two_pistols (weapon)
literal strings: two pistols, Two pistols
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- weapon(99.9%)
- CPL @1094 (89.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "horseback armed with _" "dual wields _" "He was armed with _" "_ safely staged on" "gunman armed with _" "man waving _" "firearm , such as _" "other weapons , including _" "troops confiscated _" "man armed with _" "weapons , including _" "_ slung low" "he brandished _" "defensive use of _" "_ holstered at" "cowboys carried _" "They were armed with _" "weapons included _" "_ were pointed at" "_ firing as" "_ pointed at" "_ are pointed at" "men , armed with _" "illegal possession of _" "_ belted on" "drug dealers with _" "muzzles of _" "robbers armed with _" "secondary weapon is _" "men carrying _" "house armed with _" "thugs with _" "man fired _" "man pointing _" "weapons including _" "cocking of _" "_ chambered in" "home waving _" "guard carrying _" "_ cocked at" "room armed with _" ] using two_pistols
- CMC @1097 (98.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.31460 PREFIX=pisto 0.84500 PREFIX=pist 0.84500 PREFIX=pis 0.84257 LASTPREFIX=pisto 0.83868 LASTPREFIX=pist 0.83868 LASTPREFIX=pis 0.83620 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.67151 CHARS -2.39203 WORDS -4.03078 ] using two_pistols