CPL @1099 (80.9%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "weapons such as _" "dangers of unexploded _" "_ were fired during" "millions of unexploded _" "_ do not explode on" "_ were fired in" "clearance of unexploded _" "_ did not explode on" "thousands of unexploded _" "casualties from unexploded _" "bombs called _" "impact of unexploded _" "numbers of unexploded _" "number of unexploded _" "risk from unexploded _" "_ were fired into" "legacy of unexploded _" "presence of unexploded _" "large number of unexploded _" "lot of unexploded _" "_ were fired from" "_ do n't explode on" "_ have a failure rate" "Cluster munitions are _" ] using bomblets
SEAL @132 (96.9%) on 23-jul-2010 [ 12345 ] using bomblets