non_traditional_students (victim)
literal strings: non traditional students, Non-Traditional Students, Non-traditional students, non-traditional students
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- victim(100.0%)
- CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=stude 5.55708 SUFFIX=dents 4.34083 PREFIX=stu 3.74936 PREFIX=stud 3.71860 SUFFIX=ents 3.62934 POS=JJ 3.44020 SUFFIX=nts 3.18620 PREFIX=tra -1.46258 PREFIX=tr -1.71974 WORDS -19.45965 ] using non_traditional_students
- CPL @1104 (93.7%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "_ ’ learning styles" "_ transferring from" "_ enter the University" "_ entering medical school" "_ currently enrolled in" "_ seeking degrees" "_ ' educational experience" "_ enrolled less" "_ completing degrees" "_ enrolling at" "_ taking AP classes" "_ are working adults" "_ achieve academic success" "_ pursuing health careers" "_ enrolled in" "_ are enrolled in" "leadership opportunities for _" "_ completing bachelor" "_ seeking teacher certification" "_ pursuing careers" "_ enrolling in" "degree allows _" "_ pursuing degrees" "_ enrolled part-time" "_ pursuing undergraduate" "_ pursuing courses" "_ pursuing a college education" "assistance to worthy _" "_ ? learning styles" "_ taking courses" "_ seeking an advanced degree" "_ usually attend classes" "_ enroll in" "_ pursuing higher education" "_ already enrolled in" "_ seeking an undergraduate degree" "_ attending institutions" "_ receive a high quality education" "_ attend classes" "_ seeking scholarships" "_ entering the University" "_ attending colleges" "_ majoring in" "_ ’ learning experiences" "_ seeking internships" "_ entering college" "Scholarship is open to _" "educational loans to _" "_ ' academic performance" "_ currently enrolled at" "_ enrolled full-time" "_ seeking advanced degrees" ] using non_traditional_students
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- isshorterthan
- life
- CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg2 from all walks of arg1" ] using (life, non_traditional_students)