CPL @1098 (99.1%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "conversion of natural _" "day of natural _" "volumes of natural _" "price of natural _" "use of natural _" "component of natural _" "prices for natural _" "supplies of natural _" "sources of natural _" "dependence on natural _" "availability of natural _" "access to natural _" "amounts of natural _" "supply of natural _" "feet of natural _" ] using gas_feedstock
CPL @1104 (97.7%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "conversion of natural _" "day of natural _" "hydrogen from natural _" "volumes of natural _" "provision of natural _" "price of natural _" "use of natural _" "component of natural _" "prices for natural _" "supplies of natural _" "dependence on natural _" "availability of natural _" "new sources of natural _" "amounts of natural _" "coal to natural _" "amount of natural _" "same amount of natural _" "supply of natural _" "feet of natural _" "contracts for natural _" ] using gas_feedstock