SEAL @180 (50.0%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using jim_butcher
CPL @1100 (94.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "novel series by _" "_ is the author" "Books Anything by _" "such authors as _" "series written by _" "fantasy novel by _" "_ 's novel" "novelists like _" "best-selling book series by _" "Reading Room Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "_ 's best-selling novel" "_ 's fantasy series" "favorite authors include _" "fantasy novels by _" "Room Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "authors such as _" "writers such as _" "_ 's epic fantasy series" "_ 's novel series" "issue is written by _" "Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "story by _" "_ 's books" "Favorite authors include _" "best-selling novels by _" "book series by _" "same name written by _" "L. Parker reviews _" "book series written by _" "_ 's book series" "novel by _" "_ is an amazing author" "popular book series by _" "_ 's best-selling novels" ] using jim_butcher
CPL @1097 (97.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "Favorite Books Anything by _" "fantasy authors such as _" "novel series by _" "best-selling series by _" "authors like _" "fantasy author is _" "Books Anything by _" "such authors as _" "novels , written by _" "series written by _" "author named _" "authors , like _" "fantasy novel by _" "novel written by _" "series is written by _" "_ 's novel" "_ 's popular book series" "_ 's fabulous books" "_ is a best-selling novelist" "novelists like _" "best-selling book series by _" "authors , such as _" "Reading Room Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "_ 's best-selling novel" "popular novel written by _" "Anything by _" "_ 's fantasy series" "current favorite author is _" "favorite authors include _" "_ 's novels" "fantasy novels by _" "Room Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "authors such as _" "favorite authors , including _" "writers such as _" "_ 's epic fantasy series" "_ 's novel series" "novelette by _" "writers like _" "issue is written by _" "mystery novels by _" "original story by _" "_ is a full-time writer" "Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "novels by _" "fantasy books by _" "Favorite authors include _" "best-selling novels by _" "_ is another author" "book series by _" "novella by _" "_ s novels" "Files series by _" "same name written by _" "favorite author is _" "original short story by _" "other authors like _" "L. Parker reviews _" "series by _" "horror writers such as _" "same name by _" "book series written by _" "_ 's book series" "short story by _" "_ 's bestselling novels" "fantasy book series by _" "authors named _" "novel by _" "_ wrote a fantastic book" "name written by _" "cover blurb by _" "_ 's new book" "_ is an amazing author" "other authors named _" "_ releases a new book" "popular book series by _" "writer named _" "fantasy authors like _" "_ 's best-selling novels" "_ 's novella" ] using jim_butcher
CMC @929 (99.9%) on 28-may-2015 [ LASTSUFFIX=er 3.58574 SUFFIX=im 2.78118 PREFIX=ji 2.13711 SUFFIX=her 2.11058 FULL_POS=NN_NN 1.26081 FIRST_WORD=jim 1.12718 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 0.99128 WORDSHAPE=aaa -1.29155 WORDS -2.23225 CHARS -3.70375 ] using jim_butcher
CPL @1096 (88.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "Favorite Books Anything by _" "fantasy authors such as _" "novel series by _" "best-selling series by _" "Books Anything by _" "such authors as _" "_ 's popular book series" "novelists like _" "best-selling book series by _" "Reading Room Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "_ 's best-selling novel" "popular novel written by _" "Anything by _" "_ 's fantasy series" "current favorite author is _" "favorite authors include _" "fantasy novels by _" "Room Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "authors such as _" "favorite authors , including _" "writers such as _" "_ 's epic fantasy series" "issue is written by _" "Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "Favorite authors include _" "best-selling novels by _" "book series by _" "same name written by _" "favorite author is _" "L. Parker reviews _" "same name by _" "book series written by _" "fantasy book series by _" "cover blurb by _" "_ is an amazing author" "other authors named _" "popular book series by _" "fantasy authors like _" ] using jim_butcher
CMC @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=er 2.84723 SUFFIX=im 2.80948 SUFFIX=her 2.14779 PREFIX=ji 2.06191 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.86897 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.34225 FIRST_WORD=jim 1.27583 PREFIX=bu -0.82661 CHARS -2.98320 WORDS -4.28630 ] using jim_butcher
CPL @1094 (86.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "Favorite Books Anything by _" "fantasy authors such as _" "novel series by _" "best-selling series by _" "Books Anything by _" "_ 's popular book series" "best-selling book series by _" "Reading Room Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "_ 's best-selling novel" "_ 's fantasy series" "current favorite author is _" "fantasy novels by _" "Room Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "_ 's epic fantasy series" "Danielle L. Parker reviews _" "Favorite authors include _" "best-selling novels by _" "book series by _" "L. Parker reviews _" "_ 's book series" "_ 's bestselling novels" "fantasy book series by _" "_ is an amazing author" "popular book series by _" "fantasy authors like _" "_ 's best-selling novels" ] using jim_butcher
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and it was written by arg2" "arg1 book series by arg2" "arg1 series of novels by arg2" "arg1 series by arg2" "arg1 novels by arg2" "arg1 series of books by arg2" "arg1 tale by arg2" "arg1 books written by arg2" "arg1 books by arg2" ] using (dresden_files, jim_butcher)