missile_systems (weapon)
literal strings: Missile Systems, missile systems, missile_systems
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- weapon(99.8%)
- SEAL @134 (98.4%) on 24-jul-2010 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] using missile_systems
- CPL @1105 (85.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "antitank guided _" "weapons , including anti-aircraft _" "weapons , anti-tank _" "weapon systems such as _" "use of ballistic _" "generation of long-range _" "missiles , anti-tank _" "range surface-to-air _" "aircraft mounted _" "aircraft , guided _" "air-to-air guided _" "unlawful possession of _" "shoulder fired anti-aircraft _" "precision guided _" "surface-to-air guided _" "generation of ballistic _" "anti-tank guided _" "deployment of anti-ballistic _" "threat from ballistic _" "range ballistic _" "satellite guided _" "proliferation of ballistic _" "inherent accuracy of _" "_ were fired from" "deployment of ballistic _" "spread of ballistic _" "submarine launched ballistic _" "development of ballistic _" "_ have a maximum range" "target guided _" "testing of long-range _" "ordnance , including _" "launchers , anti-tank _" "_ including anti-tank" ] using missile_systems