MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of weapon:explosives weaponmadeincountry country:egypt ]
CMC @1111 (99.2%) on 25-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=ives 1.79421 PREFIX=expl 1.72618 PREFIX=explo 1.72617 LASTSUFFIX=ives 1.57974 SUFFIX=ves 1.39093 PREFIX=exp 1.26698 LASTSUFFIX=ves 1.16666 FULL_POS=NNS -1.06164 WORDS -2.11844 CHARS -3.75642 ] using explosives
SEAL @862 (54.1%) on 08-aug-2014 [ 12 ] using explosives
CPL @1109 (58.4%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "men equipped with _" "men armed with _" "civilians carrying _" "terrorist detonated _" "terrorists planting _" "manufacture of atomic _" "attackers armed with _" "barrels of old _" "charges of possessing _" "_ had been fired into" "fence carrying _" "first use of nuclear _" "more people carrying _" "conventional weapons like _" "crime committed with _" "enemy forces using _" "_ detonated over" "_ being detonated on" "other weapons such as _" "firearms including _" "detonation of atomic _" "manufacture of nuclear _" "suspects armed with _" "sizable cache of _" "soldiers throw _" "policemen with _" "planes dropping _" "negligent discharge of _" "people carrying _" "new types of nuclear _" "_ were detonated on" "private manufacture of _" "armaments such as _" "illegal possession of _" "murder , carrying _" "militants , armed with _" "men were carrying _" "various weapons , such as _" "_ had been detonated in" "_ smuggling from" "arsenal of illegal _" "Palestinian militants detonated _" "_ pointed at" "soldiers carrying _" "terrorists obtaining _" "commandos armed with _" "boats armed with _" "enemies are armed with _" "plutonium for nuclear _" "security force confiscated _" "possession of unregistered _" "ammunition , including _" "spread of nuclear _" "underground testing of nuclear _" "gunmen threw _" "group detonated _" "huge caches of _" "fighters armed with _" "pillboxes with _" "_ were fired toward" "_ were sharpened on" "militants armed with _" "_ allegedly planted by" "such weapons as _" "security guards with _" "terrorists carrying _" "terrorists armed with _" "robbers armed with _" "they strap on _" "common weapons are _" "teams armed with _" "tank of _" "themselves armed with _" "_ inflict intensity" "_ have been detonated in" "_ planted underneath" "unauthorized possession of _" "stockpile of nuclear _" "militants planted _" "_ are the weapon" "terrorists hiding _" "they stockpiled _" "_ are fired at" "_ handling products" "missiles with conventional _" "terrorists had planted _" "_ detonated next" "reduction of nuclear _" "rocket- propelled _" "_ was detonated outside" "They fight with _" "Single shot _" "conventional weapons such as _" "criminal use of _" "firearms , other _" "further proliferation of nuclear _" "proliferation of nuclear _" "He was skilled with _" "launch of nuclear _" "remotely detonated _" "maniacs with _" "propane tank with _" "man detonated _" "uranium tipped _" "weaponry including _" "vehicles armed with _" "weapons such as _" "conventional weapons , such as _" "women armed with _" "gunmen armed with _" "testing of atomic _" "_ was detonated in" "drugs , carrying _" "drones armed with _" "flow of smuggled _" "suspect was carrying _" "vehicle was hit by _" "youth carrying _" "knives , plastic _" "_ dropping near" "marines used _" "he detonates _" "weapons ranging from _" "other weapons , such as _" "weapons , like _" "suicide attacker detonated _" "masked man armed with _" "utility of nuclear _" "Maoists used _" "weapons , including _" "knives , throwing _" "yield nuclear _" "bomber detonated _" "insurgents planting _" "guerrillas armed with _" "youths carrying _" "_ exploded near" "_ were detonated at" "attack with conventional _" "weaponry , from _" "use of home-made _" "fissile material for nuclear _" "use of remote-controlled _" "unlicensed possession of _" "weapons , small _" "acquisition of nuclear _" "_ were mounted in" "man armed with _" "proliferation of atomic _" "illegal ownership of _" "he was smuggling _" "bazookas to _" "_ leave craters" "existence of nuclear _" "weapons , improvised _" "unit armed with _" "weapons , in particular _" "rebels planted _" "_ was detonated at" "attackers hurled _" "arsenal of heavy _" "several consignments of _" "use of improvised _" "violence , carrying _" "soldiers planted _" "further spread of nuclear _" "guns , small _" "someone firing _" "terrorists acquiring _" "delivery of nuclear _" "_ was detonated as" "_ were reportedly used in" "terrorists exploded _" "weapons , such as _" "woman armed with _" "unsafe storage of _" "_ have been fired at" "they were killed with _" "_ detonate in" "_ were detonated in" "Other weapons such as _" "assailants fired _" "guitar case full of _" "foot soldiers armed with _" "fields sown with _" "disassembly of nuclear _" "detonations of nuclear _" "detonation of nuclear _" "boat armed with _" "bandits with _" "cache of illegal _" "_ is detonated in" "ingredients of nuclear _" "militants detonated _" "weapons including _" "_ detonated near" "assailants used _" "Iranian supplied _" "soldier armed with _" "bomber had detonated _" "Unlawful possession of _" "terrorists detonating _" "ordnance such as _" "_ was detonated near" "them were carrying _" "significant cache of _" "soldiers , armed with _" "firearm , carrying _" "_ containing white phosphorus" "female suicide bomber detonated _" "thugs with _" "guns , heavy _" "dangerous items , such as _" "crimes committed with _" "contraband such as _" "_ smuggling into" "_ struck a police patrol" "shoulder fired _" "explosives , nuclear _" "building armed with _" "massive arsenal of _" "Israeli made _" "indiscriminate firing of _" "bearded men with _" "guns vs. _" "members armed with _" "rifles , to _" "rockets , anti-tank _" "rockets armed with _" "first detonation of _" "attacker detonated _" "Army planted _" "_ exploded outside" "weaponry such as _" "dangerous items like _" "attack using conventional _" "groups armed with _" "alleged possession of _" "stockpiling of _" "attacks using conventional _" "_ slung over" "insurgents detonated _" "_ being detonated in" "arsenals of nuclear _" "lunatics with _" "_ were fired in" "forces laid _" "guards with _" "group , armed with _" "driver detonated _" "_ was dropped on" "_ being lobbed into" "they detonate _" "suicide bomber wearing _" "agents planted _" "_ strapped across" "_ detonated upon" "weapons , including nuclear _" "possession of nuclear _" "they smuggled in _" "terrorists detonated _" "_ handling applications" "_ were fired at" "_ was detonated on" "Man arrested with _" "men carrying _" "_ was detonated under" "attacks with conventional _" "_ including rocket-propelled grenades" "_ slung around" "children carrying _" "_ has exploded near" "tests of nuclear _" "terrorist attacks using _" "testing of nuclear _" "dangerous items such as _" "terrorists planted _" "they carrying _" "_ detonate at" "they were planting _" "activists armed with _" "_ had been fired during" "test detonation of _" "_ are lobbed into" "_ is detonated at" "Israeli soldiers with _" "terrorist use of nuclear _" "tests of atomic _" "bombers armed with _" "soldiers armed with _" "terrorists smuggling _" "supplier of conventional _" "firearms , including _" "stockpiles of conventional _" "missiles armed with _" "targets with conventional _" "_ handling equipment" "rebels detonated _" "Weapons such as _" "bomber wearing _" "thousands of nuclear _" "quantity of unexploded _" "_ have a longer range" "_ detonated while" "remote detonation of _" "small arsenal of _" "suspect was armed with _" "destructive power of nuclear _" "quantities of sophisticated _" "police fired _" "rocket propelled _" "man found with _" "_ stockpiled around" "convoy was attacked with _" "_ are fired into" "multiple weapons including _" "Large caches of _" "material for nuclear _" "infantry armed with _" "fire small _" "detection of buried _" "firearm , possessing _" "unlawful possession of _" "group armed with _" "suicide bomber detonated _" "car laden with _" "_ were planted inside" "barell of _" "_ went off near" "_ detonated during" ] using explosives
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:country~specializations,concept:inverseofweaponmadeincountry" "Y~_z-concept:country:countries~concept:countriessuchascountries,concept:locationofitemexistence" "Y~_z-concept:weapon:nukes~concept:relatedto" "Y~_z-concept:agriculturalproduct:flowers~concept:agriculturalproductcamefromcountry,concept:inverseofweaponmadeincountry" "Y~_z-concept:weapon~specializations,concept:relatedto" ] using (explosives, nuclear_missile)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 in developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 did not have nuclear arg1" ] using (explosives, pakistan)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 in developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 did not have nuclear arg1" ] using (explosives, pakistan)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 in developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 did not have nuclear arg1" ] using (explosives, pakistan)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 in developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 did not have nuclear arg1" ] using (explosives, pakistan)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 in developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 did not have nuclear arg1" ] using (explosives, pakistan)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 in developing nuclear arg1" "arg2 did not have nuclear arg1" ] using (explosives, pakistan)