CMC @1105 (99.7%) on 25-mar-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=rifl 1.80452 LASTPREFIX=rif 1.80432 PREFIX=rif 1.56462 PREFIX=rifl 1.56441 LASTSUFFIX=le 1.40421 LASTPREFIX=ri 1.16720 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.07624 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.80955 CHARS -2.87822 WORDS -4.07883 ] using winchester_rifle
LE @1049 (99.5%) on 14-apr-2017
CPL @1095 (88.7%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "marksman with _" "guard carrying _" "he was brandishing _" "_ is slung across" "house armed with _" "_ chambered in" "people killed with _" "_ 's alt-fire" "_ chambered for" "rifles such as _" "gold mounted _" "They were armed with _" "expert marksman with _" "wood stock of _" "someone firing _" "_ holstered in" "crack shot with _" "target practice with _" "Indian holding _" "_ pointed at" "sharp report of _" ] using winchester_rifle