wedding (visualartform)
literal strings: Wedding , wedding
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey visualartform SEAL @176 (50.0%) on 10-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using wedding
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey agentcollaborateswithagent john (journalist)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (wedding, john) CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (john, wedding)
john (musician)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (wedding, john) CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (john, wedding)
john (scientist)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (wedding, john) CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (john, wedding)
clothingtogowithclothing dress CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 etiquette formal arg1" "arg2 and a sleeveless arg1" ] using (dress, wedding) CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 etiquette formal arg1" "arg2 and a sleeveless arg1" ] using (wedding, dress)
shoes CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 and a nice pair of arg2" "arg1 shoes and casual arg2" ] using (wedding, shoes) CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 and a nice pair of arg2" "arg1 shoes and casual arg2" ] using (shoes, wedding)
generalizationof links (profession)SEAL @629 (100.0%) on 29-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (links, wedding)
inverseofbakedgoodservedwithbeverage cake CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 cakes and fruit arg1" "arg2 cake and chocolate arg1" "arg2 cake and cheese arg1" "arg2 kiss on top of arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" "arg2 cake and grooms arg1" "arg2 cake than arg1" ] using (cake, wedding)
cupcakes CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg2 cake and chocolate arg1" ] using (cupcakes, wedding)
filling CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake with buttercream arg1" "arg2 cake with chocolate arg1" "arg2 cake with raspberry arg1" ] using (filling, wedding)
icing CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake with white arg1" "arg2 cake with chocolate arg1" "arg2 cake with pink arg1" "arg2 cake with cream cheese arg1" "arg2 cake with butter cream arg1" "arg2 cake with buttercream arg1" ] using (icing, wedding)
mousse CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake with rich chocolate arg1" "arg2 cakes with chocolate arg1" "arg2 cake with chocolate arg1" "arg2 cake filled with chocolate arg1" ] using (mousse, wedding)
inverseofclothingmadefromplant accessories CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 leis and arg1" "arg2 jewelry and hair arg1" "arg2 gifts and bridal arg1" ] using (accessories, wedding) OE @824 (94.2%) on 20-mar-2014 [ ] using (accessories, wedding)
necklace CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 lariat arg1" ] using (necklace, wedding)
inverseofcolorassociatedwithvisualizableattribut orange CPL @1104 (50.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 color is bright arg1" ] using (orange, wedding)
moviestaractor nicole_kidman CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 starring arg1" "arg2 which stars arg1" ] using (nicole_kidman, wedding)
organizationhastopmember richard CPL @1105 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Branson of arg2" ] using (richard, wedding)
professiontypehasprofession staff CPL @1112 (75.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 consists of seasoned arg2" "arg1 includes experienced arg2" ] using (staff, wedding)
schoolattendedbyperson kate CPL @1104 (50.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of William and arg1" ] using (kate, wedding)
televisioncompanyaffiliate kong CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg2 in Hong arg1" ] using (kong, wedding)
agentcollaborateswithagent john (person)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (wedding, john) CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (john, wedding)
john001 CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (wedding, john) CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (john, wedding)
john002 CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (wedding, john) CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Sir Elton arg1" "arg2 and Elton arg1" ] using (john, wedding)
createdbyagent information CPL @1113 (75.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg2 Information For more arg1" "arg2 Information For additional arg1" ] using (information, wedding)
dateof entry CPL @1100 (98.4%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was posted in May arg2" "arg1 was posted in July arg2" "arg1 was posted in April arg2" "arg1 was posted in June arg2" "arg1 was posted in August arg2" "arg1 was posted in September arg2" ] using (entry, wedding)
generalizationof links (animal)SEAL @629 (100.0%) on 29-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (links, wedding)
links (chemical)SEAL @629 (100.0%) on 29-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using (links, wedding)
husbandof jolie CPL @1109 (75.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg2 Brad Pitt and Angelina arg1" "arg2 for Angelina arg1" ] using (jolie, wedding)
schoolattendedbyperson rob CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Nugent from arg2" ] using (rob, wedding)