CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" ] using (today, information_contact)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, write)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 was off work arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 House denied that arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House as President arg2" "arg1 House in Washington arg2" "arg1 House issued arg2" ] using (white, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that Palestinian President Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 with Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 with Palestinian President Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 under Mahmoud arg1" "arg2 to Palestinian President arg1" "arg2 and Mahmoud arg1" ] using (abbas, today)
CPL @1109 (93.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House and the Senate arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House in Washington arg2" ] using (white, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 House denied that arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House and the Senate arg2" "arg1 House pool arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House as President arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg2" "arg1 House in Washington arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg2" "arg1 House issued arg2" "arg1 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" ] using (white, today)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 England is arg1" "arg2 Guinea is arg1" "arg2 Mexico is arg1" "arg2 Delhi is arg1" "arg2 Providence is arg1" ] using (one, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is crystal clear arg2" "arg1 was crystal clear arg2" "arg1 is bright arg2" "arg1 was clear arg2" "arg1 is dark arg2" ] using (sky, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Champion Ferries Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Price Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Moore Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Adams Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Smith Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Tennant Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Johnson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Halls Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kane Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Bedford County Nursing arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the funeral arg1" "arg2 at Garner Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Phillips Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Heritage Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Lawrence Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Hillcrest Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Ferry Funeral arg1" ] using (home, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Canada and the United arg1" "arg2 and from the United arg1" "arg2 than in the United arg1" "arg2 is not the United arg1" "arg2 much of the United arg1" "arg2 and the United arg1" "arg2 Europe and the United arg1" "arg2 and even in the United arg1" "arg2 and especially in the United arg1" "arg2 as opposed to the United arg1" "arg2 versus the United arg1" "arg2 and in the United arg1" ] using (states, today)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 band like arg1" "arg2 bands such as arg1" "arg2 rock bands like arg1" "arg2 in bands like arg1" ] using (green_day, today)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Obama is inaugurated arg2" "arg1 Obama for arg2" "arg1 Hussein Obama is arg2" "arg1 Obama will be inaugurated arg2" "arg1 Obama was inaugurated arg2" "arg1 Obama is elected arg2" ] using (barack, today)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Obama is inaugurated arg2" "arg1 Obama for arg2" "arg1 Hussein Obama is arg2" "arg1 Obama is arg2" "arg1 Hussein Obama was arg2" "arg1 Obama will be inaugurated arg2" "arg1 Obama was inaugurated arg2" "arg1 Obama is elected arg2" ] using (barack, today)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 was off work arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 was off work arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 House denied that arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House as President arg2" "arg1 House in Washington arg2" "arg1 House issued arg2" ] using (white, today)
CPL @1109 (93.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House and the Senate arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House in Washington arg2" ] using (white, today)
CPL @1107 (93.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 or iPod Touch arg2" "arg1 and BlackBerry arg2" "arg1 or iPod touch arg2" "arg1 or Android arg2" ] using (iphone, today)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and researchers who are arg2" "arg1 are well trained arg2" "arg1 and other licensed arg2" ] using (doctors, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 House denied that arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House and the Senate arg2" "arg1 House pool arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House as President arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg2" "arg1 House in Washington arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg2" "arg1 House issued arg2" "arg1 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" ] using (white, today)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" ] using (today, visit)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" ] using (today, e_mail)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (today, e_mail)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York City real estate arg2" "arg1 York publishing arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 Mexico is arg2" "arg1 York housing arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 York or New Jersey arg2" "arg1 York office is arg2" "arg1 Orleans is arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 Delhi is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York hotel reservation arg2" "arg1 York theatre arg2" "arg1 York Stock Exchange is arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Orleans real estate arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 Zealand market arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is arg2" "arg1 Zealand rugby arg2" "arg1 York State are arg2" "arg1 Brunswick is arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 Haven is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 England region of arg2" "arg1 Hampshire area arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 England is arg2" ] using (new, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York City real estate arg2" "arg1 York Times column arg2" "arg1 York publishing arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 research published arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 Age movement arg2" "arg1 York State Department of Labor arg2" "arg1 Jersey office arg2" "arg1 Testament church arg2" "arg1 Mexico is arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 York housing arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 York Times announced arg2" "arg1 York or New Jersey arg2" "arg1 York office is arg2" "arg1 York Times piece arg2" "arg1 Orleans is arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 York City business arg2" "arg1 York post arg2" "arg1 