CPL @1095 (91.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "woman , armed with _" "woman brandishing _" "safety catch of _" "robber armed with _" "open carrying of _" "room brandishing _" "car , armed with _" "weapon such as _" "vehicle armed with _" "them wielding _" "opponents armed with _" "_ is sighted in for" "_ pointed squarely at" "young men armed with _" "quality airsoft _" "himself firing _" "gunman armed with _" "officer armed with _" "firearm , such as _" "thief armed with _" "someone firing _" "semi automatic _" "suspect displayed _" "yard waving _" "weapons , including _" "trigger locks with _" "foot , armed with _" "him brandishing _" "target practice with _" "alleged possession of _" "defendant was carrying _" "He was armed only with _" "small game with _" "them armed with _" "gang armed with _" "_ were fired at" "cops carry _" "_ pointed at" "suspects brandished _" "_ pointed right at" "_ is chambered for" "possession of loaded _" "double barreled _" "violent crimes with _" "man , armed with _" "you 've never shot _" "woman pointed _" "whitetails with _" "calibres of _" "driver fired _" "_ has unlimited ammo" "_ holstered in" "he was wielding _" "flashlight mounted on _" "disassembled parts of _" "car armed with _" "victims were killed with _" "night , armed with _" "_ were fired into" "suspects armed with _" "_ is any firearm" "defendant was armed with _" "her , pointed _" "suspects were armed with _" "suspect pointed _" "they were armed with _" "man aimed _" "blowback operated _" "weaponry including _" "they were brandishing _" "station armed with _" "suspects fired _" "residence armed with _" "man fires _" "metal airsoft _" "someone was pointing _" "suspects pointed _" "various weapons , including _" "whitetail with _" "whitetail deer with _" "suspects pulled _" "crew served _" "brandishing of _" "them fired _" "smooth bore _" "them brandished _" "man fired _" "man pointing _" "he allegedly pointed _" "hunting is with _" "type of semi-automatic _" "crimes committed with _" "he allegedly fired _" "shooter holding _" "unintentional discharge of _" "ammunition fired from _" "line hunting _" "he did not point _" "them , brandishing _" "men was armed with _" "_ carry permit" "recoil operated _" "same ammo as _" "_ unloaded until" "assault , carrying _" "gas airsoft _" "variety of airsoft _" "crew armed with _" "expert shot with _" "crime is committed with _" "killers used _" "loaded concealed _" "lawful carrying of _" "defensive use of _" "pilots carry _" "I have not fired _" "unlawful carrying of _" "weapons other than _" "weapons such as _" "assailant armed with _" "muzzle end of _" "assassin armed with _" "cocking of _" "weapons including _" "_ holstered at" "non-lethal alternative to _" "turns firing _" "style airsoft _" "you have never fired _" "robber pointed _" "_ being fired in" "_ is an automatic weapon" "him armed with _" "illegal possession of _" "good shot with _" "muzzle flashes of _" "man was firing _" "They were armed with _" "suspect brandished _" "robbers carried _" "outside armed with _" "man armed with _" "robbers use _" "man was armed with _" "uniform , armed with _" "murders committed with _" "Israeli made _" "crack shot with _" "man retrieved _" "animals taken with _" "citizens carrying _" "student armed with _" "range weapon like _" "rear sight on _" "defendant pointed _" "man had pointed _" "game animal with _" "man was brandishing _" "raiders armed with _" "they were killed with _" "weapons range from _" "pilots carrying _" "self defense use of _" "children firing _" "shootability of _" "first buck with _" "weapons , like _" "male armed with _" "opponent armed with _" "robberies involving _" "ejection port of _" "house , armed with _" "driver pointed _" "suspect was armed with _" "them brandishing _" "man brandishing _" "men armed with _" "men brandishing _" "lethal alternative to _" "men pointed _" "night armed with _" "men waved _" "excellent shot with _" "men brandished _" "_ chambered for" "guard wielding _" "trigger lock on _" "people shot with _" "shotgun than _" "public carrying of _" "gun shaped like _" "suicides