CPL @1094 (98.7%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ exploded at about" "_ have been detonated in" "_ detonated next" "_ targeting a police patrol" "_ exploded near" "_ exploded outside" "_ detonated near" "vehicle was hit with _" "group detonated _" ] using two_roadside_bombs
CMC @1111 (98.5%) on 25-jun-2018 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.50352 LASTPREFIX=bo 2.40385 PREFIX=bo 1.75145 LASTPREFIX=bom 1.30409 PREFIX=bom 1.07466 SUFFIX=mbs 0.88794 LASTSUFFIX=mbs 0.80220 WORDSHAPE=aaaaa -0.63219 WORDS -4.23688 CHARS -4.50771 ] using two_roadside_bombs