein" "_ are the primary crops" "tofu , roasted _" "one-half can of _" "cover crops such as _" "soil-borne diseases of _" "kidney beans , black _" "Isoflavones are found in _" "other grains , including _" "contamination of conventional _" "susceptible crops such as _" "potatoes , fresh _" "recipes with green _" "Soy products such as _" "foods such as cooked _" "farm products like _" "peppers , black _" "annual crops such as _" "agricultural commodities such as _" "hand using fresh _" "late planting of _" "_ are boiled until" "beans , yellow _" "Other major crops include _" "recipe for mashed _" "taste of fermented _" "steam flaked _" "traditional crops such as _" "sunflower seeds , dried _" "sources include green _" "cereal , whole _" "slices , green _" "planting of transgenic _" "spinach , green _" "Crops such as _" "flavor of whole _" "late crop of _" "fields planted to _" "Phytic acid in _" "several crops including _" "Cash crops include _" "Other crops , such as _" "Isoflavones found in _" "other vegetables such as _" "_ are a complete protein" "late plantings of _" "_ are just tender" "Grains such as _" "_ topped with" "_ being the main crops" "_ marinated in" "pot of salted _" "export crops like _" "food crops include _" "key crops such as _" "acid fermentation of _" "soy products , including _" "vegetable proteins such as _" "vegetables , black _" "bacon , dried _" "ending stocks estimate for _" "nuts such as _" "noodles with green _" "organic dried _" "organic sprouted _" "Cinnamon roasted _" "foods such as black _" "_ contain enzyme inhibitors" "bowl of salted _" "areas are cultivated to _" "main crops are _" "agricultural crops include _" "vinegar , black _" "inoculants for _" "other crops , such as _" "legumes , whole _" "major crops grown are _" "greens such as _" "soy foods , such as _" "summer crops of _" "forages such as _" "farm crops such as _" "flour , whole _" "dusting of powdered _" "fruits , whole _" "Vegetables such as _" "Fusarium wilt of _" "commercial growing of _" "type of fermented _" "main crops include _" "cabbage , fried _" "smell of fermented _" "food plants such as _" "flour , dry _" "ground toasted _" "sources such as whole _" "_ are cooked al dente" "_ following alfalfa" "miso is made from _" "legume crops such as _" "traditional crops like _" "such foods as _" "such agricultural products as _" "Other crops included _" "milk , dried _" "legumes such as _" "Legumes , such as _" "foliar diseases of _" "area sown to _" "large bowl , combine cooked _" "plant foods such as _" "alternative crops such as _" "bowl , combine mashed _" "corn , green _" "commodity crops like _" "primary crops are _" "salad with _" "important crops are _" "cup of green _" "legume such as _" "_ are the main crop" "cup of cooked _" "lentils , black _" "major crops include _" "legume like _" "unsalted roasted _" "cash crops , such as _" "barley , roasted _" "amount of green _" "roots of susceptible _" "sweet corn , fresh _" "vegetable oils made from _" "cash crops include _" "carrots , cooked _" "field crops including _" "vegetable except _" "Major crops include _" "foods , like _" "flours made from _" "farm produce such as _" "chickpeas , black _" "bowl , combine _" "root nodules of _" "double cropped with _" "shoots , green _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "vegetable oils such as _" "field crops like _" "U.S. grown _" "crops produced are _" "eggplant stuffed with _" "sauce , green _" "production of certified organic _" "Main crops are _" "row crops such as _" "rice , whole _" "principal cash crops are _" "root rot of _" "bran , whole _" "carrot , green _" "common crops are _" "row crops like _" "vegetable crops , such as _" "vegetable crops like _" "dumplings , green _" "crops ranging from _" "plant foods like _" "_ were the principal crops" "form of fermented _" "summer crops such as _" "rice with black _" "whole grains such as _" "corn , roasted _" "cup of whole _" "agricultural commodities including _" "wheat follows _" "yellow vegetables such as _" "pulses such as _" "protein than whole _" "soybeans , whole _" "cultivation of transgenic _" "field was planted to _" "food crops like _" "protein foods like _" "raspberries , black _" "vegetables , such as _" "pork , black _" "imports of Brazilian _" "eggs , fortified _" "season crops such as _" "cash crops like _" "field crops , including _" "food crops , including _" "food made from fermented _" "butter is made from _" "salt , roasted _" ] using soybeans
