massive_two_handed_sword (weapon)
literal strings: massive two-handed sword
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- weapon(99.9%)
- CPL @1097 (85.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "different weapons , including _" "weapons , including _" "hilt of _" ] using massive_two_handed_sword
- CMC @1108 (95.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.43498 PREFIX=swor 0.86280 PREFIX=swo 0.85818 LASTPREFIX=swor 0.83718 LASTPREFIX=swo 0.82540 PREFIX=sw 0.73703 LASTPREFIX=sw 0.69464 WORDSHAPE=aaaaa -0.29783 CHARS -2.15866 WORDS -4.07883 ] using massive_two_handed_sword
- LE @1080 (85.5%) on 30-nov-2017