using _" "suspect produced _" "sharp report of _" "men were armed with _" "he was shot with _" "pointability of _" "live firing of _" "iron sighted _" "point-blank with _" "_ being pointed at" "he was pointing _" "officers were armed with _" "Man armed with _" "I had n't fired _" "child safety locks for _" "car , pointed _" "he brandished _" "robbers had _" "street armed with _" "weapons , automatic _" "bullet leaves _" "several weapons , including _" "youths armed with _" "window , pointed _" "homicides were committed with _" "co powered _" "target shooting with _" "suspect , armed with _" "_ has a D-inch barrel" "locks be sold with _" "You are armed with _" "cold barrel of _" "desperate men with _" "_ chambered in" "possible possession of _" "person , armed with _" "long ranges with _" "actual firing of _" "law prohibits carrying _" "offenders armed with _" "shop armed with _" "unauthorized possession of _" "weapon other than _" "unlawful possession of _" "man aiming _" "negligent storage of _" "she is skilled with _" "security guards with _" "suspects produced _" "different weapons such as _" "He was armed with _" "semi- automatic _" "suicide attempts with _" "officer pointing _" "killer armed with _" "men , armed with _" "multiple rounds from _" "polymer framed _" "masked man armed with _" "_ being fired into" "_ believed used in" "him pointing _" "boar hog with _" "bullet is fired from _" "rifle , automatic _" "_ being waved at" "firing mechanism on _" "robberies committed with _" "factory configuration of _" "guy pointing _" "firing grip on _" "they brandished _" "standard issued _" "crime committed with _" "civilian possession of _" "marksman with _" "laser equipped _" "I had never fired _" "striker fired _" "man was shot with _" "few deer with _" "suspects displayed _" "projectile fired from _" "guns , used _" "bullets fired from _" "house armed with _" "firearm , including _" "possession of unregistered _" "single blast from _" "someone is pointing _" "them firing _" "first deer with _" "first time I fired _" "people have fired _" "range shots with _" "door , armed with _" "high quality airsoft _" "defensive uses of _" "Marine holding _" "Unlawful possession of _" "man wielding _" "man pointed _" "men holding _" "muzzle blast from _" "suspect armed with _" "street firing _" "robbers pointed _" "negligent discharge of _" "people carrying _" "him , pointed _" "firearm other than _" "males armed with _" "man firing _" "manager carried _" "unlicensed possession of _" "other was armed with _" "attacker armed with _" "man waving _" "firearms other than _" "firearms such as _" "She was shot with _" "poor shot with _" "gas operated _" "_ including handguns" "men carrying _" "Weapons including _" "safety locks with _" "accuracy potential of _" "drugs , carrying _" "suspects was armed with _" "He then pointed _" "second-degree assault with _" "_ strapped over" "door , pointed _" "game taken with _" "homeowner grabbed _" "_ were fired from" "boy , armed with _" "criminal use of _" "open carry of _" "person fires _" "trigger guard of _" "concealability of _" "door armed with _" "male pulled _" "car fired _" "citizens carry _" "man was pointing _" "trigger locks for _" "arm mounted _" "_ is a close range weapon" "round fired from _" "_ 's trigger guard" "experience firing _" "weapon , except _" "_ was not the murder weapon" "man points _" "rear sight of _" "scope sighted _" "weapon , such as _" "them , pointed _" "guards with _" "_ is the basic weapon" "_ holstered on" "he was brandishing _" "homicides committed with _" "gunman pointed _" "he is shot with _" "woman armed with _" "youth armed with _" "he had never fired _" "someone wielding _" "suspect was carrying _" "caliber semi-automatic _" "marksmanship with _" "_ fired from inside" "_ being fired at" "He was brandishing _" ] using handgun
CMC @1111 (99.6%) on 25-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=un 2.88251 LASTSUFFIX=gun 2.06819 SUFFIX=un 1.90367 SUFFIX=gun 1.74313 PREFIX=han 1.25999 LASTPREFIX=hand 1.17904 LASTPREFIX=handg 1.17383 WORDS -2.11844 CHARS -2.62950 FULL_POS=NN -2.68968 ] using handgun