chicken_meat (visualizableobject)
literal strings: chicken_meat , chicken meat , Chicken Meat , Chicken meat
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visualizableobject (100.0%)CMC @1116 (100.0%) on 05-sep-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=mea 4.52319 PREFIX=mea 4.05828 PREFIX=chick 3.58931 SUFFIX=icken 3.13960 SUFFIX=cken 2.77135 SUFFIX=at 2.76371 PREFIX=ch 2.64290 LASTSUFFIX=eat -0.49337 WORDS -1.95616 CHARS -3.57249 ] using chicken_meat CPL @1115 (77.6%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "rice , shredded _" "pieces of cooked _" "meat , frozen _" "potatoes with roasted _" "fresh boiled _" "soup , boiled _" "soup with chopped _" "garlic , dehydrated _" "_ sauteed in" "foods like _" "chunks of cooked _" "temperature of cooked _" "sale of fresh _" "_ are high" "tortillas filled with _" "bean sprouts , shredded _" "imports of fresh _" "potatoes , cooked _" "dinner of grilled _" "_ is not greasy" "pastries filled with _" "saut ? till _" "_ topped with" "bags of frozen _" "_ stuffed with" "coconut soup with _" "sprouts , sliced _" "recipe using _" "_ sautéed with" "lb boneless _" "_ served with" "cup of chopped _" "_ infused with" "hot , add _" "veggies , whole _" "foods such as _" "plate of grilled _" "beans , shredded _" "vegetables , white _" "slices of raw _" "I use canned _" "butter , raw _" "_ is cooked through" "eggs , fresh _" "cucumbers , sliced _" "vegetables , diced _" "chicken , shredded _" "crepes filled with _" "_ sautd with" "cold boiled _" "soup with _" "recipes using _" "vegetables , cooked _" "broth , chopped _" "_ marinated in" "_ sautd in" "salad with _" "can of _" "potato , white _" "expensive cuts of _" "meat products such as _" "_ stir fried with" "eggs , white _" "leftover roasted _" "sprouts , shredded _" "supplier of frozen _" "_ tossed with" ] using chicken_meat