SEAL @121 (50.0%) on 19-jun-2010 [ 1 ] using soybeans
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:soybeans agriculturalproductcomingfromvertebrate agriculturalproduct:cattle ]
SEAL @233 (99.6%) on 12-apr-2011 [ 1 2345678 ] using soybeans
CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=eans 2.22169 LASTSUFFIX=eans 1.79192 PREFIX=soy 1.27141 FULL_POS=NNS 1.24010 POS=NNS 1.19683 LASTPREFIX=soy 1.12785 PREFIX=soybe 0.94896 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.39252 WORDS -1.68262 CHARS -4.46844 ] using soybeans
CPL @1109 (51.7%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "milk , whole _" "they are made from organic _" "leading crops are _" "traditional crops , such as _" "tofu , green _" "soy sauce , green _" "sprouts , black _" "sensitive crops such as _" "field crops , such as _" "food crops , such as _" "Primary crops include _" "large seeds such as _" "annual crops like _" "cob , green _" "spinach , cooked _" "single crop of _" "varieties of transgenic _" "other crops besides _" "other agricultural products , such as _" "potatoes , green _" "record crops of _" "bamboo shoots , green _" "other grains , such as _" "potato salad , green _" "corn , yellow _" "beans , green _" "agricultural exports include _" "paste of fermented _" "main agricultural products are _" "area planted to _" "certain vegetables such as _" "crops except for _" "Common crops are _" "Principal crops are _" "Weeds compete with _" "principal crops were _" "organic sprouted whole _" "oxalic acid , such as _" "Area planted to _" "Use cooked _" "states grow _" "cultivated crops such as _" "areas are cropped to _" "plain boiled _" "planting window for _" "Ontario grown _" "Certain vegetables like _" "rice , black _" "water , whole _" "tolerant crops such as _" "crops are mainly _" "veggies such as _" "staple crops like _" "N fertilization of _" "corn following _" "important crops , such as _" "grain crops like _" "handful of roasted _" "_ are a nutritional powerhouse" "crops included _" "certain plants , such as _" "insect pests attacking _" "_ are grown mostly in" "_ are a legume" "previous crop was _" "mushrooms , fresh _" "nuts , whole _" "fats made from _" "flood irrigation of _" "_ are self-pollinating" "agricultural commodities include _" "Other important crops are _" "unnatural diet of _" "bowl of steamed _" "fields of ripe _" "ounce of dried _" "several crops , including _" "products are made with organic _" "important crops , including _" "export crops such as _" "head of green _" "wild relative of _" "vegetable oils derived from _" "feed grains such as _" "improved varieties of _" "disease-resistant varieties of _" "Agricultural products such as _" "Crops grown include _" "USA grown _" "yogurt , cooked _" "different crops such as _" "Roundup Ready _" "season crops like _" "land is planted to _" "corn , whole _" "double cropping of _" "sweet sauce made from _" "cover crop such as _" "chief crops include _" "cheese made from _" "seasonings such as _" "area is planted to _" "adoption of herbicide-tolerant _" "major crops such as _" "meal , roasted _" "eggplant , roasted _" "commercialization of transgenic _" "one-half cup of cooked _" "Major crops are _" "peanuts , black _" "seeds , whole _" "producers receive for _" "stocks estimate for _" "land planted with _" "agricultural products included _" "silo filled with _" "fresh roasted _" "important crops like _" "food allergens such as _" "sprouts , fresh _" "high-protein foods , such as _" "walnuts , green _" "earlier planting of _" "Other plants , like _" "edamame , green _" "biofuel crops like _" "can of black _" "use of herbicide-tolerant _" "other staples such as _" "onion , roasted _" "land was planted to _" "corn follows _" "major crops including _" "_ are an important crop" "legumes , like _" "principal crops are _" "_ genetically engineered with" "beverage produced from _" "_ were widely grown in" "introduction of Roundup Ready _" "ground yellow _" "mono-cropping of _" "crops as diverse as _" "crop plants like _" "_ planted the following year" "peas , black _" "use of herbicide-resistant _" "Tofu is made from _" "Phytophthora root rot of _" "they grow enough _" "boston baked _" "chief crops are _" "tofu is made from _" "tofu , black _" "Legumes such as _" "key crops like _" "_ are being grown with" "mixture of roasted _" "major crops like _" "farmers , growing _" "foliar diseases on _" "fuel , made from _" "crop species such as _" "other grains like _" "sauce made from fermented _" "agricultural products , including _" "beans with black _" "bowl , combine cooked _" "brown rice , whole _" "fewer acres to _" "farm price of _" "phytoestrogen found in _" "sensitive crops like _" "severe pest of _" "food plants like _" "paste made from fermented _" "celery , green _" "curd made from _" "alfalfa , green _" "agricultural products , such as _" "agricultural crops such as _" "_ picked right from" "soft commodities such as _" "_ are the staple crops" "_ are principal crops" "foods such as _" "herbicide resistant _" "alternative crops , such as _" "acres planted to _" "row crops , such as _" "rotation crop with _" "cucumbers , black _" "N uptake of _" "carryover stocks of _" "demand for U.S.-produced _" "herbicide tolerance in _" "certain vegetables , such as _" "Other important crops include _" "Principal crops include _" "protein , whole _" "pound of whole _" "peanuts , roasted _" "agricultural products , like _" "antioxidant found in _" "beans , black _" "broth , black _" "_ are typically planted in" "agricultural crops like _" "black beans , black _" "Main crops include _" "many vegetables including _" "foods like _" "phytonutrient found in _" "main crop was _" "_ are the major crop" "farmers shifted to _" "flour , roasted _" "cattle , grow _" "ethanol made from _" "_ is the major crop" "barley , black _" "agricultural , producing _" "area sown with _" "_ tolerate partial shade" "agriculture products are _" "vegetables such as _" "major crops , such as _" "foods made from whole _" "high-yielding varieties of _" "soybeans , dry _" "wheat followed _" "vinegar , organic _" "commodity crops such as _" "food crops such as _" "grain made from _" "field crops such as _" "one-half can of _" "cover crops such as _" "sauce , flavored with _" "kidney beans , black _" "other grains , including _" "contamination of conventional _" "cup of dried _" "susceptible crops such as _" "solani on _" "importation of Brazilian _" "farmers are switching to _" "potatoes , fresh _" "oilseeds , such as _" "recipes with green _" "Legumes , including _" "peppers , black _" "barley risotto with _" "agricultural commodities such as _" "_ genetically modified for" "late planting of _" "_ have not been grown in" "beans , yellow _" "Local farmers grow _" "Virginia grown _" "recipe for mashed _" "cheese , made from _" "water , grind _" "other protein sources such as _" "steam flaked _" "seed oils such as _" "traditional crops such as _" "sunflower seeds , dried _" "sources include green _" "cereal , whole _" "thick paste made from _" "slices , green _" "postemergence to _" "planting of transgenic _" "oil is obtained from _" "risks of transgenic _" "spinach , green _" "health properties of _" "tomatoes with _" "Crops such as _" "Foods made from _" "first genetically modified _" "flavor of whole _" "chief agricultural products are _" "content of harvested _" "bread , canned _" "late crop of _" "fields planted to _" "fish , fermented _" "_ are a new crop" "residual use of _" "Biodiesel is made from _" "several crops including _" "Cash crops include _" "price for organic _" "other vegetables such as _" "_ became a major crop" "_ are a complete protein" "late plantings of _" "leaf disease of _" "_ are just tender" "biofuel crops such as _" "agricultural products such as _" "agricultural crops , such as _" "export crops like _" "key crops such as _" "_ grown worldwide" "you use whole _" "_ are a versatile food" "_ are handpicked at" "vegetables , black _" "ending stocks estimate for _" "organic sprouted _" "fibrous foods like _" "farmers were growing _" "foods such as black _" "profitable crops like _" "_ were planted between" "areas are cultivated to _" "economic pests of _" "agricultural crops are _" "agricultural crops include _" "spring crops such as _" "It is made with organic _" "vinegar , black _" "grain crops such as _" "food crop like _" "near-isogenic lines of _" "legumes , whole _" "major crops grown are _" "ground , roasted _" "ground roasted _" "calcium rich foods such as _" "corn followed _" "tree crops , such as _" "condiment made with _" "farm crops such as _" "flour , whole _" "dusting of powdered _" "flour , mashed _" "fruits , whole _" "Vegetables such as _" "Fusarium wilt of _" "chips , whole _" "main crops include _" "_ Growing areas" "small bag of dried _" "primary crop is _" "smell of fermented _" "whole dried _" "flour , dry _" "ground toasted _" "farm products , such as _" "sources such as whole _" "virus disease of _" "germ , dried _" "miso is made from _" "leguminous plants