CMC @1078 (99.8%) on 20-sep-2017 [ SUFFIX=lt 1.43639 LASTPREFIX=weapo 1.27222 LASTPREFIX=weap 1.27222 LASTPREFIX=wea 1.26344 LASTSUFFIX=ns 1.10322 PREFIX=weapo 1.03999 PREFIX=weap 1.03999 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.67512 CHARS -2.69833 WORDS -4.07883 ] using assault_weapons
CPL @1094 (92.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "drugs , carrying _" "squad armed with _" "types of semi-automatic _" "weapons , such as _" "men armed with _" "_ are rifles" "opponents armed with _" "police equipped with _" "murders committed with _" "_ pointed at" "guys carrying _" "bans on semi-automatic _" "access to semi-automatic _" "weapons , including _" "soldiers brandishing _" "soldiers armed with _" "men firing _" "crimes committed with _" "_ slung over" "guards with _" "hand guns to _" "gangs armed with _" "soldiers toting _" "weapons other than _" "bayonets attached to _" "_ being fired in" "stockpiling of _" "criminals easy access to _" "firearms such as _" "weapons , like _" "_ were the weapon" "brandishing automatic _" "access to automatic _" "grenades , automatic _" "guards armed with _" "guns similar to _" "DC ban on _" "_ are machine guns" "_ are semi-automatics" "citizen ownership of _" "dangerous weapons such as _" "they were armed with _" "ATF allowed _" "alleged possession of _" "semi automatic _" "_ are semi-automatic" "_ including an AK-DD" "huge caches of _" "_ includes rifles" "ownership of automatic _" "several weapons , including _" "ban on semi-automatic _" "selection of airsoft _" "sale of automatic _" "armor , wielding _" "number of semi-automatic _" "crimes were committed with _" "ownership of semi-automatic _" "crazy people with _" "gunman armed with _" "sales of semi-automatic _" "ban on automatic _" "squads armed with _" "terrorists wielding _" "them firing _" "infantry armed with _" "cops need _" "police officers armed with _" "light anti-tank _" "weapons such as _" "handguns , semi-automatic _" "people are killed with _" "terrorists buying _" "dangerous weapons like _" "criminals prefer _" "civilian possession of _" "crime committed with _" "ban on so-called _" "terrorists armed with _" "troops with heavy _" "use of semiautomatic _" "bad guys have _" "uniforms , carry _" "weapons , automatic _" "children armed with _" "semi- automatic _" "criminal use of _" "small arsenal of _" "they brandished _" "uniforms carrying _" "house armed with _" "firearm , including _" "unlawful possession of _" "drug dealers with _" "firearms including _" "homicides were committed with _" "police carrying _" "boats , armed with _" "_ are not machine guns" "They 're armed with _" "numerous weapons , including _" "open carry of _" "firearms , including _" "criminals armed with _" "police armed with _" "different weapons , including _" "officers , carrying _" "ban on semiautomatic _" "guards with automatic _" "men are armed with _" "officers were armed with _" "ban on military-style _" "weapons including _" "building armed with _" "men carrying _" "agents armed with _" "boys carrying _" "guys toting _" "citizens to own _" "sale of semi-automatic _" "trigger locks on _" "thugs with _" "men with automatic _" "possession of semiautomatic _" "police carry _" "private citizens to own _" "weapons , in particular _" "officers pointing _" "homicides are committed with _" "civilian ownership of _" "Police armed with _" "guards wielding _" "officers armed with _" "troops armed with _" "mass murders with _" "crimes are committed with _" "men with big _" "man armed with _" "hunters carrying _" "themselves firing _" "men fired _" "militia armed with _" "cops with _" "people carrying _" "various weapons , including _" "D.C. ban on _" "sale of semiautomatic _" "robbers armed with _" "violent crimes committed with _" ] using assault_weapons
SEAL @772 (51.5%) on 26-sep-2013 [ 123 ] using assault_weapons