CPL @1099 (99.0%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "consumption of raw _" "benefits of whole _" "variety of raw _" "recipes for cooked _" "benefits of organic _" "benefits of raw _" "quality raw _" "variety of whole _" "cost of organic _" "cost of raw _" "sugar , processed _" ] using food_diets
CPL @1096 (92.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ are high" "modern processed _" "you eat raw _" "food , processed _" "diet , fresh _" "recipes for cooked _" "safety of raw _" "bacteria in raw _" "quality raw _" "sugar , processed _" "recipes for raw _" "vegetables , processed _" "fat , processed _" "health benefits of raw _" ] using food_diets