papers (wallitem)
literal strings: Papers , PAPERS , papers
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey wallitem CPL @1107 (60.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "cream wove _" "_ describing these results" "_ presentated at" "_ presented at" "_ describing recent work" ] using papers
kitchenitem SEAL @548 (50.0%) on 06-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using papers
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey agentcompeteswithagent los_angeles_ca CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Times and the San Francisco arg2" ] using (papers, los_angeles) CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Times and the San Francisco arg2" ] using (los_angeles, papers)
chemicaltypehaschemical carbon CPL @1109 (75.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 footprint of their arg2" "arg1 dioxide arg2" ] using (carbon, papers)
cityalsoknownas chicago_south CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 aerobatic ride arg2" ] using (papers, chicago) CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 aerobatic ride arg2" ] using (chicago, papers)
clothingtogowithclothing jacket CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should be tucked into arg2" "arg1 and a bomber arg2" ] using (papers, jacket) CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 should be tucked into arg2" "arg1 and a bomber arg2" ] using (jacket, papers)
competeswith facebook CPL @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Follow us on arg2" "arg1 and follow him on arg2" ] using (papers, twitter) CPL @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Follow us on arg2" "arg1 and follow him on arg2" ] using (twitter, papers)
controlledbyagent journal (newspaper)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and The Wall Street arg1" "arg2 and the Wall Street arg1" ] using (journal, papers)
generalizationof geopoliticallocationcontainsstate states CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 than in the United arg1" "arg2 and then the United arg1" "arg2 were sold to the United arg1" ] using (states, papers)
inverseofhobbiessuchashobbies hobbies CPL @1103 (50.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are reading books and arg2" ] using (hobbies, papers)
iteminvolvedwithagent microsoft CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 Word for arg2" ] using (microsoft, papers)
organizationleadbyperson white (visualartist)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House asked arg2" "arg1 House energy arg2" ] using (white, papers)
white (writer)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House asked arg2" "arg1 House energy arg2" ] using (white, papers)
personhasfather zadok CPL @1099 (50.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 begat arg2" ] using (zadok, papers)
shapeofobject balls CPL @1105 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of dough into arg2" ] using (balls, papers)
sportsteampositionreceivedathlete lt__joseph_r__hunt CPL @1104 (50.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and Rose Kennedy arg2" ] using (joseph, papers)
toolusedbyprofession sales CPL @1114 (50.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and marketing of technical arg2" ] using (sales, papers)
visualartformartist mike_anderson CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 by Edgar arg1" "arg2 by Paul arg1" ] using (anderson, papers)
worker white (visualartist)CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House asked arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House energy arg2" ] using (white, papers)
white (writer)CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House asked arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House energy arg2" ] using (white, papers)
agentcompeteswithagent search (agent)CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (papers, search) CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (search, papers)
la (geopoliticallocation)CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Times to the Washington arg2" ] using (la, papers) CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Times to the Washington arg2" ] using (papers, la)
la (geopoliticalorganization)CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Times to the Washington arg2" ] using (la, papers) CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 Times to the Washington arg2" ] using (papers, la)
news (geopoliticalorganization)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Fox arg1" "arg2 and the San Jose Mercury arg1" "arg2 and The Dallas Morning arg1" ] using (news, papers) CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Fox arg1" "arg2 and the San Jose Mercury arg1" "arg2 and The Dallas Morning arg1" ] using (papers, news)
news (musicartist)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Fox arg1" "arg2 and the San Jose Mercury arg1" "arg2 and The Dallas Morning arg1" ] using (news, papers) CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Fox arg1" "arg2 and the San Jose Mercury arg1" "arg2 and The Dallas Morning arg1" ] using (papers, news)
news (personasia)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Fox arg1" "arg2 and the San Jose Mercury arg1" "arg2 and The Dallas Morning arg1" ] using (news, papers) CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Fox arg1" "arg2 and the San Jose Mercury arg1" "arg2 and The Dallas Morning arg1" ] using (papers, news)
search (personcanada)CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (papers, search) CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (search, papers)
search (personeurope)CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (papers, search) CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (search, papers)
search (retailstore)CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (papers, search) CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (search, papers)
search (tradeunion)CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (papers, search) CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (search, papers)
search (vertebrate)CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (papers, search) CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 engine to locate arg1" "arg2 term and find arg1" ] using (search, papers)
news (website)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Fox arg1" "arg2 and the San Jose Mercury arg1" "arg2 and The Dallas Morning arg1" ] using (news, papers) CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Fox arg1" "arg2 and the San Jose Mercury arg1" "arg2 and The Dallas Morning arg1" ] using (papers, news)
controlledbyagent journal (male)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and The Wall Street arg1" "arg2 and the Wall Street arg1" ] using (journal, papers)
journal (musicartist)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and The Wall Street arg1" "arg2 and the Wall Street arg1" ] using (journal, papers)
eventhasparticipantagent things CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 that happen as arg2" ] using (things, papers)
generalizationof links (animal)
links (chemical)
references (musicinstrument)
index CPL @1108 (50.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 to other sites and arg2" ] using (index, papers)
access CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to the full versions of arg2" "arg1 to related arg2" "arg1 to some full text arg2" "arg1 to many full text arg2" ] using (access, papers)
references (programminglanguage)
iteminvolvedwithagent jobpositionheldbyperson lord CPL @1114 (50.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "arg1 of the Flies arg2" ] using (lord, papers)
worker white (color)CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 House asked arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House energy arg2" ] using (white, papers)