CPL @1095 (74.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "eye infections in _" "smaller birds such as _" "exotic pets , including _" "flock of green _" "testes of male _" "_ breed in" "domestic pets including _" "many other animals , including _" "such birds as _" "breeding of _" "_ are born naked" "smaller birds like _" "flock of _" "small birds such as _" "pets including _" "Domestic animals such as _" "bird species such as _" "other birds besides _" "_ be vaccinated for" "birds , such as _" "_ are raised in" "eggs laid by _" "breeds of _" "many species including _" "birds such as _" "other birds such as _" "birds , except _" "respiratory disease in _" "vocal learning in _" "Small animals such as _" "flock of wild _" "bird species including _" "birds , like _" "small flocks of _" "huge flocks of _" "birds other than _" "animals such as _" "pets ranging from _" "species , including _" "Huge flocks of _" "Smaller birds like _" "Birds such as _" "flocks of wild _" "swans , wild _" "other birds , such as _" "aviary full of _" "small birds , such as _" "habits of wild _" "_ are such social animals" "small birds like _" ] using budgerigars
SEAL @11 (50.0%) on 14-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using budgerigars
CPL @1095 (79.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "birds ranging from _" "smaller birds such as _" "pet birds such as _" "birds including _" "flock of green _" "desert birds such as _" "such birds as _" "smaller birds like _" "flock of _" "birds such as wild _" "small birds such as _" "bird species such as _" "other birds besides _" "birds , such as _" "_ are gregarious birds" "birds besides _" "_ are the only bird" "large flocks of _" "eggs laid by _" "birds such as _" "other birds such as _" "_ eat grass seeds" "birds , except _" "_ have feathers" "vocal learning in _" "large flock of _" "vocal development in _" "flock of wild _" "bird species including _" "emus to _" "birds include _" "birds , like _" "birds , except for _" "small flocks of _" "huge flocks of _" "birds other than _" "_ are highly nomadic" "birds , from tiny _" "parrots such as _" "Huge flocks of _" "flocks of _" "courtship display of _" "Smaller birds like _" "Birds such as _" "birds like _" "flocks of wild _" "eaters such as _" "swans , wild _" "_ are opportunistic breeders" "other birds , such as _" "aviary full of _" "small birds , such as _" "small species like _" "parrots , such as _" "small birds like _" ] using budgerigars
CPL @1095 (64.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "smaller birds such as _" "_ ' intestines" "testes of male _" "_ breed in" "domestic pets including _" "many other animals , including _" "such birds as _" "breeding of _" "species such as _" "_ are born naked" "smaller birds like _" "species including _" "animals , such as _" "birds such as wild _" "small birds such as _" "pets including _" "behaviors of wild _" "Domestic animals such as _" "bird species such as _" "animals , including _" "birds , such as _" "breeds of _" "many species including _" "birds such as _" "Small animals such as _" "_ breed within" "flock of wild _" "birds , like _" "small flocks of _" "huge flocks of _" "_ are highly nomadic" "animals such as _" "Smaller birds like _" "flocks of wild _" "swans , wild _" "other birds , such as _" "parrots , such as _" "small birds like _" ] using budgerigars