lp_gas (weapon)
literal strings: lp gas , LP Gas , LP gas , LP-Gas , LP-gas
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visualizablething (99.7%)CPL @1105 (98.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "fuel such as _" "_ fired appliances" "_ fired stove" "fuels like _" "full tank of _" "few gallons of _" "fuels such as _" "_ log fireplace" "_ fired boilers" "_ is a fossil fuel" "_ powered scooter" ] using lp_gas
weapon (99.4%)CPL @1100 (67.1%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ forced air furnace" "odorant added to _" "fuel such as _" "_ powered engine" "_ fired burners" "gallon for _" "_ powered forklift" "_ fired appliances" "single gallon of _" "_ fired stove" "_ fired water heater" "_ fired central" "_ fired combination boiler" "mercaptan is added to _" "home is heated with _" "full tank of _" "_ forced air heat" "_ fueled generator" "few gallons of _" "_ fired appliance" "gallon of _" "_ fired Aga" "_ fired system" "_ log fireplace" "tank of _" "_ powered trucks" "_ fired boilers" "_ is a fossil fuel" "_ fired burner" "_ fueled equipment" "_ fired hot water boiler" "_ powered scooter" "_ handling systems" ] using lp_gas CMC @1109 (98.2%) on 12-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=ga 5.31467 SUFFIX=as 4.51775 LASTPREFIX=ga 4.18524 LAST_WORD=gas 3.77106 LASTSUFFIX=as 3.75621 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.43498 WORDSHAPE=AA 1.20647 FULL_POS=NN_NN -2.02388 CHARS -2.69833 WORDS -10.19707 ] using lp_gas