such as _" "traditional crops like _" "such agricultural products as _" "Other crops included _" "plant family as _" "legumes such as _" "Legumes , such as _" "farmers also raise _" "whole boiled _" "varieties of whole _" "E derived from _" "plant crops such as _" "cup of organic _" "preemergence to _" "N recommendations for _" "products containing Chinese _" "porridge cooked with _" "bowl , combine mashed _" "corn , green _" "commodity crops like _" "total area planted to _" "tofu , fresh _" "root rots of _" "primary crops are _" "flow from cultivated _" "important crops are _" "cup of green _" "stem rot of _" "noodles made from _" "legume such as _" "_ are a common allergen" "_ are the main crop" "Directions Soak _" "I used dried _" "sales of raw _" "crops grown include _" "eggs , raw _" "cup of cooked _" "lentils , black _" "major crops include _" "protein rich foods such as _" "drought-resistant varieties of _" "few crops such as _" "legume like _" "Crop rotation with _" "beans , fresh _" "powder , whole _" "roots of susceptible _" "vegetable oils made from _" "bowl of cooked _" "cover crop of _" "agricultural goods like _" "brews made from _" "cash crops include _" "carrots , cooked _" "farmers received for _" "first commercial crop of _" "vegetable except _" "vegetables like _" "_ are soft" "water boiling for _" "Major crops include _" "genes have been inserted into _" "grains with whole _" "chickpeas , black _" ] using soybeans
SEAL @622 (100.0%) on 07-aug-2012 [ 123456 ] using (commodity, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 as corn and arg2" "arg1 crops like corn and arg2" "arg1 like corn or arg2" "arg1 like wheat or arg2" "arg1 such as corn or arg2" ] using (commodity, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as lentils and arg2" "arg1 like peanuts and arg2" "arg1 such as alfalfa and arg2" "arg1 such as peanuts and arg2" "arg1 such as beans and arg2" "arg1 such as peas and arg2" "arg1 like peas and arg2" "arg1 including corn and arg2" "arg1 like kidney beans and arg2" ] using (legumes, soybeans)
OE @811 (100.0%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (legumes, soybeans)
SEAL @671 (52.7%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 1234 ] using (products, soybeans)
OE @811 (100.0%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (products, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and dairy arg1" "arg2 into various food arg1" "arg2 are the primary agricultural arg1" "arg2 or other vegetable arg1" "arg2 and nonfat dairy arg1" "arg2 and other important agricultural arg1" "arg2 or other grain arg1" "arg2 and other soybean arg1" "arg2 and soy food arg1" "arg2 or soybean arg1" "arg2 and other animal feed arg1" "arg2 and other oilseed arg1" "arg2 and other soy arg1" ] using (products, soybeans)
OE @823 (98.4%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (crops, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as corn and arg2" "arg1 such as Roundup Ready arg2" "arg1 such as wheat and arg2" "arg1 grown in the area include arg2" "arg1 are corn and arg2" "arg1 include corn and arg2" "arg1 like corn and arg2" "arg1 such as sorghum and arg2" "arg1 such as peanuts and arg2" ] using (crops, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like corn and arg2" "arg1 such as corn and arg2" "arg1 include wheat and arg2" "arg1 including corn and arg2" "arg1 like corn or arg2" "arg1 such as alfalfa and arg2" "arg1 like clover and arg2" "arg1 such as corn or arg2" "arg1 like wheat and arg2" "arg1 as corn and arg2" "arg1 such as sugar cane or arg2" ] using (plants, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as corn and arg2" "arg1 such as corn or arg2" "arg1 like corn or arg2" "arg1 like wheat or arg2" "arg1 rotations where arg2" "arg1 like canola or arg2" ] using (crop, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 oil and palm arg1" "arg2 and rape seed arg1" "arg2 or soybean arg1" "arg2 and canola arg1" "arg2 or canola arg1" "arg2 and rapeseed arg1" ] using (oil, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as black beans and arg2" "arg1 like peanuts and arg2" "arg1 such as lentils and arg2" "arg1 such as corn and arg2" ] using (beans, soybeans)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as corn and arg2" "arg1 such as peanuts and arg2" "arg1 such as canola and arg2" ] using (oilseeds, soybeans)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 to feed to their arg1" "arg2 to feed people and arg1" "arg2 and feeding it to arg1" ] using (livestock, soybeans)