CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "such well-known authors as _" "_ 's novel" "story by _" "authors such as _" "writers such as _" "such authors as _" "_ 's famous book" "American writers like _" "acclaimed novel by _" "novelists such as _" "same name written by _" "contemporary authors such as _" "_ 's books" "science fiction novel by _" "fiction novel by _" "American authors such as _" "favorite authors include _" "people like _" "novel by _" "such writers as _" "_ is the author" ] using walter_mosley
SEAL @180 (50.0%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using walter_mosley
CMC @904 (100.0%) on 19-feb-2015 [ WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.80095 LASTSUFFIX=ey 1.35128 SUFFIX=ey 1.26644 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 0.99001 SUFFIX=ley 0.95877 LASTSUFFIX=ley 0.90773 LASTPREFIX=mo 0.87290 PREFIX=mo -0.98363 CHARS -1.83098 WORDS -2.54618 ] using walter_mosley
SEAL @190 (98.4%) on 16-jan-2011 [ 123456 ] using walter_mosley
CPL @1104 (97.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "such well-known authors as _" "_ 's novel" "_ is a good author" "writers including _" "mystery authors are _" "_ 's best-selling book" "_ 's new mystery" "such notable authors as _" "science fiction story by _" "writers like _" "diverse writers as _" "contemporary authors including _" "authors such as _" "_ is an American writer" "mystery novel by _" "authors including _" "well-known authors as _" "writers such as _" "novels by _" "such authors as _" "writers , such as _" "_ 's famous book" "_ is the acclaimed author" "American writers like _" "favorite authors were _" "acclaimed novel by _" "fiction story by _" "featured authors include _" "novelists such as _" "_ 's stunning first novel" "_ 's crime novel" "authors like _" "_ 's new book" "notable authors as _" "same name by _" "same name written by _" "fiction novel written by _" "contemporary authors such as _" "_ 's novels" "contemporary novelists such as _" "/ by _" "science fiction novel by _" "acclaimed adaptation of _" "fiction novel by _" "name written by _" "favorite writers are _" "hit novel by _" "American authors such as _" "_ has a new novel" "favorite authors include _" "celebrated novel by _" "alert on new _" "series by _" "novel written by _" "novel by _" "science fiction novel written by _" "favorite author is _" "such writers as _" "such diverse writers as _" ] using walter_mosley
CMC @935 (99.9%) on 25-jun-2015 [ LASTSUFFIX=ley 2.40883 LASTSUFFIX=ey 2.17299 PREFIX=wal 1.02302 SUFFIX=lter 0.98524 PREFIX=walt 0.87921 SUFFIX=alter 0.83384 PREFIX=walte 0.81300 POS=NN -0.67814 WORDS -1.87435 CHARS -3.94724 ] using walter_mosley
CPL @1094 (99.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "such well-known authors as _" "such notable authors as _" "diverse writers as _" "contemporary authors including _" "authors such as _" "_ is an American writer" "well-known authors as _" "writers such as _" "such authors as _" "_ is the acclaimed author" "American writers like _" "favorite authors were _" "acclaimed novel by _" "featured authors include _" "novelists such as _" "notable authors as _" "same name by _" "same name written by _" "fiction novel written by _" "contemporary authors such as _" "contemporary novelists such as _" "science fiction novel by _" "fiction novel by _" "American authors such as _" "favorite authors include _" "celebrated novel by _" "alert on new _" "science fiction novel written by _" "favorite author is _" "such writers as _" ] using walter_mosley