CPL @1097 (86.1%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ are commonly prescribed for" "_ are typically prescribed for" "Women Taking _" "_ are basically chemicals" "_ are effective treatment" "_ are powerful medications" "_ are an effective treatment" "_ are the drugs" "medicines , such as _" "meds including _" "_ are prescribed for" "drugs such as _" "high dosage of _" "_ have potential side effects" "_ are usually the first line" "_ are not addictive" "_ are a class" "_ including Prozac" "_ are usually prescribed for" "_ are drugs" "_ – These drugs" "_ are over-prescribed" "_ only mask the symptoms" "_ are generally prescribed for" "adolescents taking _" "_ have similar efficacy" "_ are the first-line treatment" "_ raise levels" "_ are frequently prescribed for" "_ are medicines" "_ called monoamine oxidase inhibitors" "_ are sometimes prescribed for" "_ are the medication" "act as natural _" "_ are not habit" "_ are excreted in" "_ are habit-forming" "_ are contraindicated in" "_ are an important class" "People taking _" "Effective are _" "main side effects of _" "Medications such as _" "_ are usually prescribed by" "medications such as _" "_ stimulate the production" "_ are being prescribed for" "_ are potent drugs" "_ are widely prescribed for" "_ are chemicals" "_ are powerful drugs" "_ are also prescribed for" "_ improve symptoms" "Patients taking _" "medications , including _" "_ include such drugs" "She was started on _" "_ are medications" "_ are the treatment" "_ are contraindicated with" "_ are effective treatments" "_ called SSRIs" "_ are not indicated for" "_ are often prescribed by" "medicines called _" "_ increase the levels" "_ are a common treatment" "_ called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors" "_ are often prescribed in" "_ do not increase the risk" "_ are often prescribed for" "medications , such as _" ] using antidepressants
CMC @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ CHARS 3.02391 PREFIX=an 1.96196 PREFIX=ant 1.91851 FULL_POS=NNS 1.68914 PREFIX=anti 1.54734 SUFFIX=ants 1.14783 SUFFIX=nts 0.86495 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.28973 FULL_WORDSHAPE=A -0.38320 WORDS -2.18524 ] using antidepressants
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey