SEAL @127 (56.5%) on 21-jun-2010 [ 1 ] using vegetable_plants
CMC @713 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2013 [ PREFIX=plan 2.82826 LASTPREFIX=plan 2.77704 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.33113 PREFIX=pl 1.59450 LASTPREFIX=pl 1.58987 LASTPREFIX=pla 1.58553 PREFIX=pla 1.01987 POS=NN -1.83153 CHARS -3.37961 WORDS -5.33459 ] using vegetable_plants
CPL @1107 (72.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "variety of hardy _" "stems of young _" "_ ' root systems" "selection of potted _" "It is planted with _" "organic mulch around _" "vegetation such as _" "cut flowers , potted _" "row of young _" "_ are angiosperms" "_ are heavy feeders" "plants , including _" "_ prefer a pH" "good stand of _" "_ grown indoors" "root systems of _" "you 're growing _" "_ require full sun" "wide variety of hardy _" "spring planted _" "you grow healthy _" "_ have been grown without" "_ are gross feeders" "greenhouse production of _" "tender young shoots of _" "leaves of many _" "_ require full sunlight" "seeds , young _" "young shoots of _" "_ including tomato" "insect pollinated _" "Weeds compete with _" "groundcover around _" "_ need regular watering" "_ are self pollinating" "container grown _" "selection of hardy _" "fields of tall _" "seeds from various _" "_ are being grown in" "flowers , potted _" "leaves of _" "root system of _" ] using vegetable_plants
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1108 (54.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ including tomatoes" "good stand of _" "field grown _" "stalks of _" "spring planted _" "tender young shoots of _" "forages , such as _" "_ grown organically in" "Weeds compete with _" "nitrogen requirement of _" "fields of tall _" "_ have adequate moisture" ] using vegetable_plants
CPL @1108 (55.9%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ including tomatoes" "traditional varieties of _" "good stand of _" "fruits , like _" "_ have been grown without" "_ have large seeds" "forages , such as _" "Weeds compete with _" "nitrogen requirement of _" "_ are self pollinating" "fields of tall _" "_ are being grown in" ] using vegetable_plants
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey