MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of weapon:bazookas weaponssuchasweapons weapon:nuclear_missile ]
CPL @1094 (91.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "soldiers carry _" "long range weapons like _" "heavy weapons like _" "heavy weapons , such as _" "heavy weapons such as _" "range weapons like _" "_ being fired at" "shot at with _" "infantry equipped with _" "them armed with _" "bad guys with _" "powerful weapons such as _" "security guards with _" "such weapons as _" "_ were fired at" "guards with _" "pirates fired _" "gun airsoft _" "weapons , such as _" "weaponry such as _" "pirates armed with _" "foot soldiers armed with _" "_ slung over" "They are armed with _" "shotguns , to _" "soldiers firing _" "officers do not carry _" "_ are fired at" "Cows with _" "door , armed with _" "infantry armed with _" "weapon , ranging from _" "infantry , armed with _" "weapons such as _" "various weapons such as _" "weapons , including _" "robots armed with _" "missiles , nuclear _" "Weapons such as _" "youths armed with _" "other weapons such as _" "military equipment such as _" "guys carrying _" "soldiers wielding _" "_ pointed at" "weapons , other than _" "streets armed with _" "light weapons such as _" "troops , armed with _" "troops armed with _" "craft armed with _" "shoulder fired _" "_ leave craters" "weapons , ranging from _" "rifles , to _" "weapons ranging from _" "men armed with _" "soldiers armed with _" "weapons including _" "shoulder mounted _" "guards armed with _" "men carrying _" ] using bazookas
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:country~specializations,concept:inverseofweaponmadeincountry" "Y~_z-concept:country:countries~concept:countriessuchascountries,concept:locationofitemexistence" "Y~_z-concept:weapon:nukes~concept:relatedto" "Y~_z-concept:agriculturalproduct:flowers~concept:agriculturalproductcamefromcountry,concept:inverseofweaponmadeincountry" "Y~_z-concept:weapon~specializations,concept:relatedto" ] using (bazookas, nuclear_missile)