SEAL @190 (100.0%) on 16-jan-2011 [ 12345 6 7891011 ] using clouds
OE @811 (94.8%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using clouds
CPL @1108 (57.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "atmospheric phenomena , such as _" "blue skies , fluffy _" "_ sweeping in from" "event despite _" "convective nature of _" "crystals in high _" "clouds , new _" "skies , light _" "spite of heavy _" "_ blow upon" "atmospheric phenomena such as _" "_ stopped play" "_ transport energy" "_ whipping at" "sun finally broke through _" "sun was obscured by _" "_ are forming over" "_ break against" "_ covered the sky" "patches of thin _" "_ hiding the moon" "bank of heavy _" "He is coming with _" "it was cancelled due to _" "sand blowing in _" "rain wrapped _" "_ reflect incoming solar radiation" "_ rolled in over" "_ scudded across" "bad weather , with _" "_ shrouded the mountains" "scuds of _" "atmospheric conditions , such as _" "clouds , cold _" "_ was forecast for" "_ made the fishing" "moon broke through _" "mild temperatures with _" "it was sunny with _" "more rain from _" "lightning producing _" "moisture condenses as _" "layer of high _" "_ slowly rolled in" "_ stayed away long enough for" "thick blanket of _" "sun was breaking through _" "_ produced hail" "_ were blowing in from" "thick sheet of _" "thick pall of _" "thunder , heavy _" "walk home in _" "weather factors such as _" "sunny weather after _" "_ reflect back into" "cloudy days with _" "skies with scattered _" "_ blow around" "_ covered sky" "_ cleared away in" "dust blowing in _" "days of heavy _" "light cover of _" "many days of heavy _" "mountains obscured by _" "sky was clear of _" "storms bring _" "forecast called for _" "evening , heavy _" "next day despite _" "climatic changes such as _" "city is shrouded in _" "droplets called _" "area with frequent _" "_ still lay thick" "_ whipping across" "_ start blowing in" "monsoon like _" "day despite _" "crowd braving _" "_ covering the sky" "_ are gathering over" "nice blanket of _" "it was overcast with _" "_ forecast for" "_ / snow" "_ are expected this afternoon" "_ bring strong winds" "_ containing hail" "hourly observations of _" "it blows in _" "heavy blanket of _" "light rain , heavy _" "_ swept between" "_ spitting snow" "_ were scudding across" "_ hide the sun" "_ lap onto" "_ hid the stars" "Weather forecast says _" "line of convective _" "experience frequent _" "evening , despite _" "flights were cancelled due to _" "days with heavy _" "formation of convective _" "forecast promised _" "forecast had predicted _" "_ came rolling over" "patch of light _" "perfect day , with _" "mountain shrouded in _" "sunshine , gentle _" "sky heavy with _" "_ gathering over" "_ are ripples" "snow , heavy _" "liquid water content of _" "_ are expected later this week" "_ blanketing the region" "_ blowing onto" "It was threatening _" "mighty storm of _" "moisture source for _" "_ poured rain" "_ is expected tomorrow" "sunny conditions with _" "solid sheet of _" "rain , followed by _" "adverse weather conditions such as _" "_ prevailed along" "downdrafts of _" "dense bank of _" "heavy bank of _" "storm brings _" "weather was clear with _" "_ covered the mountains" "_ cleared just in" "_ blow through" "fractional coverage of _" "limited visibility due to _" "_ boiled across" "_ had drifted in from" "_ darkened the horizon" "_ relented for" "_ obscured the sun" "_ shrouded the city" "_ moving in by" "meteorological phenomena like _" "natural forces , like _" "skies with light _" "sky , little _" "vapor turns into _" "visibility caused by _" "weather patterns such as _" "_ filled the crater" "big puff of _" "bolt of _" "_ are forecasted for" "_ blow across" "_ blanketing much of" "caution to _" "_ often form on" "_ producing rain" "sun melts _" "storm is bringing _" "sunshine after _" "they 're predicting _" "clear evening with _" "forecasts call for _" "flares , magnetic _" "fog , low _" "_ were breaking on" "_ stayed away for" "_ strike the earth" "afternoon went on _" "_ obscured the horizon" "_ kept the temperature" "event of heavy _" "scattering of light _" "rainbows without _" "clouds , heavy _" "days with light _" "radiative effects of _" "_ carry the rain" "_ blow over" "_ have a net cooling effect" "_ dropping snow" "_ cool the earth" "_ covered peaks" "they were forecasting _" "sun coming out of _" "rumbles of _" "_ cool the Earth" "_ carried the scent" "night was clear with _" "minor patches of _" "skies , fluffy _" "mountain was covered in _" "night , thick _" "sun had broken through _" "sky , light _" "_ obscure the stars" "meteorological phenomena such as _" "views