CPL @1096 (99.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "distribution of natural _" "oil to natural _" "supply of natural _" "access to natural _" "water , natural _" "prices for natural _" "provider of natural _" "delivery of natural _" "day of natural _" "price for natural _" "demand for natural _" "costs of natural _" "cost of natural _" "use of natural _" "availability of natural _" "component of natural _" ] using gas_service
CMC @1113 (99.1%) on 03-aug-2018 [ PREFIX=ga 3.90495 FIRST_WORD=gas 3.65641 SUFFIX=as 3.17481 LASTSUFFIX=vice 1.21954 SUFFIX=vice 1.16126 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.93317 LASTSUFFIX=ice 0.88970 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.57024 CHARS -2.18451 WORDS -3.74025 ] using gas_service
CPL @1104 (96.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "distribution of natural _" "application for natural _" "customers for natural _" "oil to natural _" "propane compared to _" "carlin save _" "rate for natural _" "oil natural _" "installation of natural _" "Energy provides natural _" "supply of natural _" "convenience of natural _" "bills for natural _" "independent stations sell mobil _" "marketing of natural _" "home has natural _" "customers with natural _" "flowmeters with corrosive _" "water , natural _" "Prices for natural _" "provision of natural _" "Gas provides natural _" "Company provides natural _" "car natural _" "prices for natural _" "stations sell mobil _" "home with natural _" "tax on natural _" "theft of natural _" "contract for natural _" "company provides natural _" "provider of natural _" "year for natural _" "delivery of natural _" "heat to natural _" "year of natural _" "Corporation provides natural _" "you already have natural _" "homes with natural _" "systems for natural _" "utility natural _" "day of natural _" "price for natural _" "marketplace for natural _" "alternatives to natural _" "demand for natural _" "volumetric flowmeters with corrosive _" "energy natural _" "rates for natural _" "costs of natural _" "cost of natural _" "increases in natural _" "amount of natural _" "payments for natural _" "segment provides natural _" "expansion of natural _" "market for natural _" "gas to natural _" "lines , natural _" "need for natural _" "george carlin save _" "higher prices for natural _" "deregulation of natural _" "process for natural _" "use of natural _" "availability of natural _" "charges for natural _" "cost for natural _" "users of natural _" "component of natural _" "advantages of natural _" ] using gas_service