CMC @1049 (100.0%) on 14-apr-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=sh 2.72755 PREFIX=shot 2.54075 LASTPREFIX=shot 2.37623 LASTPREFIX=sho 1.91321 LASTSUFFIX=un 1.81147 PREFIX=sh 1.78993 PREFIX=sho 1.67495 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.97669 WORDS -3.13101 FULL_POS=NN -3.26490 ] using shotgun
SEAL @175 (100.0%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using shotgun
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of visualizableobject:shotgun weaponmadeincountry country:spain ]
CPL @1104 (89.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "police fired _" "several deer with _" "bad guys with _" "horse , armed with _" "goons with _" "_ chambered in" "_ fires a shell" "Short Barreled _" "_ safely staged on" "_ wielding guards" "bullets fired from _" "weapons including _" "someone pointing _" "thieves armed with _" "he had never fired _" "guide carried _" "fine shot with _" "unintentional discharge of _" "streets , firing _" "shooter holding _" "someone had fired _" "_ wielding maniacs" "station armed with _" "guard wielding _" "him wielding _" "them were carrying _" "point-blank with _" "rescue , armed with _" "trigger guard of _" "guards armed with _" "_ being pointed at" "good shot with _" "_ 's firing pin" "firearm , including _" "house armed with _" "housefly with _" "pistol grip on _" "inertia operated _" "rednecks with _" "projectile fired from _" "him , pointed _" "firearm other than _" "hunter carrying _" "guards carry _" "spring powered _" "squad armed with _" "woods armed with _" "man pointing _" "man fired _" "naked guy with _" "men brandishing _" "officer fires _" "man was pointing _" "men pointed _" "side double _" "_ clicked empty" "more I shoot _" "_ was slung over" "air soft _" "officers carrying _" "_ are semi-automatic" "house , loaded _" "fore-end of _" "_ missed fire" "_ believed used in" "guy wielding _" "excellent marksman with _" "killing range of _" "man found with _" "_ was thrust through" "I tried firing _" "_ was slung across" "powerful weapons such as _" "marksman with _" "games you use _" "few blasts from _" "gas operated _" "recoil operated _" "same ammo as _" "firearms such as _" "he was shot with _" "He has hunted with _" "accuracy potential of _" "deer taken with _" "door , armed with _" "door wielding _" "defendant was armed with _" "magazine loaded _" "ground blind with _" "double barrelled _" "they were armed with _" "suspect pointed _" "suspects were armed with _" "men brandished _" "officers carry _" "student armed with _" "range weapon like _" "sight attached to _" "son fired _" "pistols , to _" "firearm like _" "door armed with _" "new barrel on _" "he allegedly fired _" "guard , armed with _" "figure standing with _" "males armed with _" "man , wielding _" "man firing _" "leader threw _" "driver pointed _" "policemen fired _" "other weapons than _" "much ammo for _" "it had been shot with _" "he was wielding _" "firing end of _" "_ was a favorite weapon" "boy , armed with _" "guys toting _" "masked man holding _" "long ranges with _" "_ holstered on" "_ is a difficult weapon" "She was shot with _" "fingerprints were not found on _" "they were shot with _" "shop armed with _" "unauthorized possession of _" "defensive use of _" "several weapons , including _" "robbers pointed _" "street firing _" "suspect armed with _" "Marine holding _" "building , armed with _" "_ shoots great" "alternate fire of _" "firearms / _" "he had been shot with _" "_ wielding terrorists" "dull boom of _" "barrel end of _" "you were firing _" "him cock _" "_ firing slugs" "replica airsoft _" "everyone is armed with _" "someone fires _" "streets , armed with _" "weapons , such as _" "suspects fired _" "times handle _" "wild turkey with _" "armor wielding _" "expert marksman with _" "car , armed with _" "crack shots with _" "cavalryman with _" "robbers , armed with _" "driver fired _" "calibres of _" "somebody fires _" "soldier armed with _" "man aiming _" "person firing _" "man is pointing _" "_ being fired into" "robbers armed with _" "secondary weapon is _" "buck taken with _" "_ using shot" "_ using ammo" "attackers were armed with _" "them , brandishing _" "Hunting is done with _" "many weapons , including _" "_ having a barrel" "powerful weapon like _" "explosive weapons such as _" "gun , airsoft _" "officer pointing _" "multiple weapons , including _" "killer armed with _" "Man armed with _" "I had n't fired _" "suspect was carrying _" "cold barrel of _" "_ had been fired into" "_ had no bullets" "ammunition fired from _" "hunting is by _" "policemen with _" "person , armed with _" "_ wielding assassin" "quality airsoft _" "room , pointing _" "thugs armed with _" "target shooting with _" "suspect , armed with _" "storing , transporting _" "clay pigeons with _" "outfit , holding _" "load development for _" "_ wielding enemy" "action repeating _" "security guards armed with _" "smooth bore _" "skeleton carrying _" "them fired _" "side-by-side double _" "them brandished _" "I had never fired _" "He also wields _" "clay targets with _" "_ pointed right at" "suspect produced _" "various weapons , such as _" "sharp report of _" "other he carried _" "_ is slung around" "double barreled _" "_ has recoil" "_ wielding man" "bikini holding _" "small game with _" "them armed with _" "_ is numbered within" "_ wielding men" "unlawful possession of _" "weapon other than _" "car , pointed _" "masked men with _" "man brandishing _" "loud report of _" "_ has less recoil" "propane tank with _" "residence armed with _" "primary weapon was _" "security men with _" "robbers had _" "someone fired _" "You are armed with _" "_ was a Winchester" "big guys with _" "battlefield use of _" "pellet fired from _" "different weapons , including _" "cruisers carry _" "new weapons such as _" "nitro express _" "he brandished _" "They are pointing _" "special weapons , such as _" "marksmanship with _" "clip fed _" "suspects produced _" "security guards with _" "men was armed with _" "possession of loaded _" "range weapon such as _" "other weapons , such as _" "projectiles fired from _" "_ being fired inside" "man , armed with _" "He then pointed _" "someone is firing _" "himself pointing _" "gunman using _" "_ had been fired at" "Smith pointed _" "he was brandishing _" "homicides committed with _" "gunman pointed _" "he is shot with _" "gang wielding _" "himself posing with _" "he was pointing _" "drug dealers with _" "_ fired projectiles" "common weapon is _" "guy armed with _" "level using only _" "other weapons like _" "long range weapons such as _" "youths armed with _" "window , pointed _" "multiple rounds from _" "men , armed with _" "stand guard with _" "soldier fires _" "guy pointed _" "father pointing _" "_ 's secondary fire" "remington DDD _" "people shot with _" "hunter armed with _" "him brandishing _" "military utility of _" "man retrieved _" "_ loaded only with" "someone was pointing _" "us springfield _" "various weapons , including _" "new weapons , such as _" "man fires _" "_ choke work" "_ fires a spread" "_ 's trigger guard" "_ is a close range weapon" "hunting is with _" "he allegedly pointed _" "car armed with _" "browning automatic _" "men armed with _" "modern weapons like _" "muzzles of _" "man , brandishing _" "range weapons like _" "robbers fired _" "rounds fired from _" "guard armed with _" "front sights on _" "_ is a short range weapon" "_ propped beside" "he , holding _" "_ are pointed at" "_ did not violate the Second Amendment" "Weapons include _" "double barrels of _" "commit suicide with _" "careful aim with _" "_ wielding enemies" "hopkins allen _" "him pointing _" "first deer with _" "first time I fired _" "members wielding _" "masked man armed with _" "boys fired _" "_ wielding hero" "_ reloading recipes" "_ wielding attacker" "_ is a light weapon" "_ accidentally discharged in" "_ going bang" "Tradename used on _" "_ raised rib" "someone wielding _" "manager carried _" "point blank with _" "revolver than _" "she cocked _" "_ still pointed at" "they are shot with _" "shootability of _" "_ is a long gun" "_ was not the murder weapon" "Police fired _" "_ 's firing mechanism" "He 's armed with _" "he never fired _" "someone was firing _" "assailants had _" "_ were fired through" "_ still trained on" "action airsoft _" "guns airsoft _" "figure armed with _" "hunting gear including _" "game taken with _" "homeowner grabbed _" "boar hog with _" "crack shot with _" "cops with _" "night armed with _" "guards with _" "group , armed with _" "barell of _" "target practice with _" "tree , pointing _" "officer points _" "magazine fed _" "killer fired _" "Winchester repeating _" "_ wielding maniac" "assailants used _" "person fires _" "masked man carrying _" "gas operated semi-automatic _" "he is seen holding _" "man was shot with _" "they 're wielding _" "_ is the standard weapon" "_ is a Remington" "browning superposed _" "civilian clothes carrying _" "building armed with _" "gunman armed with _" "new weapons , like _" "comfortable firing _" "damage value for _" "high quality airsoft _" "players equipped with _" "pellets fired from _" "other weapons such as _" "riot police using _" "guy points _" "Turkey hunting with _" "He was brandishing _" "men were armed with _" "multiple weapons including _" "several blasts from _" "rifle / _" "suspects was armed with _" "brandishing of _" "attackers armed with _" "short barreled _" "shooter holds _" "robbers were armed with _" "security force confiscated _" "single blast from _" "hunting is restricted to _" "guy pointing _" "he ever fired _" "factory configuration of _" "school parking lot with _" "different weapons such as _" "they had been fired from _" "suspect brandished _" "muzzle end of _" "butt stock of _" "car fired _" "character armed with _" "open choke _" "shooters used _" "_ strapped across" "_ 's primary fire" "armed men with _" "deputies armed with _" "He was armed with _" "firearm , except _" "himself armed with _" "him armed with _" "illegal possession of _" "stranger wielding _" "robber armed with _" "soldier wielding _" "_ pointed at" "lever-action repeating _" "man was armed with _" "man aims _" "boys armed with _" "_ wielding madman" "defendant pointed _" "male armed with _" "muzzle flash of _" "_ 's forend" "man points _" "Weapons such as _" "_ using slugs" "Double barreled _" "Hemingway put _" "heavier weapons such as _" "firearms , including _" "suspect was armed with _" "them brandishing _" "other was armed with _" "weapon ," ] using shotgun
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:country~specializations,concept:inverseofweaponmadeincountry" "Y~_z-concept:country:countries~concept:countriessuchascountries,concept:locationofitemexistence" "Y~_z-concept:weapon:nukes~concept:relatedto" "Y~_z-concept:agriculturalproduct:flowers~concept:agriculturalproductcamefromcountry,concept:inverseofweaponmadeincountry" "Y~_z-concept:weapon~specializations,concept:relatedto" ] using (shotgun, nuclear_missile)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey