CPL @1094 (87.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "somebody pointing _" "crack shot with _" "crack shots with _" "soldier , armed with _" "several guards with _" "powerful weapon like _" "_ chambered for" "gun shaped like _" "_ pointed at" "They are armed with _" "deadly shot with _" "fine shot with _" "They were armed with _" "_ sling swivel" "other weapons besides _" "_ was slung over" "air soft _" "weapons including _" "firearms , like _" "one is pointing _" "gangsters with _" "cops with _" "Gas powered airsoft _" "_ chambered in" "guys carry _" "_ firing between" "other weapons than _" "bad guys with _" "preferred weapon is _" "many weapons including _" "New weapons include _" "long barrel of _" "bullets shot from _" "_ slung around" "weapons , such as _" "guards with _" "dudes with _" "marksman with _" "man aiming _" "weapon other than _" "marksmen with _" "spring powered airsoft _" "clocktower with _" "new weapons such as _" "weapons other than _" "Other weapons include _" "weapons , including _" "certain weapons such as _" "weapons such as _" "thugs with _" "semi automatic _" "semi- automatic _" "man armed with _" "dead shot with _" "you are wielding _" "he was shot with _" "woman armed with _" "various weapons such as _" "shot at with _" "weapon such as _" "assassin armed with _" "weapons , like _" "firearms , including _" "rifles such as _" "_ scopes software" "You are armed with _" "gas airsoft _" "favorite weapon was _" "_ strapped across" "marksmanship with _" "careful aim with _" "policemen with _" "guard armed with _" "good shot with _" "Weapons such as _" "man wielding _" "shotgun than _" "_ is bolt action" "proper ammunition for _" "telescopic sight of _" "Weapons include _" "someone wielding _" "point blank with _" "Other weapons such as _" "various weapons , including _" "weapon , such as _" "soldier armed with _" "weaponry including _" "range weapon like _" "student armed with _" "new weapons , such as _" "various weapons , such as _" ] using sniper_rifle
SEAL @175 (79.9%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 12 ] using sniper_rifle
CMC @1049 (100.0%) on 14-apr-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=rif 3.73003 LASTPREFIX=rifl 3.61887 LASTPREFIX=ri 2.84071 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.45396 LASTSUFFIX=ifle 2.33469 LAST_WORD=rifle 2.33469 FULL_POS=JJ_NN 2.33443 WORDSHAPE=aaaaa -1.09064 CHARS -4.59524 WORDS -10.44475 ] using sniper_rifle