CPL @1097 (98.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "grass fed _" "_ then topped with" "pan with _" "meats such as _" "_ were tasty" "bacon wrapped _" "_ garnished with" "bag of frozen _" "cooking time for _" "meats like _" "_ marinated in" "_ topped with" "recipes for frozen _" "meat such as _" "recipe for homemade _" "smoking , add _" "foods , such as _" ] using hamburger_patties
CPL @1096 (92.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "blue cheese stuffed _" "cheese , frozen _" "foods like _" "box of frozen _" "_ served with" "range of frozen _" "_ infused with" "_ stuffed with" "meat products such as _" "bag of frozen _" "foods such as _" "couple of fried _" "_ marinated in" "I make homemade _" "_ topped with" "supplier of frozen _" "meats , frozen _" ] using hamburger_patties
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1116 (69.9%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "blue cheese stuffed _" "foods like _" "foods , like _" "meat products such as _" "_ smothered in" "foods such as _" "_ marinated in" "_ topped with" "meat products like _" "time you cook _" "foods , such as _" ] using hamburger_patties
CPL @1108 (65.9%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "blue cheese stuffed _" "grass fed _" "Processed meats like _" "pot recipes with _" "food like raw _" "crock pot recipes with _" "meats such as _" "recall of frozen _" "meat products such as _" "Pour gravy over _" "you cook frozen _" "meats like _" "meat products like _" "sauce over _" "meat products , such as _" ] using hamburger_patties