CPL @1095 (69.3%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "firearms , including _" "unknown assailants threw _" "_ detonated over" "_ explode outside" "_ being lobbed into" "weapons , such as _" "machine-gun with _" "militants detonated _" "leader threw _" "unlawful possession of _" "_ exploded outside" "housefly with _" "_ went off near" "_ was dropped on" "machinegun with _" "assailants used _" "rocket propelled _" "explosive devices such as _" "opponent armed with _" "_ explodes outside" "man armed with _" "attackers hurled _" "illegal possession of _" "weapons such as _" "_ exploded near" "weapons , ranging from _" "weapons , including _" "gunmen threw _" "_ was detonated in" "suspects was armed with _" "_ had been detonated in" "cops with _" ] using hand_grenade
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey