SEAL @256 (75.0%) on 19-may-2011 [ 12 ] using cabernet
CPL @1103 (84.8%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "smooth glass of _" "Bordeaux varietals _" "Wines such as _" "glbutt of _" "_ is not a wine" "other grapes such as _" "red wines , such as _" "reds include _" "tannins such as _" "vines , such as _" "elegant bottle of _" "Winery specializes in _" "favorite glass of _" "style blend of _" "less tannin than _" "blending grape for _" "grape varieties such as _" "quality bottle of _" "red varietals such as _" "bottle of fine _" "tannic structure of _" "berry fruit of _" "good bottle of _" "tips We recommend _" "red , made from _" "_ is fruit-forward" "grape , while _" "_ is a deep ruby red" "few glasses of _" "favorite bottle of _" "grape varieties are _" "extra glass of _" "glass of young _" "Bordeaux-style blend of _" "bottle of nice _" "bottle of good _" "local wines , including _" "chilled bottle of _" "_ is deep ruby red" "less tannins than _" "wine similar to _" "_ delievered for" "decent bottle of _" "cassis from _" "wines , like _" "wine blended from _" "wines , aged _" "grape including _" "_ is too tannic" "grape varieties include _" "grapes , including _" "special bottle of _" "international varieties such as _" "_ grapes harvested in" "fine glass of _" "age worthy _" "_ is the main grape" "half-bottle of _" "DD-year-old bottle of _" "evening glass of _" "_ was barrel" "tasty bottle of _" "premium Australian _" "couple glasses of _" "climate Australian _" "_ based wines" "fruit driven _" "glass of Australian _" "glass of French _" "cheap bottle of _" "red grapes such as _" "It is often blended with _" "_ shows flavors" "red blend of _" "magnum of _" "_ has a ruby red colour" "red wine like _" "last vintage of _" "_ grapes used for" "magnums of _" "nice bottle of _" "_ planted than" "such varieties as _" "wine blend of _" "lovely bottle of _" "wines produced include _" "perfect bottle of _" "estate grown _" "recent vintages of _" "Bordeaux varieties of _" "reds , like _" "red grapes of _" "barrel fermenting _" "red wine , including _" "red wines such as _" "night glass of _" "tannins than _" "varietals including _" "vineyard designated _" "vines such as _" "local wines such as _" "red varieties such as _" "vineyards producing _" "Bordeaux blend with _" "_ is the flagship wine" "bottlings of _" "first glass of _" "new vintage of _" "new clones of _" "wine is composed of _" "Bordeaux blend of _" "second glass of _" "glass of aged _" "firm tannins of _" "glass of organic _" "estate bottled _" "bottles of great _" "varietals , including _" "_ is a classic pairing" "non-vintage blend of _" "reds such as _" "nice bottles of _" "barrel samples of _" "glass of robust _" "grape variety such as _" "bottle age on _" "French varieties of _" "Grappa di _" "uncorking of _" "blending partner for _" "wines such as _" "wines like _" "red wines like _" "glass of Californian _" "wines , including _" "pear poached in _" "_ is the main variety" "grape varieties like _" "_ is a wonderful food wine" "tannin than _" "plantings include _" "good vintage for _" "full-bodied style of _" "grape variety is _" "nice glass of _" "_ is the only wine" "_ is the primary grape" "full-bodied reds such as _" "classic bottle of _" "_ is a grape" "rosé made from _" "red varieties include _" "great wines like _" "Bordeaux styled _" "fruitier than _" "red grape varieties include _" "_ grapes grown in" "wine labeled as _" "varietals as _" "delicious glass of _" "wine such as _" "wine , such as _" "wines other than _" "_ has aromas" "_ has a complex nose" "grapes including _" "first vintage of _" "excellent wines , including _" "food pairings with _" "_ grapes come from" "_ is a full bodied wine" "half bottle of _" "it is often blended with _" "great bottle of _" "Bordeaux varietals like _" "white wines , such as _" "Wines are _" "excellent bottle of _" "grapes , such as _" "blackberry fruit of _" "glass of nice _" "white wines , including _" "varietal wines including _" "wines , ranging from _" "_ adds backbone" "red wine including _" "such wines as _" "fine bottle of _" "oak aged _" "bottle of excellent _" "varietals , like _" "wines are dominated by _" "French wines such as _" "French clones of _" "plantings consist of _" "varietals , such as _" "Bordeaux varieties such as _" "Bordeaux style blend of _" "single vineyard designated _" "terroir for _" "wines , such as _" "wines labeled _" "_ is an exceptional wine" "_ offers aromas" "flagship wine is _" "_ is frequently blended with" "wines except _" "red wine , such as _" "tannins , such as _" "tannins , making _" "_ is a difficult grape" "_ is a food friendly wine" "winery producing _" "wonderful glass of _" "vines including _" "vineyards planted to _" "varietals such as _" "many glasses of _" "_ gives aromas" "grapes like _" "reds like _" "red wine such as _" "winery produces _" "_ is a special wine" "_ is the dominant grape" "grape being _" "_ is the signature wine" "varietals are _" "hedonistic style of _" "wine other than _" "bottle of Australian _" "other varietals including _" "berry flavors of _" "classic Bordeaux blend of _" "variety , followed by _" "_ shows aromas" "international varieties like _" "reds , such as _" "_ has small berries" "such grapes as _" "grape varieties including _" "grapes such as _" "_ is not a grape" "_ has firm tannins" "glass of fine _" "first plantings of _" "expensive bottles of _" "favorite wine is _" "beautiful bottle of _" "_ is the varietal" "vineyards are planted with _" "table wines including _" "French varietals such as _" "vintage bottle of _" "varietals like _" "_ has ripe" "wines include _" "wine grapes such as _" "_ based wine" "fourth vintage of _" "red wines include _" "grape varieties , such as _" "full-bodied reds like _" "wines including _" "bottle of Argentinian _" "local wines including _" "_ grapes like" "favourite bottle of _" "_ grapes on" "great glass of _" "Vineyard designated _" "wonderful bottle of _" "bottle of local _" "red wines are _" "rare bottle of _" "varieties such as _" "_ is a red wine" ] using cabernet
MBL @1102 (100.0%) on 22-feb-2018 [ Promotion of winery:rodney_strong wineryproduceswine visualizablething:cabernet ]
CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=ernet 2.81341 SUFFIX=rnet 2.78819 PREFIX=caber 2.15769 SUFFIX=net 2.14030 PREFIX=cab 2.08230 PREFIX=cabe 2.07334 LASTPREFIX=caber 1.56818 FULL_POS=NN -1.07578 FULL_WORDSHAPE=A -1.42564 WORDS -5.72276 ] using cabernet
SEAL @299 (68.2%) on 16-jun-2011 [ 1 ] using cabernet
CPL @1098 (89.7%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "smooth glass of _" "Bordeaux varietals _" "ordinary bottle of _" "_ is not a wine" "other grapes such as _" "red wines , such as _" "reds include _" "perfect glass of _" "tannins such as _" "elegant bottle of _" "glass of local _" "blending grape for _" "grape varieties such as _" "red varietals such as _" "bottle of fine _" "cup of _" "berry fruit of _" "good glass of _" "good bottle of _" "_ is fruit-forward" "grape , while _" "_ is a deep ruby red" "few glasses of _" "favorite bottle of _" "grape varieties are _" "extra glass of _" "glass of young _" "you drink _" "I’m sipping on _" "Bordeaux-style blend of _" "bottle of nice _" "bottle of good _" "local wines , including _" "chilled bottle of _" "less tannins than _" "_ delievered for" "decent bottle of _" "wines , aged _" "_ is too tannic" "grape varieties include _" "special bottle of _" "international varieties such as _" "sip of _" "age worthy _" "_ is the main grape" "evening glass of _" "_ was barrel" "tasty bottle of _" "couple gallons of _" "bottles of local _" "couple glasses of _" "climate Australian _" "_ based wines" "blending grape with _" "glass of Australian _" "glass of French _" "cheap bottle of _" "red grapes such as _" "It is often blended with _" "_ shows flavors" "red blend of _" "occasional sip of _" "red wine like _" "couple more bottles of _" "drinkability of _" "sofa , sipping _" "large goblet of _" "_ grapes used for" "magnums of _" "nice bottle of _" "aromas of blackcurrant _" "wine blend of _" "lovely bottle of _" "wines produced include _" "perfect bottle of _" "White grape _" "barrel aged _" "red wines such as _" "night glass of _" "varietals including _" "vineyard designated _" "large glass of _" "red varieties such as _" "drunk plenty of _" "_ is the flagship wine" "bottlings of _" "first glass of _" "ribs braised in _" "mere glass of _" "Bordeaux blend of _" "second glass of _" "glass of aged _" "air , sipping _" "glass of organic _" "estate bottled _" "next sip of _" "bottles of great _" "varietals , including _" "non-vintage blend of _" "reds such as _" "nice bottles of _" "glass of robust _" "grape variety such as _" "French varieties of _" "Grappa di _" "bodied , well balanced _" "blending partner for _" "little glass of _" "red wines like _" "full glass of _" "Glass of _" "pear poached in _" "grape varieties like _" "short ribs braised in _" "bottles of Australian _" "full-bodied style of _" "grape variety is _" "_ is also grown on" "nice glass of _" "_ is the only wine" "_ is the primary grape" "full-bodied reds such as _" "classic bottle of _" "_ is a grape" "rosé made from _" "red varieties include _" "great wines like _" "Bordeaux styled _" "several glasses of _" "red grape varieties include _" "aglass of _" "_ grapes grown in" "wine labeled as _" "Estate grown _" "bottles of _" "delicious glass of _" "_ has low acidity" "grapes including _" "excellent wines , including _" "last glass of _" "_ grapes come from" "_ is a full bodied wine" "occasional glass of _" "it is often blended with _" "Bordeaux varietals like _" "white wines , such as _" "excellent bottle of _" "grapes , such as _" "glass of nice _" "glass of good _" "white wines , including _" "varietal wines including _" "fine bottle of _" "oak aged _" "bottle of excellent _" "varietals , like _" "wines are dominated by _" "French clones of _" "varietals , such as _" "Bordeaux varieties such as _" "single vineyard designated _" "wines , such as _" "wines labeled _" "flagship wine is _" "red wine , such as _" "tannins , such as _" "tannins , making _" "_ is a difficult grape" "glass of _" "winery producing _" "wonderful glass of _" "you normally drink _" "vines including _" "varietals such as _" "many glasses of _" "_ gives aromas" "grapes like _" "reds like _" "red wine such as _" "single glass of _" "winery produces _" "_ is the dominant grape" "glasses of warm _" "wine other than _" "I drink _" "_ 's fruitiness" "small glasses of _" "bottle of Australian _" "classic Bordeaux blend of _" "variety , followed by _" "international varieties like _" "reds , such as _" "such grapes as _" "entire glass of _" "grape varieties including _" "grapes such as _" "_ is not a grape" "glass of fine _" "favorite wine is _" "beautiful bottle of _" "_ is the varietal" "table wines including _" "French varietals such as _" "vintage bottle of _" "varietals like _" "wine grapes such as _" "big glass of _" "_ based wine" "fourth vintage of _" "red wines include _" "bottles of cheap _" "grape varieties , such as _" "full-bodied reds like _" "botte of _" "favourite bottle of _" "daily glass of _" "bottle of _" "_ grapes on" "Deglaze pan with _" "great glass of _" "bottle of local _" "rare bottle of _" ] using cabernet
CPL @1104 (98.3%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "varietals such as _" "complimentary glass of _" "sauce served with _" "D-ounce glass of _" "glass of chilled _" "several glasses of _" "beef stew with _" "nice glass of _" "large glass of _" "_ spills in" "few cans of _" "recipe called for _" "I drink too much _" "few glasses of _" "glass of fresh _" "pan with _" "first glass of _" "red wine with _" "stew with _" "big glass of _" "grapes such as _" "full glass of _" ] using cabernet
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Grigio or arg1" "arg2 Noir over arg1" "arg2 Noir or arg1" "arg2 noir or arg1" "arg2 noir and arg1" "arg2 grigio and arg1" "arg2 Noir and arg1" "arg2 Noir than arg1" "arg2 Blanc with arg1" "arg2 Noir to arg1" "arg2 Gris and arg1" "arg2 Grigio to arg1" "arg2 Noir and even arg1" "arg2 Grigio and arg1" ] using (cabernet, pinot)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (cabernet, pinot)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Bordeaux arg1" "arg2 Franc and other arg1" "arg2 and Chardonnay arg1" "arg2 and Cabernet Franc arg1" "arg2 and other Bordeaux arg1" "arg2 Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Syrah arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon grape arg1" "arg2 and Zinfandel arg1" "arg2 and Shiraz arg1" "arg2 Franc and Merlot arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Merlot arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and other arg1" "arg2 and Tempranillo arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Shiraz arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Chardonnay arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc arg1" ] using (varieties, cabernet)
OE @806 (99.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (varieties, cabernet)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (blend, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with Merlot and arg2" "arg1 of Malbec and arg2" "arg1 of Montepulciano and arg2" "arg1 of Sangiovese with arg2" "arg1 of Merlot and arg2" "arg1 of Petite Sirah and arg2" "arg1 of Sangiovese and arg2" "arg1 of estate grown arg2" "arg1 of Syrah and arg2" "arg1 of Shiraz and arg2" "arg1 of Tempranillo and arg2" ] using (blend, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Franc in arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Merlot arg1" "arg2 and Meritage arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and other arg1" "arg2 and Shiraz arg1" "arg2 or Bordeaux arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Syrah arg1" "arg2 based red arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 and Bordeaux arg1" "arg2 Franc and Merlot arg1" "arg2 and Zinfandel arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Shiraz arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 and Syrah arg1" "arg2 and Tempranillo arg1" "arg2 and Bordeaux style arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon based arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon in arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Bordeaux arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" ] using (blends, cabernet)
OE @830 (100.0%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (blends, cabernet)
OE @803 (100.0%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (varietals, cabernet)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Bordeaux arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and other arg1" "arg2 and merlot arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and merlot arg1" ] using (varietals, cabernet)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and merlot arg1" "arg2 sauvignon from arg1" ] using (vineyards, cabernet)
OE @811 (100.0%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (vineyards, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Zinfandel arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 or Syrah arg1" "arg2 and Riesling arg1" "arg2 and Chardonnay arg1" "arg2 grapes produce arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Merlot arg1" "arg2 Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Chardonnay arg1" "arg2 Franc and Merlot arg1" "arg2 and Malbec arg1" "arg2 and Sauvignon Blanc arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon red arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Bordeaux arg1" "arg2 Franc and other arg1" "arg2 and Cabernet Franc arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Syrah arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Shiraz arg1" "arg2 and Chenin Blanc arg1" "arg2 grapes are used to make arg1" "arg2 and Pinot Noir arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 and Shiraz arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and other arg1" "arg2 and Chardonnay and arg1" "arg2 and Pinot Grigio arg1" "arg2 Franc in arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon based arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon grape arg1" ] using (wines, cabernet)
OE @811 (100.0%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (wines, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon as well as arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Savignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 franc and arg1" "arg2 Blanc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Merlot and arg1" ] using (chardonnay, cabernet)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (chardonnay, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon blended with arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Blanc or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon as well as arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc with arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon for arg1" "arg2 Merlot and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 Savignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 franc and arg1" ] using (merlot, cabernet)
OE @806 (99.6%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (merlot, cabernet)
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (red_wines, cabernet)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as Shiraz and arg2" "arg1 from Bordeaux and arg2" "arg1 such as Merlot and arg2" ] using (red_wines, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 and Late Harvest arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon as well as arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 and Merlot arg1" "arg2 Merlot and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Chardonnay arg1" ] using (sauvignon_blanc, cabernet)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (sauvignon_blanc, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 and Chardonnay and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 Savignon and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon as well as arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" ] using (zinfandel, cabernet)
OE @832 (99.2%) on 18-apr-2014 [ ] using (zinfandel, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 franc and arg1" "arg2 Merlot and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (shiraz, cabernet)
OE @809 (94.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (shiraz, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon as well as arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Merlot and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 to the finesse of arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon blended with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Savignon and arg1" ] using (syrah, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rather than a mature arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon of arg1" "arg2 sauvignon in arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons from arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon in arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon as well as arg1" "arg2 Franc in arg1" "arg2 Franc to arg1" ] using (bordeaux, cabernet)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon in arg1" "arg2 and other Bordeaux arg1" "arg2 Franc for arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and other arg1" "arg2 Franc in arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Merlot for arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon for arg1" ] using (reds, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon blended with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon as well as arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon for arg1" ] using (cabernet_franc, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon in arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" ] using (bordeaux_blends, cabernet)
CPL @1080 (98.4%) on 30-nov-2017 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon blended with arg1" "arg2 Merlot and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Savignon and arg1" ] using (cabernet_franc_, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Franc to arg1" "arg2 franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (gamay, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (petit_verdot, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" ] using (riesling, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (tempranillo, cabernet)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and Merlot arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Shiraz arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon for arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Syrah arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon as well as arg1" ] using (production, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (fer, cabernet)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon of arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons from arg1" "arg2 sauvignon from arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon in arg1" ] using (napa_valley, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and other arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon based arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon in arg1" ] using (red_blends, cabernet)
CPL @1097 (96.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Franc in arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon of arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon for arg1" "arg2 Franc for arg1" ] using (vintage, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 sauvignon from arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons from arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon in arg1" ] using (coonawarra, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (nebbiolo, cabernet)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 franc or arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 franc and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon or arg1" ] using (grenache, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (merlot_wines, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (pinot_noir_grapes, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (beaujolais, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon based arg1" ] using (bordeaux_style_blend, cabernet)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" ] using (cabernet_blends, cabernet)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon from arg1" "arg2 franc or arg1" ] using (cabernet_sauvignon, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" ] using (carignan, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (carmenere, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 and Merlot arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (chianti, cabernet)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc to arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (gewurztraminer, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Shiraz arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (lemberger, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (petite_syrah, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon with arg1" ] using (pinotage, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (pinot_grigio, cabernet)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon in arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon to arg1" ] using (syrah_shiraz, cabernet)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignons and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Franc with arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" ] using (tannat, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (cabernet, cabernet)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc to arg1" "arg2 or Syrah arg1" ] using (vine, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (cabernet, cabernet)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 sauvignon and arg1" "arg2 Franc and arg1" "arg2 Sauvignon or arg1" ] using (cabernet, cabernet)