despite _" "winds , heavy _" "overcast with light _" "microphysical properties of _" "overcast day , with _" "it condenses into _" "sky free of _" "next few days is for _" "mountain was covered by _" "_ covered the moon" "_ finally cleared for" "conditions are light _" "areas of patchy _" "rain bearing _" "short-term forecasts of _" "_ has been forecast for" "_ enveloped the mountain" "_ began blowing in" "_ produce hail" "_ hiding the sun" "_ produce lightning" "thick swirling _" "water vapour as _" "climatic factors such as _" "We encountered heavy _" "_ is an electrical discharge" "cold front brought _" "morning with light _" "layer of marine _" "_ were predicted at" "_ roll in over" "_ lingering across" "atmospheric effects such as _" "areal coverage of _" "_ threatens rain" "billow in _" "heavy accumulation of _" "great day despite _" "cold wind was blowing _" "immense bank of _" "_ blanket the sky" "atmospheric phenomena like _" "sun was hidden behind _" "sunlight melts _" "rain came with _" "aircraft flies through _" "climatologies of _" "_ is freezing rain" "_ hid the sun" "forcast called for _" "freezing , with _" "heavy drifting _" "cold temperatures , with _" "cold front bringing _" "_ had the birds" "_ came sweeping over" "run despite _" "_ blanketed much of" "_ covered the stars" "_ bring rain" "_ are blowing from" "few bouts of _" "forecast is for _" "dark swirling _" "blue skies with white _" "_ were brewing in" "night of heavy _" "mountain covered in _" "condenses , forming _" "_ slowly drift by" "_ split the sky" "_ hampered visibility" "_ are forecast throughout" "_ dominated the weather" "forecast said _" "satellite showed _" "_ make tornadoes" "_ warm the Earth" "_ started blowing in" "weather forecast is for _" "weather phenomena such as _" "wet day with _" "north wind with _" "heavy , blowing _" "_ bring wind" "_ developing during" "_ blowing down from" "_ cover the sun" "you expect heavy _" "we were in heavy _" "weather forecast calls for _" "weather , with little _" "momentary break in _" "lightning associated with _" "reduced visibility in _" "wind , high _" "weather report calls for _" "_ covered the skies" "_ have a high albedo" "grey day with _" "clear weather with _" "moisture condenses into _" "meeting was canceled due to _" "beautiful sunny day with _" "area prone to _" "weather map showing _" "walk despite _" "we were socked in with _" "water moves with _" "rain , occasional _" "properties of polar _" "rain falls as _" "_ were building as" "_ still covered the earth" "_ blowing in over" "thunder without _" "weather system with _" "weather such as _" "winds , low _" "sun is obscured by _" "thick , swirling _" "_ gathering force" "_ cut visibility" "_ covering the sun" "_ carried dust" "sky , watch _" "low visibility from _" "bridge covered in _" "bit cool with _" "weather forecast promised _" "_ obscuring the moon" "visibility is reduced by _" "weather report was for _" "updrafts within _" "_ are drifting across" "_ were covering the sky" "blue sky , white _" "we hit heavy _" "wind speeds associated with _" "winds pile _" "_ covered the peak" "liquid water content in _" "_ rolling in over" "we fly above _" "we 've had heavy _" "weather cooperated with _" "_ had socked in" "_ are floating across" "_ curling up from" "_ lapping at" "_ were blowing through" "atmospheric effects like _" "_ played spoilsport" "weather with occasional _" "weather was terrible with _" "bright sunny day with _" "band of heavy _" "weather changed to _" "window free of _" "flanking line of _" "fog , heavy _" "more sunshine than _" "day was sunny with _" "drifts of white _" "wind , accompanied by _" "weather prediction was for _" "window hoping for _" "winds generate _" "weather effects such as _" "_ swept in off" "_ were forming over" "_ is expected across" "_ prevented helicopters" "_ rolling over from" "lightning without _" "ocean produces _" "rain , once _" "weather man is calling for _" "weather forecast was calling for _" "winds bringing _" "winter , heavy _" "weather forecast had called for _" "vapor becomes _" "forecast includes _" "intense band of _" "_ had reduced visibility" "_ covered the sun" "we were lucky with _" "temperatures , along with _" "sun broke through _" "overcast days with _" "conditions , including heavy _" "sun breaking through _" "current forecast calls for _" "fog , high _" "fronts bring _" "forecast was _" "we encountered heavy _" "_ gusting into" "_ hampered the search" "we were riding into _" "_ had rolled in" "_ had just blown through" "obscurants such as _" "marine stratocumulus _" "_ had cleared a bit" "_ dissipated at" "west , heavy _" "weather