CPL @1113 (90.4%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "historians such as _" "such distinguished authors as _" "_ 's acclaimed novel" "novelists as _" "favorite authors are _" "such contemporary writers as _" "favorite writer is _" "celebrated writers such as _" "contemporary authors like _" "novelists , like _" "such literary greats as _" "_ 's novella" "_ 's fictional hero" "_ 's famous novel" "He has been compared with _" "controversial novel by _" "Other writers include _" "Writer by _" "contemporary fiction of _" "_ is an amazing writer" "literary figures such as _" "_ 's short novel" "_ 's upcoming novel" "_ 's early fiction" "early novels of _" "Jewish writers such as _" "_ 's Portfolio Javascript" "literary luminaries as _" "novelist named _" "Such writers as _" "impressive impact over _" "novelists like _" "original novel by _" "such contemporary authors as _" "novel written by _" "novelist like _" "renowned authors as _" "short novel by _" "_ 's new book" "American writers such as _" "favorite authors include _" "_ 's novels" "other authors named _" "alternate history novel by _" "Ghost by _" "writers including _" "_ is another author" "authors named _" "great writers such as _" "authors including _" "American writers , including _" "series edited by _" "_ is an American novelist" "_ was a huge admirer" "_ 's short story" "contemporary writers as _" "favourite writers are _" "authors like _" "same name by _" "contemporary authors as _" "literary writers like _" "_ 's new novel" "Other Stories by _" "Famous quotes by _" "much anything by _" "novels by _" "novel by _" "literary authors like _" "same title by _" "_ wrote an amazing book" "history novel by _" "authors ranging from _" "acclaimed writers such as _" "novelists such as _" "_ has written a new novel" "writers such as _" "Ghost , by _" "best-selling authors , including _" "novelists , from _" "_ 's fictional universe" "such literary luminaries as _" "acclaimed authors as _" "writers like _" "writers edited by _" "American authors such as _" "novelists including _" "_ 's fictional account" "recent authors like _" "several authors , including _" "Jewish writers like _" "Stories by _" "Writers such as _" "_ 's excellent book" "fiction authors include _" "_ is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author" "such writers as _" "male writers like _" "older writers like _" "_ 's The Professor" "writers , such as _" "American authors like _" "_ 's award-winning novel" "favorite writers are _" "short story by _" "favourite authors are _" "_ 's novel" "_ 's superb novel" "novella by _" "literary giants such as _" "such diverse authors as _" "_ is a literary giant" "such renowned authors as _" "Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by _" "many authors including _" "later novels of _" "contemporary novelists such as _" "_ 's best-selling novel" "authors such as _" "contemporary authors , including _" "acclaimed authors such as _" "great writers like _" "writer such as _" "diverse authors as _" "contemporary writers such as _" "_ based the character" "_ 's recent novel" "many writers , including _" "literary greats as _" "writers , like _" "distinguished authors as _" "_ 's Pulitzer Prize" "_ 's great novel" "_ has written numerous novels" "such authors as _" "Kafka meets _" "Prize-winning novel by _" ] using philip_roth
CPL @1116 (91.6%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "man named _" "such distinguished authors as _" "_ 's acclaimed novel" "favorite authors are _" "favorite writer is _" "_ 's famous novel" "literary figures such as _" "_ 's Portfolio Javascript" "people such as _" "novelists like _" "original novel by _" "such contemporary authors as _" "American writers such as _" "favorite authors include _" "_ 's visit" "great writers such as _" "Other Stories by _" "Famous quotes by _" "novel by _" "novelists such as _" "writers such as _" "best-selling authors , including _" "_ 's fictional universe" "such literary luminaries as _" "American authors such as _" "_ is the author" "Writers such as _" "_ 's excellent book" "such writers as _" "_ 's books" "_ 's novel" "literary giants such as _" "such diverse authors as _" "Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by _" "people like _" "_ 's best-selling novel" "authors such as _" "geniuses like _" "great writers like _" "diverse authors as _" "_ 's birth chart" "distinguished authors as _" "Jewish boy named _" "story by _" "such authors as _" "Prize-winning novel by _" ] using philip_roth
CPL @1114 (88.1%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "historians such as _" "such distinguished authors as _" "_ 's acclaimed novel" "favorite authors are _" "such contemporary writers as _" "favorite writer is _" "celebrated writers such as _" "contemporary authors like _" "_ 's famous novel" "controversial novel by _" "Jewish writers such as _" "_ 's Portfolio Javascript" "literary luminaries as _" "impressive impact over _" "novelists like _" "original novel by _" "such contemporary authors as _" "renowned authors as _" "American writers such as _" "favorite authors include _" "other authors named _" "alternate history novel by _" "great writers such as _" "series edited by _" "_ is an American novelist" "contemporary writers as _" "favourite writers are _" "same name by _" "literary writers like _" "_ 's new novel" "Other Stories by _" "Famous quotes by _" "_ wrote an amazing book" "history novel by _" "authors ranging from _" "acclaimed writers such as _" "novelists such as _" "writers such as _" "Ghost , by _" "best-selling authors , including _" "such literary luminaries as _" "acclaimed authors as _" "writers edited by _" "American authors such as _" "novelists including _" "Jewish writers like _" "Writers such as _" "_ 's excellent book" "fiction authors include _" "_ is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author" "such writers as _" "American authors like _" "_ 's award-winning novel" "favourite authors are _" "_ 's superb novel" "literary giants such as _" "such renowned authors as _" "Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by _" "contemporary novelists such as _" "_ 's best-selling novel" "authors such as _" "contemporary authors , including _" "acclaimed authors such as _" "great writers like _" "_ has received the Pulitzer Prize" "diverse authors as _" "contemporary writers such as _" "_ 's recent novel" "distinguished authors as _" "such authors as _" "Prize-winning novel by _" ] using philip_roth
SEAL @523 (51.7%) on 02-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using philip_roth
CMC @910 (100.0%) on 05-mar-2015 [ SUFFIX=th 2.29952 PREFIX=phi 2.02486 PREFIX=ro 1.82969 PREFIX=phil 1.59052 FULL_POS=NN_NN 1.48989 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.25216 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 1.18746 LASTPREFIX=ro -0.82996 CHARS -2.39912 WORDS -2.63757 ] using philip_roth