CPL @1103 (96.2%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "high Diversity Index , is _" "daily newspapers like _" "national publications such as _" "golf writer for _" "religion reporter for _" "former book editor of _" "photo editor at _" "public editor for _" "columnist at _" "travel editor for _" "travel editor of _" "Thursday edition of _" "music critic for _" "sportswriter for _" "religion editor for _" "staff writer for _" "music columnist for _" "news outlets , including _" "features writer at _" "court documents obtained by _" "politics editor at _" "picture editor at _" "news organizations , including _" "weekly columnist for _" "book critic for _" "real estate editor for _" "police reporter for _" "book editor of _" "recent article in _" "political columnist for _" "long-time columnist for _" "news researcher at _" "writer for _" "Sunday edition of _" "team source told _" "public editor at _" "staff photojournalist for _" "art critic for _" "editorial writer at _" "political writer for _" "religion writer for _" "editorial in _" "education reporter for _" "publications such as _" "assistant features editor at _" "sports writer for _" "American newspapers such as _" "sports editor at _" "columnist for _" "recent column in _" "metro editor of _" "address is not serviced by _" "photography editor for _" "_ reports Saturday" "former music critic for _" "Op-Ed piece in _" "copy editor at _" "Mexico City bureau chief for _" "business columnist at _" "Peer group comparison for _" "Hall reporter for _" "staff photojournalist at _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "education editor of _" "_ ran a recent article" "editor of _" "copy desk of _" "features editor at _" "political reporter at _" "estate editor for _" "_ has a great article today" "staff writer at _" "metro editor at _" "pet column for _" "writing has appeared in _" "bi-weekly column for _" "newspapers including _" "major news outlets like _" "profile article in _" "publications , including _" "news outlets like _" "_ reports today" "former travel editor of _" "top editor of _" "newspapers such as _" "_ ran a front-page story" "chief photographer of _" "such newspapers as _" "sports editor of _" "food writer for _" "metro columnist for _" "editorial columnist for _" "business writer at _" "former columnist for _" "senior writer with _" "recent piece in _" "sports department of _" "front design today is _" "former writer for _" "full interview , visit _" "City Hall reporter for _" "City bureau chief for _" "pet columnist for _" "front page of _" "history columnist for _" "rave review in _" "public editor of _" "editorial pages of _" "movie critic for _" "_ had a front page story" "health columnist for _" "editorial page of _" "business columnist for _" "sports writer at _" "projects reporter at _" "projects writer for _" "local newspapers such as _" "TV critic for _" "column for _" "group comparison for _" "editorial cartoonist of _" "former columnist at _" "Diversity Index , is _" "staff photographer at _" "opinion piece in _" ] using san_antonio_express_news
SEAL @253 (87.5%) on 17-may-2011 [ 123 ] using san_antonio_express_news
CMC @222 (100.0%) on 20-mar-2011 [ CHARS 10.64477 PREFIX=new 5.16462 SUFFIX=ews 4.29993 PREFIX=ne 4.22271 SUFFIX=ws 3.75238 POS=VB 3.36456 LASTPREFIX=new 3.30682 POS=PRP -1.19750 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -3.39186 WORDS -12.95238 ] using san_antonio_express_news
SEAL @742 (53.5%) on 15-jun-2013 [ 1 ] using san_antonio_express
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "travel editor of _" "columnist for _" "sports writer for _" "column for _" "city editor of _" "writer for _" "front page of _" "editor of _" "food editor of _" "recent article in _" "editorial writer for _" "political writer for _" "dailies including _" "city editor at _" ] using san_antonio_express
CMC @260 (100.0%) on 21-may-2011 [ CHARS 3.87919 PREFIX=new 3.30652 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 3.29950 LASTPREFIX=new 3.27063 LASTPREFIX=ne 3.09191 PREFIX=ne 2.02108 LASTSUFFIX=ws 1.79627 POS=PRP -0.75172 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -4.86144 WORDS -14.79674 ] using san_antonio_express_news