report called for _" "water in cold _" "weather like heavy _" "weather events , like _" "_ lingered across" "_ move in like" "mind wander with _" "moon , light _" "we were engulfed by _" "rain , feel _" "precipitation such as _" "lightning occurs in _" "light rain with _" "iodide into _" "high albedo of _" "we had heavy _" "weather effects as _" "year , with heavy _" "wind , only _" "climate variables such as _" "_ bringing heavy rain" "_ rarely form in" "Mother Nature brought _" "weather forecast said _" "prediction of convective _" "weather conditions such as _" "white blanket of _" "sun is hidden by _" "sun , heavy _" "temps , with _" "winter blanket of _" "winds along with _" "dust rose in _" "winds create _" "week , wit" ] using clouds
CMC @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=clou 1.65975 PREFIX=cloud 1.35747 LASTPREFIX=clou 1.31552 PREFIX=clo 1.10015 LASTPREFIX=cloud 1.08857 LASTSUFFIX=louds 1.02265 LASTSUFFIX=ouds 1.02265 CHARS -1.14537 FULL_POS=NNS -1.27198 WORDS -2.14026 ] using clouds
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 turned an angry arg1" "arg2 turned a darker arg1" "arg2 turn a brilliant arg1" "arg2 turned a beautiful arg1" "arg2 turned a dark arg1" "arg2 start to turn arg1" "arg2 turn a dark arg1" "arg2 turned a light arg1" ] using (shade, clouds)
CPL @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 turned an angry arg2" "arg1 turned a darker arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 turned a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turned a nice arg2" "arg1 turned a dark arg2" "arg1 start to turn arg2" "arg1 turn a dark arg2" "arg1 turned a light arg2" ] using (clouds, shade)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 stretched over her arg1" "arg2 high above his arg1" "arg2 high above her arg1" "arg2 are behind his arg1" ] using (head, clouds)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or sulfur arg1" "arg2 and carbon arg1" "arg2 and more carbon arg1" "arg2 and absorbing carbon arg1" ] using (dioxide, clouds)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)
CPL @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 turned an angry arg2" "arg1 turned a darker arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 turned a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turned a nice arg2" "arg1 turned a dark arg2" "arg1 start to turn arg2" "arg1 turn a dark arg2" "arg1 turned a light arg2" ] using (clouds, shade)
CPL @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 turned an angry arg2" "arg1 turned a darker arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 turned a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turned a nice arg2" "arg1 turned a dark arg2" "arg1 start to turn arg2" "arg1 turn a dark arg2" "arg1 turned a light arg2" ] using (clouds, shade)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)
CPL @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 turned an angry arg2" "arg1 turned a darker arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 turned a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turned a nice arg2" "arg1 turned a dark arg2" "arg1 start to turn arg2" "arg1 turn a dark arg2" "arg1 turned a light arg2" ] using (clouds, shade)
CPL @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 turned an angry arg2" "arg1 turned a darker arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 turned a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turned a nice arg2" "arg1 turned a dark arg2" "arg1 start to turn arg2" "arg1 turn a dark arg2" "arg1 turned a light arg2" ] using (clouds, shade)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)
CPL @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 turned an angry arg2" "arg1 turned a darker arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 turned a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turned a nice arg2" "arg1 turned a dark arg2" "arg1 start to turn arg2" "arg1 turn a dark arg2" "arg1 turned a light arg2" ] using (clouds, shade)
CPL @1105 (99.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 turned an angry arg2" "arg1 turned a darker arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 turned a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turned a nice arg2" "arg1 turned a dark arg2" "arg1 start to turn arg2" "arg1 turn a dark arg2" "arg1 turned a light arg2" ] using (clouds, shade)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)
CPL @1112 (93.8%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 all changing arg2" "arg1 started turning arg2" "arg1 begin changing arg2" "arg1 turn different arg2" ] using (clouds, colors)