CPL @1096 (99.3%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "cup of hot _" "clothes in cold _" "glass of warm _" "glass of cold _" "face with cold _" "glass of pure _" "tablespoonful of _" "small amount of warm _" "rinse in cold _" "amount of warm _" "large glass of _" "few drops of _" "I boil _" "bowl of fresh _" "cup of warm _" "full glass of _" "warm glass of _" "glass of plain _" "? cup of _" "tub of warm _" ] using water_three_times
CPL @1098 (90.6%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "glass of warm _" "glass of cold _" "face with cold _" "small amount of warm _" "rinse in cold _" "cup of warm _" "warm boiled _" "warm glass of _" "glass of plain _" "tub of warm _" ] using water_three_times
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1098 (93.4%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "cup of hot _" "extra bottle of _" "clothes in cold _" "glass of warm _" "powder in warm _" "glass of cold _" "sink full of hot _" "face with cold _" "glass of pure _" "honey in warm _" "gallon of _" "glasses of pure _" "bottle with hot _" "small amount of warm _" "rinse in cold _" "amount of warm _" "rinse under cold _" "supplies drinking _" "eight-ounce glass of _" "large glass of _" "bottle of _" "bathing in warm _" "small glass of _" "cup of _" "cup of warm _" "full glass of _" "warm glass of _" "warm cup of _" "glass of _" "bottles of _" "tub of warm _" ] using water_three_times