CPL @1097 (99.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "I was cooking _" "root vegetables such as _" "vegetables , such as _" "minute , then add _" "crops such as _" "honey roasted _" "food crops like _" "simmer until _" "_ is just tender" "root crops such as _" "_ is golden brown" "food crops such as _" "starchy vegetables like _" "_ are tender" "vegetables such as _" "crops , such as _" "carbohydrates such as _" "vegetables like _" "chicken served with _" "simmer till _" "cheese , mashed _" "pan , add _" "crops like _" "honey glazed _" "_ grow under" ] using kumara
CPL @1100 (90.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "other vegetables like _" "I was cooking _" "veg such as _" "_ are delicious" "crop plants such as _" "radishes , red _" "important crops like _" "root crops such as _" "_ is golden brown" "food crops such as _" "starchy vegetables like _" "buttery mashed _" "salad with _" "top of mashed _" "_ grown today" "barley , sweet _" "cheese , mashed _" "pan , add _" "traditional crops such as _" "garden vegetables such as _" "foods such as _" ] using kumara
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1097 (89.3%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "I was cooking _" "root vegetables such as _" "vegetables , such as _" "veg such as _" "crop plants such as _" "radishes , red _" "food crops like _" "important crops like _" "root crops such as _" "food crops such as _" "starchy vegetables like _" "_ are tender" "vegetables such as _" "baked eggs with _" "buttery mashed _" "salad with _" "top of mashed _" "_ is an important food crop" "juliennes of _" "vegetable similar to _" "vegetables (eg _" "barley , sweet _" "cheese , mashed _" "pan , add _" "food crops , such as _" "major pest of _" "traditional crops such as _" "garden vegetables such as _" "foods such as _" ] using kumara
CPL @1108 (58.3%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "breast , mashed _" "tropical crops like _" "other vegetables like _" "root vegetables such as _" "veg such as _" "veges like _" "radishes , red _" "use chopped _" "food crops like _" "important crops like _" "_ is just tender" "root crops such as _" "food crops such as _" "starchy vegetables like _" "vegetables such as _" "buttery mashed _" "top of mashed _" "vegetable similar to _" "vegetables (eg _" "vegetables like _" "cheese , mashed _" "pan , add _" "food crops , such as _" "traditional crops such as _" "garden vegetables such as _" "foods such as _" ] using kumara
CPL @1107 (55.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "breast , mashed _" "other vegetables like _" "root vegetables such as _" "vegetables , such as _" "veggies like _" "veg such as _" "crops such as _" "_ is a tropical plant" "food crops like _" "staples such as _" "root vegetable similar to _" "index carbohydrates such as _" "important crops like _" "they also grew _" "root crops such as _" "food crops such as _" "starchy vegetables like _" "_ are tender" "vegetables such as _" "ground planted with _" "lamb roast with _" "buttery mashed _" "top of mashed _" "wine reduction with _" "_ is an important food crop" "vegetable similar to _" "edible plants such as _" "vegetables (eg _" "vegetables like _" "barley , sweet _" "cheese , mashed _" "food crops , such as _" "crops like _" "traditional crops such as _" "potato , also known as _" ] using kumara