curved_swords (weapon)
literal strings: curved swords
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- weapon(99.4%)
- CPL @1104 (74.3%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "hilt of _" "scabbards for _" "_ slung on" ] using curved_swords
- CMC @1115 (97.5%) on 26-aug-2018 [ PREFIX=swor 0.94295 PREFIX=swo 0.94249 LASTPREFIX=swor 0.92685 LASTPREFIX=swo 0.92654 PREFIX=sw 0.72101 LASTPREFIX=sw 0.68133 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.65955 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.33812 CHARS -1.21126 WORDS -1.41754 ] using curved_swords