CMC @763 (100.0%) on 25-aug-2013 [ PREFIX=jo 4.53884 SUFFIX=hn 1.74043 SUFFIX=ohn 1.73664 FIRST_WORD=john 1.69476 PREFIX=joh 1.50012 POS=IN 0.88648 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 0.80427 SUFFIX=ke -0.68494 WORDS -1.47082 CHARS -2.27824 ] using john_updike
CPL @1114 (86.8%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "selling novel by _" "favorite authors are _" "well-known authors , including _" "such contemporary writers as _" "such prominent figures as _" "writers such as _" "series by _" "Criticism by _" "_ wrote something similar" "novelists including _" "popular authors including _" "writers , such as _" "writers as various as _" "recent novels by _" "_ is a prolific novelist" "well-known writers such as _" "well-known writers like _" "such authors as _" "renowned authors as _" "American writers , including _" "writer such as _" "such masters as _" "famous authors such as _" "writers ranging from _" "Poems , by _" "_ 's last novel" "writers , like _" "other writers , including _" "major writers like _" "novelists like _" "prominent writers as _" "such luminaries as _" "contemporary writers like _" "great essay by _" "_ 's novel" "_ was a brilliant author" "such prominent writers as _" "other writers like _" "novel by _" "_ is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author" "Short Stories , edited by _" "Stories by _" "_ 's early short stories" "contemporary writers such as _" "Such authors as _" "Other Poems by _" "_ 's recent novel" "notable authors such as _" "novels by _" "authors included are _" "Stories , by _" "Other novels by _" "short stories edited by _" "_ was a great writer" "major writers as _" "stories edited by _" "best-selling authors such as _" "_ was an Irish writer" "_ 's fantasy novel" "_ 's fifteenth novel" "favorite writers are _" "contemporary writers , such as _" "famous poem by _" "literary heavyweights such as _" "_ 's novels" "well-known writers , such as _" "such renowned authors as _" "noted authors such as _" "such literary greats as _" "previous recipients include _" "_ 's A Child" "_ 's short stories" "Stories , edited by _" "Other Poems , by _" "_ 's best-selling novel" "such notable writers as _" "Famous quotes by _" "writers including _" "popular authors like _" "novelists , such as _" "modern authors like _" "_ is an amazing writer" "_ 's Portfolio Javascript" "Letters , edited by _" "various writers , including _" "such distinguished authors as _" "_ never won a Nobel Prize" "literary greats as _" "contemporary writers as _" "favorite writers was _" "Stories (edited by _" "_ 's allegorical novel" "_ wrote the novel" "Other Stories , by _" "literary giants like _" "stories / by _" "Favorite authors include _" "great authors such as _" "novel written by _" "anthology edited by _" "_ is a great author" "Century edited by _" "mainstream writers like _" "such writers as _" "_ quote Similar Quotes" "many authors including _" "prominent writers such as _" "same name by _" "recent authors such as _" "popular writers like _" "distinguished authors as _" "literary figures such as _" "authors including _" "authors like _" "Other Stories by _" "novelist like _" "literary heroes are _" "notable writers as _" "such major writers as _" "authors , such as _" "Quotes Famous quotes by _" "authors such as _" "well-known authors such as _" "_ 's famous poem" "fiction writers , including _" "poets like _" "short story by _" "_ 's classic essay" "View quotes by _" "_ 's Collected Poems" "_ once wrote of" "novella by _" "novelists , including _" "modern writers like _" "novelists such as _" "literary luminaries as _" "_ 's short story" "greater writer than _" "_ 's new book" "American writers like _" "American writers such as _" "alert on new _" "Century , edited by _" "such literary luminaries as _" "_ 's new novel" "same title by _" "_ was a leading writer" "writers like _" ] using john_updike