CPL @1107 (81.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "old masters like _" "European artists such as _" "_ was not an astronomer" "_ 's etching" "masters like _" "masters as _" "such famed artists as _" "French artists such as _" "_ 's Melencolia" "great masters such as _" "old masters such as _" "important artists such as _" "painters like _" "outstanding artists such as _" "self-portraits by _" "individual artists such as _" "German artist named _" "_ 's Saint Jerome" "figure studies by _" "masters such as _" "printmakers including _" "_ 's precocious talent" "masterpieces by _" "_ 's woodcut" "_ believed art" "famous masters such as _" "major artists , such as _" "American artists , including _" "_ was the first painter" "woodcut by _" "_ painted many self-portraits" "_ made many studies" "painters , such as _" "major artists such as _" "painters such as _" "such artists as _" "_ studied perspective" "famous artists like _" "artists such as _" "_ 's Self-portrait" "_ 's The Adoration" "_ 's famous engraving" "printmakers such as _" "engravers such as _" "_ 's Rhinoceros" "Renaissance masters such as _" "famed artists as _" "artists like _" "L'opera completa di _" "famous painters such as _" "such masters as _" "_ 's engravings" "artists , such as _" "_ 's Self-Portrait" ] using d_rer
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 collection includes works by arg1" "arg2 by such artists as arg1" "arg2 which includes works by arg1" "arg2 including some by arg1" "arg2 including works by arg1" "arg2 by old masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, prints)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1080 (87.5%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 by artists such as arg1" "arg2 show the influence of arg1" "arg2 by masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, paintings)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 collection includes works by arg1" "arg2 by such artists as arg1" "arg2 which includes works by arg1" "arg2 including some by arg1" "arg2 including works by arg1" "arg2 by old masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, prints)
CPL @1080 (87.5%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 by artists such as arg1" "arg2 show the influence of arg1" "arg2 by masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, paintings)
CPL @1080 (87.5%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 by artists such as arg1" "arg2 show the influence of arg1" "arg2 by masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, paintings)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 collection includes works by arg1" "arg2 by such artists as arg1" "arg2 which includes works by arg1" "arg2 including some by arg1" "arg2 including works by arg1" "arg2 by old masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, prints)
CPL @1080 (87.5%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 by artists such as arg1" "arg2 show the influence of arg1" "arg2 by masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, paintings)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 collection includes works by arg1" "arg2 by such artists as arg1" "arg2 which includes works by arg1" "arg2 including some by arg1" "arg2 including works by arg1" "arg2 by old masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, prints)
CPL @1080 (87.5%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 by artists such as arg1" "arg2 show the influence of arg1" "arg2 by masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, paintings)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 collection includes works by arg1" "arg2 by such artists as arg1" "arg2 which includes works by arg1" "arg2 including some by arg1" "arg2 including works by arg1" "arg2 by old masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, prints)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 collection includes works by arg1" "arg2 by such artists as arg1" "arg2 which includes works by arg1" "arg2 including some by arg1" "arg2 including works by arg1" "arg2 by old masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, prints)
CPL @1080 (87.5%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 by artists such as arg1" "arg2 show the influence of arg1" "arg2 by masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, paintings)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 collection includes works by arg1" "arg2 by such artists as arg1" "arg2 which includes works by arg1" "arg2 including some by arg1" "arg2 including works by arg1" "arg2 by old masters such as arg1" ] using (d_rer, prints)
CPL @1080 (87.5%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 formerly attributed to arg1" "arg2 by Rembrandt and arg1" "arg2 and drawings by arg1" ] using (d_rer, engravings)