CPL @1095 (83.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "housefly with _" "fire weapons such as _" "group armed with _" "weapons ranging from _" "someone firing _" "semi automatic _" "uniformed man with _" "weapons , ranging from _" "car , armed with _" "camouflage carrying _" "violent crime committed with _" "cocking of _" "vehicle armed with _" "uniform , carrying _" "building firing _" "turns firing _" "They were armed with _" "firearm , such as _" "fire automatic _" "Israeli soldier with _" "Other weapons include _" "sailors manning _" "men brandishing _" "it , firing _" "full auto airsoft _" "weapons , including _" "He is also equipped with _" "uniforms , armed with _" "officer fires _" "violence committed with _" "building , firing _" "crew served _" "_ being fired in" "man armed with _" "weapon such as _" "room armed with _" "bullets shot from _" "long gun is _" "officer , armed with _" "officer armed with _" "different weapons , such as _" "soldier firing _" "other weapons such as _" "weapons such as _" "man was brandishing _" "woman pointing _" "weapons , such as _" "him , pointed _" "units armed with _" "_ jammed after" "man firing _" "they were aiming _" "weapons , like _" "wing mounted _" "weapons , in particular _" "unit armed with _" "you ever fired _" "new weapons , like _" "trigger guard of _" "character armed with _" "car fired _" "_ was test-fired" "breech loaded _" "_ deals a good amount" "_ strapped over" "soldier bearing _" "someone fired _" "secondary weapon is _" "uniform carrying _" "You are armed with _" "guard armed with _" "field strip _" "possession of unlicensed _" "other weapons include _" "_ 's secondary fire" "firearm , including _" "projectile weapons such as _" "man was armed with _" "_ pointed right at" "Weapons include _" "masked man carrying _" "_ wielding man" "pop-pop-pop of _" "someone is pointing _" "possession of unregistered _" "car armed with _" "_ wielding hero" "gun , automatic _" "crime committed with _" "_ wielding soldiers" "_ spat fire" "he is shot with _" "_ mounted fore" "soldier armed with _" "him brandishing _" "forces armed with _" "crack shot with _" "_ legally owned in" "gunner carries _" "person firing _" "soldiers carrying _" "army equipped with _" "_ wielding maniacs" "man wielding _" "man pointed _" "men holding _" "revolver than _" "Palestinian armed with _" "they are shot with _" "constant firing of _" "he brandished _" "them armed with _" "marksman with _" "rifle , automatic _" "unauthorized possession of _" "laser sighted _" "he was shot with _" "He was armed with _" "They were firing _" "soldiers firing _" "different weapons from _" "men wielding _" "modern weapons like _" "militia fired _" "man brandishing _" "firearms , including _" "it had been shot with _" "firing mechanism of _" "illegal possession of _" "firearm , except _" "guards with _" "recoil operated _" "Israeli made _" "weaponry such as _" "robber armed with _" "tank , firing _" "soldier wielding _" "soldier , armed with _" "muzzle flash of _" "guy pointed _" "_ require ammo" "goons with _" "guards armed with _" "troops firing _" "_ is any firearm" "shoulder fired _" "armor , carrying _" "auto airsoft _" "officer wielding _" "small arms , light _" "many weapons including _" "you were firing _" "auto bb _" "_ was pointed straight at" "dead shot with _" "air soft _" "_ was slung over" "men , armed with _" "muzzle end of _" "man pointing _" "men firing _" "fighters carrying _" "enemy aircraft with _" "_ blazing from" "_ cocked at" "_ 's stopping power" "firearms such as _" "gun shaped like _" "other weapons like _" "level using only _" "dudes with _" "_ chambered for" "guy wielding _" "new weapons like _" "they were killed with _" "game equipped with _" "gas operated _" "soldier pointing _" "marksmanship with _" "men began firing _" "aircraft mounted _" "indiscriminate firing of _" "guns , light _" "aeg airsoft _" "Weapons , including _" "somebody fires _" "_ pointed at" "_ quit firing" "different weapons , including _" "New weapons such as _" "squad automatic _" "someone fires _" "shotgun than _" "_ wielding assassin" "they had been fired from _" "small arms , heavy _" "troops with heavy _" "shoulder mounted _" "_ holstered in" "_ has unlimited ammo" "_ is slung across" "_ is an automatic weapon" "someone pointing _" "weapons including _" "someone was firing _" "bad guys with _" "guard carrying _" "man points _" "alternate fire of _" "infantry armed with _" "new weapons , such as _" "she strapped on _" "_ emplaced on" "target practice with _" "guy armed with _" "masked man holding _" "Police , armed with _" "_ were fired at" "someone had fired _" "troops fired _" "illegal weapons , including _" "enemy planes with _" "arm mounted _" "_ strapped across" "_ wielding men" "men fired _" "defensive weapons such as _" "_ casually slung over" "special weapons like _" "weapon , such as _" "safety catch of _" "magazine fed _" "rifle airsoft _" "target shooting with _" "man fires _" "arms , light _" "aircraft firing _" "himself firing _" "new weapons such as _" "soldiers armed with _" "first time I fired _" "unlawful possession of _" "weapon other than _" "_ wielding guards" "bullets fired from _" "_ wielding terrorists" "Unlawful possession of _" "pirates armed with _" "robot armed with _" "weaponry including _" "bandits with _" "_ wielding enemies" "basic weapon is _" "heavy weapons like _" "gas airsoft _" "man , armed with _" "_ being pointed at" "room , pointing _" "suspect armed with _" "civilians using _" "double barreled _" "He 's armed with _" ] using machine_gun
CMC @1107 (99.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=gu 5.15247 PREFIX=gu 4.64992 SUFFIX=un 3.83167 LASTSUFFIX=un 3.82011 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.51122 SUFFIX=chine 1.97123 PREFIX=mac 1.80495 FULL_POS=NN_NN -2.42866 CHARS -5.93632 WORDS -12.23649 ] using machine_gun
SEAL @175 (72.0%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 12 ] using machine_gun
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey