CPL @1094 (97.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "men armed with _" "others armed with _" "bullets fired from _" "Police , armed with _" "men carrying _" "Soldiers armed with _" "police armed with _" "weapons such as _" "_ slung over" "soldiers armed with _" "_ slung across" "children carrying _" "gunmen carrying _" "rebels , armed with _" "Israeli soldiers armed with _" "officers armed with _" "weapons including _" ] using m_16_assault_rifles
CMC @1115 (98.1%) on 26-aug-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=rif 1.24559 LASTPREFIX=rifl 1.23939 SUFFIX=lt 0.83971 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.65955 PREFIX=rif 0.63804 LASTSUFFIX=fles 0.63776 PREFIX=rifl 0.63454 POS=NN -0.34386 CHARS -1.77030 WORDS -2.83507 ] using m_16_assault_rifles