CPL @1098 (99.1%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "price of natural _" "price for natural _" "costs of natural _" "prices for natural _" "cost of natural _" "supplies of natural _" "demand for natural _" "shortage of natural _" "supplier of natural _" ] using gas_this_winter
CPL @1104 (96.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "costs for natural _" "gallon for _" "price of natural _" "price for natural _" "costs of natural _" "prices for natural _" "Prices of natural _" "cost of natural _" "increases in natural _" "supplies of natural _" "home with natural _" "demand for natural _" "shortages of natural _" "shortage of natural _" "price for Russian _" "high price of natural _" "supplier of natural _" "high cost of natural _" "bills for natural _" "homes with natural _" ] using gas_this_winter