Delhi is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 Zealand film arg2" "arg1 York law firm arg2" "arg1 York hotel reservation arg2" "arg1 York theatre arg2" "arg1 England village arg2" "arg1 York Stock Exchange is arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Zealand wine arg2" "arg1 Orleans real estate arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 Zealand market arg2" "arg1 York foreclosure listings arg2" "arg1 York Post reports arg2" "arg1 York flagship arg2" "arg1 Zealand design arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times as one of arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York business arg2" "arg1 York Times reports arg2" "arg1 Zealand and arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 Zealand dairy arg2" "arg1 York media arg2" "arg1 York Times story arg2" "arg1 Zealand rugby arg2" "arg1 York State are arg2" "arg1 Brunswick is arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York headquarters arg2" "arg1 York Times is reporting arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 Haven is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 England region of arg2" "arg1 Hampshire area arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" "arg1 England is arg2" "arg1 York or Washington arg2" ] using (new, today)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 York Times is reporting arg2" "arg1 York Times story arg2" "arg1 York Times reports arg2" ] using (the_new, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (new, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (today, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (new, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (today, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (new, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (today, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (new, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (today, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (new, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (today, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (new, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Washington arg2" "arg1 York City and Long Island arg2" "arg1 gallery added arg2" "arg1 York and New Jersey arg2" "arg1 Zealand property arg2" "arg1 Orleans and the Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 York State is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire seacoast arg2" "arg1 York city is arg2" "arg1 York Times has an article arg2" "arg1 York Times and USA arg2" "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 York Times web arg2" "arg1 Jersey and arg2" "arg1 Jersey and Connecticut arg2" ] using (today, new)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs health arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Paulson that arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (search, today)
CPL @1098 (99.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 engine users arg2" "arg1 engine spiders crawl arg2" "arg1 engine to arg2" "arg1 engines to arg2" "arg1 words all search words arg2" "arg1 engine friendly website arg2" "arg1 engines like arg2" "arg1 engines available on arg2" "arg1 engines on arg2" ] using (today, search)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Jobs of arg1" "arg2 Ballmer at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer said arg1" "arg2 Martin is one of arg1" "arg2 was off work arg1" "arg2 Jobs said arg1" "arg2 Jobs health arg1" "arg2 Jobs is arg1" "arg2 Paulson that arg1" "arg2 Jobs to arg1" "arg2 Jobs at arg1" "arg2 Ballmer announced arg1" ] using (today, steve)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House and Justice Department arg1" "arg2 House and State Department arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, write)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" ] using (today, visit)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, fax)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, fax)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" ] using (today, visit)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" ] using (today, e_mail)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (today, e_mail)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" ] using (today, e_mail)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (today, e_mail)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" ] using (today, e_mail)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (today, e_mail)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, write)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" ] using (today, e_mail)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (today, e_mail)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, fax)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" ] using (today, e_mail)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (today, e_mail)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" ] using (today, e_mail)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (today, e_mail)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, fax)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, fax)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, write)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 Us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 an order arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 us Start arg1" ] using (today, email)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 us for a quote arg1" "arg2 one of our agents arg1" "arg2 our law office arg1" "arg2 one of our offices arg1" "arg2 us for a free consultation arg1" "arg2 us Contact us arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 a travel agent arg1" "arg2 our office arg1" "arg2 our customer service arg1" "arg2 our Customer Care arg1" "arg2 my firm arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" "arg2 our support arg1" "arg2 our sales team arg1" "arg2 us to find out more arg1" "arg2 one of our sales representatives arg1" "arg2 our practice arg1" "arg2 us by phone or email arg1" "arg2 us for an appointment arg1" "arg2 us through the web arg1" "arg2 our attorneys arg1" "arg2 our customer services arg1" "arg2 our sales staff arg1" "arg2 our law firm arg1" "arg2 our offices arg1" "arg2 one of our consultants arg1" "arg2 us for a consultation arg1" "arg2 us for an application arg1" "arg2 us for a free quote arg1" "arg2 us to get started arg1" "arg2 your state legislators arg1" "arg2 a plastic surgeon arg1" "arg2 your sales representative arg1" "arg2 one of our representatives arg1" "arg2 us directly arg1" "arg2 our sales department arg1" "arg2 a sales representative arg1" "arg2 our lawyers arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 our Customer Service arg1" "arg2 our sales arg1" "arg2 our firm arg1" ] using (today, contact)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 an application arg1" "arg2 and complete the application arg1" "arg2 our application arg1" "arg2 a membership application arg1" ] using (today, download)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 your senators arg1" "arg2 your legislators arg1" "arg2 your Senators arg1" "arg2 your Representative arg1" ] using (today, write)
