single_shots (weapon)
literal strings: single-shots, Single shots, single shots
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- weapon(100.0%)
- CMC @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=sh 2.60450 PREFIX=shot 2.51816 LASTPREFIX=shot 2.39173 LASTPREFIX=sho 2.05070 PREFIX=sho 1.79928 PREFIX=sh 1.71684 LASTSUFFIX=hots 1.62564 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.55383 CHARS -1.76393 WORDS -3.14140 ] using single_shots
- CPL @1096 (82.3%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "hunters carrying _" "_ chambered for" "other big bore _" "_ have been chambered for" ] using single_shots