CPL @1103 (92.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "British embassy in _" "archbishop of _" "western outskirts of _" "large cities such as _" "overnight train to _" "larger cities like _" "_ became the capital" "day trip from _" "cities such as _" "afternoon flight to _" "big cities such as _" "bigger cities like _" "bishop of _" "summit meeting in _" "embassy in _" "non-stop service from _" "city centre of _" "consulate general in _" "city tour of _" "major cities such as _" "eastern suburb of _" "old city of _" "Arrive in _" "Chinese embassy in _" "northern city of _" "big cities like _" "such cities as _" "night train from _" "old quarter of _" "other churches in _" "night train to _" "city center of _" "_ 's inner city" "major cities like _" "Japanese embassy in _" ] using ha_noi
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (93.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "overnight train to _" "_ 's Old Quarter" "larger cities like _" "expensive hotels in _" "restaurants in _" "cities such as _" "many shops in _" "hotels in _" "financial district of _" "afternoon flight to _" "big cities such as _" "International flights to _" "_ 's Sheraton Hotel" "non-stop service from _" "old city center of _" "major cities such as _" "cities like _" "eastern suburb of _" "northern city of _" "big cities like _" "such cities as _" "night train from _" "one-hour flight from _" "evening train to _" "attractions in _" "direct flight to _" "ancient streets of _" "hotel in _" "_ is a fabulous city" "sleeper train to _" "old quarter of _" "main cities like _" "night train to _" "old city centre of _" "_ 's inner city" "_ is a nice city" "_ is an ancient city" "_ is a city rich" "certain cities like _" "major cities like _" "_ 's old quarter" "auxiliary bishop of _" "day trips outside of _" "DD-hour train ride from _" "rent in _" ] using ha_noi