home_made_bombs (weapon)
literal strings: home-made bombs, home_made_bombs
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- weapon(99.3%)
- CMC @1109 (93.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=bo 2.16201 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.15248 PREFIX=bo 1.76564 LASTPREFIX=bom 1.53751 PREFIX=bom 1.16517 SUFFIX=mbs 0.77675 LASTSUFFIX=mbs 0.77603 WORDSHAPE=aaaaa -0.59566 CHARS -2.69833 WORDS -6.11824 ] using home_made_bombs
- CPL @1107 (88.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ were detonated at" "_ exploded near" "_ are the weapon" "_ went off near" ] using home_made_bombs