CPL @1097 (91.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "high Diversity Index , is _" "daily newspapers like _" "national publications such as _" "golf writer for _" "_ ’ editorial board" "religion reporter for _" "former book editor of _" "numerous publications , including _" "print edition of _" "military reporter for _" "recent report in _" "public editor for _" "columnist at _" "Travel Section of _" "state editor at _" "travel editor of _" "Thursday edition of _" "music critic for _" "sportswriter for _" "religion editor for _" "staff writer for _" "_ prints an editorial" "features writer at _" "politics editor at _" "op-ed column for _" "news organizations , including _" "weekly columnist for _" "book critic for _" "sportswriter with _" "real estate editor for _" "police reporter for _" "book editor of _" "staff photographer for _" "staff editorial in _" "local newspapers including _" "outdoor writer for _" "recent article in _" "political columnist for _" "long-time columnist for _" "obituary section of _" "news researcher at _" "issues reporter for _" "columnist with _" "Sunday edition of _" "editorial staff of _" "public editor at _" "staff photojournalist for _" "weekly owned by _" "_ reported Jan" "art critic for _" "reporter at _" "editorial writer at _" "political writer for _" "religion writer for _" "cub reporter for _" "Friday edition of _" "education reporter for _" "political column for _" "multimedia producer for _" "health column for _" "assistant features editor at _" "sports writer for _" "Hearst bought _" "former police reporter for _" "investigative reporter for _" "American newspapers such as _" "newspaper columnist for _" "sports editor at _" "columnist for _" "recent column in _" "medical writer for _" "newspapers , including _" "metro editor of _" "address is not serviced by _" "photography editor for _" "_ reports Saturday" "_ ran a story today" "interview last week with _" "former music critic for _" "Op-Ed piece in _" "copy editor at _" "Mexico City bureau chief for _" "business section of _" "business columnist at _" "sports department at _" "Peer group comparison for _" "assistant news editor at _" "arts editor at _" "veteran journalist at _" "Hall reporter for _" "staff photojournalist at _" "Good article in _" "travel section of _" "legal column for _" "former publisher of _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "education editor of _" "_ reported Monday" "weekly op-ed column for _" "_ ran a recent article" "writing coach at _" "copy desk of _" "features editor at _" "political reporter at _" "estate editor for _" "_ has a great article today" "music reporter for _" "staff writer at _" "metro editor at _" "pet column for _" "law column for _" "sports reporter for _" "_ published a column" "bi-weekly column for _" "newspapers including _" "major news outlets like _" "profile article in _" "Sunday column for _" "correspondent of _" "critic for _" "_ reports today" "former travel editor of _" "top editor of _" "newspapers such as _" "_ ran a front-page story" "book reviewer of _" "such newspapers as _" "morning edition of _" "affairs writer for _" "sports editor of _" "food writer for _" "metro columnist for _" "editorial columnist for _" "business writer at _" "former columnist for _" "senior writer with _" "_ ran an article" "_ published an op-ed" "recent piece in _" "sports department of _" "front design today is _" "former writer for _" "City Hall reporter for _" "City bureau chief for _" "pet columnist for _" "Corp. also owns _" "history columnist for _" "rave review in _" "public editor of _" "editorial pages of _" "movie critic for _" "_ had a front page story" "health columnist for _" "editorial page of _" "newspapers like _" "business columnist for _" "articles have appeared in _" "Center is authorized by _" "_ reports Wednesday" "sports writer at _" "metro editor for _" "critic at _" "projects reporter at _" "projects writer for _" "Sunday editions of _" "local newspapers such as _" "arts critic at _" "TV critic for _" "sports writer with _" "group comparison for _" "interesting editorial from _" "editorial cartoonist of _" "_ broke the story" "former columnist at _" "_ is the daily newspaper" "Diversity Index , is _" "Workplaces by _" "staff photographer at _" "_ ran a nice article" "opinion piece in _" ] using san_antonio_express_news
SEAL @48 (75.0%) on 05-feb-2010 [ 12 ] using san_antonio_express
SEAL @176 (93.8%) on 10-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using san_antonio_express_news
CPL @1095 (97.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "travel editor of _" "columnist for _" "staff writers for _" "multimedia producer for _" "sports writer for _" "Good article in _" "sports reporter for _" "page headlines in _" "city editor of _" "former editor at _" "food editor of _" "recent article in _" "front page headlines in _" "Wednesday edition of _" "editorial writer for _" "political writer for _" "young reporter for _" "dailies including _" "city editor at _" ] using san_antonio_express
SEAL @550 (50.0%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using san_antonio_express
SEAL @211 (100.0%) on 17-feb-2011 [ 123456789101112 ] using san_antonio_express_news
CPL @1099 (97.4%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "travel editor of _" "article is from _" "sports writer for _" "city editor of _" "Law From _" "editorial writer for _" "political writer for _" "city editor at _" ] using san_antonio_express
CPL @1107 (88.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "high Diversity Index , is _" "golf writer for _" "religion reporter for _" "former book editor of _" "travel editor of _" "sportswriter for _" "music columnist for _" "news outlets , including _" "features writer at _" "politics editor at _" "picture editor at _" "news organizations , including _" "weekly columnist for _" "book critic for _" "real estate editor for _" "police reporter for _" "book editor of _" "political columnist for _" "long-time columnist for _" "Sunday edition of _" "public editor at _" "art critic for _" "editorial writer at _" "political writer for _" "religion writer for _" "education reporter for _" "sports writer for _" "American newspapers such as _" "analyst , told _" "sports editor at _" "recent column in _" "address is not serviced by _" "_ ran a story today" "Op-Ed piece in _" "copy editor at _" "Peer group comparison for _" "arts editor at _" "exact address is not serviced by _" "copy desk of _" "features editor at _" "political reporter at _" "estate editor for _" "staff writer at _" "metro editor at _" "_ reports today" "_ ran a front-page story" "chief photographer of _" "such newspapers as _" "food writer for _" "metro columnist for _" "editorial columnist for _" "former columnist for _" "recent piece in _" "sports department of _" "public editor of _" "editorial pages of _" "movie critic for _" "health columnist for _" "editorial page of _" "business columnist for _" "sports writer at _" "projects reporter at _" "TV critic for _" "group comparison for _" "former columnist at _" "Diversity Index , is _" "staff photographer at _" ] using san_antonio_express_news
CMC @92 (100.0%) on 15-apr-2010 [ PREFIX=new 8.52959 SUFFIX=ews 8.44600 SUFFIX=ws 7.22093 LAST_WORD=news 6.62931 SUFFIX=ress 6.04420 PREFIX=ne 3.90197 POS=PRP 3.85942 PREFIX=ant -3.75198 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -5.05784 WORDS -16.55791 ] using san_antonio_express_news
CPL @1099 (95.6%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "high Diversity Index , is _" "work has also appeared in _" "daily newspapers like _" "national publications such as _" "_ reported Thursday" "golf writer for _" "_ reported today" "religion reporter for _" "former book editor of _" "numerous publications , including _" "columnist at _" "Thursday edition of _" "religion editor for _" "staff writer for _" "court documents obtained by _" "politics editor at _" "spokeswoman told _" "staff photographer for _" "recent article in _" "long-time columnist for _" "_ reported Sunday" "bureau chief of _" "columnist with _" "Sunday edition of _" "public editor at _" "staff photojournalist for _" "_ reported Jan" "reporter at _" "editorial writer at _" "religion writer for _" "cub reporter for _" "Friday edition of _" "education reporter for _" "assistant features editor at _" "sports writer for _" "investigative reporter for _" "American newspapers such as _" "analyst , told _" "_ reported Tuesday" "sports editor at _" "columnist for _" "recent column in _" "newspapers , including _" "metro editor of _" "Presenting Sponsor is _" "copy editor at _" "bureau chief for _" "Peer group comparison for _" "former publisher of _" "education editor of _" "_ reported Monday" "_ reported Wednesday" "features editor at _" "_ ran a story" "news editor at _" "staff writer at _" "metro editor at _" "feature writer for _" "pet column for _" "sports reporter for _" "writing has appeared in _" "_ reported Saturday" "newspapers including _" "major news outlets like _" "critic for _" "_ reports today" "former travel editor of _" "newspapers such as _" "such newspapers as _" "morning edition of _" "affairs writer for _" "sports editor of _" "food writer for _" "business writer at _" "_ ran an article" "_ reported Friday" "documents obtained by _" "pet columnist for _" "rave review in _" "editorial pages of _" "_ had a front page story" "editorial page of _" "newspapers like _" "business columnist for _" "media outlets such as _" "sports writer at _" "projects reporter at _" "TV critic for _" "group comparison for _" "features writer for _" "former columnist at _" "weekly column for _" "Diversity Index , is _" "managing editor at _" "staff photographer at _" "opinion piece in _" ] using san_antonio_express_news
SEAL @128 (50.0%) on 21-jun-2010 [ 1 ] using san_antonio_express_news
CMC @665 (100.0%) on 01-dec-2012 [ CHARS 3.28070 LASTSUFFIX=ews 2.80367 SUFFIX=ews 2.76670 LAST_WORD=news 2.58013 PREFIX=new 2.56664 SUFFIX=ress 2.55698 POS=VB 2.45133 POS=PRP -1.66258 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -3.35253 WORDS -8.09272 ] using san_antonio_express_news
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "columnist for _" "sports writer for _" "sports reporter for _" "city editor of _" "bureau chief for _" "former editor at _" "_ reported Thursday" "food editor of _" "recent article in _" "editorial writer for _" "dailies including _" "city editor at _" "weekly column for _" ] using san_antonio_express