swords_and_knives (weapon)
literal strings: swords and knives
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- weapon(99.4%)
- SEAL @692 (52.9%) on 01-feb-2013 [ 1 ] using swords_and_knives
- CMC @1107 (98.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.07624 PREFIX=swor 0.86280 PREFIX=swo 0.85818 PREFIX=sw 0.73703 SUFFIX=ives 0.59347 LASTSUFFIX=ives 0.50207 SUFFIX=ves 0.48530 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a_a -0.39632 CHARS -1.52905 WORDS -3.05912 ] using swords_and_knives