CPL @1107 (96.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 is very dark arg2" "arg1 is bright arg2" "arg1 was shining bright arg2" "arg1 was merciless arg2" "arg1 was bright arg2" ] using (sun, today)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, national_news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, national_news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" ] using (today, mainstream_media)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 outlets including arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" ] using (today, media)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 portal Malaysia arg1" "arg2 outlets including USA arg1" "arg2 channel Russia arg1" "arg2 magazine India arg1" "arg2 outlets as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets such as USA arg1" "arg2 outlets including arg1" ] using (today, news)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Champion Ferries Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Price Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Moore Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Adams Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Smith Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Tennant Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Johnson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Halls Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kane Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Bedford County Nursing arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the funeral arg1" "arg2 at Garner Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Phillips Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Heritage Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Lawrence Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Hillcrest Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Ferry Funeral arg1" ] using (home, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Champion Ferries Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Price Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Moore Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Adams Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Smith Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Tennant Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Johnson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Halls Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kane Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Bedford County Nursing arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the funeral arg1" "arg2 at Garner Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Phillips Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Heritage Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Lawrence Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Hillcrest Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Ferry Funeral arg1" ] using (home, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Champion Ferries Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Price Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Moore Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Adams Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Smith Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Tennant Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Johnson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Halls Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kane Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Bedford County Nursing arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the Funeral arg1" "arg2 at the funeral arg1" "arg2 at Garner Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Phillips Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Heritage Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Lawrence Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Hillcrest Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Ferry Funeral arg1" ] using (home, today)
CPL @526 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2012 [ "arg2 at Tennant Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Cox Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Kilpatrick Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Smith Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Golden Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Richardson Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Miller Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Adams Funeral arg1" "arg2 at Mulhearn Funeral arg1" ] using (home_chapel, today)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 was off work arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1109 (96.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 House denied that arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House as President arg2" "arg1 House in Washington arg2" "arg1 House issued arg2" ] using (white, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 House also announced arg1" "arg2 House press briefing arg1" "arg2 House aide said arg1" "arg2 House dinner arg1" "arg2 House denied that arg1" "arg2 House meeting arg1" "arg2 House press conference arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg1" "arg2 House revealed arg1" "arg2 House press office arg1" "arg2 House says arg1" "arg2 House warned arg1" "arg2 Stripes concert arg1" "arg2 House staff arg1" "arg2 House is playing arg1" "arg2 House sent arg1" "arg2 House officials say arg1" "arg2 House announced arg1" "arg2 House grounds arg1" "arg2 House visitors arg1" "arg2 House and arg1" "arg2 House confirmed arg1" "arg2 House news conference arg1" "arg2 House issued a statement arg1" "arg2 House and the Senate arg1" "arg2 House ceremony arg1" "arg2 House pool arg1" "arg2 House official said arg1" "arg2 House said arg1" "arg2 House spokesman said arg1" "arg2 House that arg1" "arg2 House saying arg1" "arg2 House Council on Environmental Quality arg1" "arg2 House as President arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg1" "arg2 House wanted arg1" "arg2 House statement said arg1" "arg2 House in Washington arg1" "arg2 House briefing room arg1" "arg2 House called arg1" "arg2 House released arg1" "arg2 House controls arg1" "arg2 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg1" "arg2 House denied arg1" "arg2 Paper published arg1" "arg2 House press room arg1" "arg2 House officials said arg1" "arg2 House visit arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman said arg1" "arg2 House leaked arg1" "arg2 House has said arg1" "arg2 House issued arg1" "arg2 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg1" "arg2 House or arg1" "arg2 House blog arg1" "arg2 House refused arg1" ] using (today, white)
CPL @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 House denied that arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Ari Fleischer said arg2" "arg1 House staff arg2" "arg1 House and arg2" "arg1 House and the Senate arg2" "arg1 House pool arg2" "arg1 House Council on Environmental Quality arg2" "arg1 House as President arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Scott McClellan said arg2" "arg1 House in Washington arg2" "arg1 House spokesman Tony Snow said arg2" "arg1 House issued arg2" "arg1 House spokeswoman Dana Perino said arg2" "arg1 House or arg2" ] using (white, today)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Jobs of arg2" "arg1 Ballmer at arg2" "arg1 Jobs announces arg2" "arg1 Jobs announced arg2" "arg1 Ballmer said arg2" "arg1 Martin is one of arg2" "arg1 Jobs said arg2" "arg1 Jobs is arg2" "arg1 Jobs to arg2" "arg1 Jobs at arg2" "arg1 Ballmer announced arg2" ] using (steve, today)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (steve, today)