CPL @1115 (50.1%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "autobiography was published in _" "club was created in _" "brick structure was built in _" "track opened in _" "He immigrated about _" "LLC was established in _" "York , was established in _" "New York Founded in _" "clients since _" "copyright act of _" "prize , established in _" "style , erected in _" "state senate in _" "Limited was established in _" "School Founded in _" "Reports dating back to _" "Smith died in _" "School , graduating in _" "Railroad , built in _" "Massachusetts , was founded in _" "INSTITUTION Founded _" "Dam was completed in _" "Company was found in _" "late summer of _" "renomination in _" "House was opened in _" "County was founded in _" "Interest Built in _" "House was completed in _" "Historical Society was founded in _" "City was incorporated in _" "town status in _" "smallpox epidemic of _" "franchise was established in _" "Art was founded in _" "Map Founded in _" "building was finished in _" "It was repealed in _" "State University , founded in _" "Keefer was born abt _" "Society was founded in _" "School was founded in _" "hotel was established in _" "addition was added in _" "school founded in _" "railroad came through in _" "House was built in _" "Edward was born about _" "JOHNSON was born about _" "Restaurant was founded in _" "Company was founded in _" "Us Founded in _" "school , founded in _" "publication founded in _" "it 's founding in _" "Club , founded in _" "Christmas holidays of _" "Durand was born _" "founding in _" "services since _" "It was first established in _" "India was established in _" "School , established in _" "Shop was founded in _" "DD-year period beginning in _" "Firm was founded in _" "Association was organized in _" "University founded in _" "Florida , was founded in _" "Band was founded in _" "City , founded in _" "Smith was born about _" "Park began in _" "Inc Founded in _" "It was torn down in _" "educational organization founded in _" "papers dating back to _" "Officially founded in _" "Ltd has been established since _" "Library , built in _" "Recession of _" "She retired in _" "plant was closed in _" "county , was founded in _" "chocolates since _" "edition was issued in _" "museum founded in _" "patent expired in _" "decade , starting in _" "booklet published in _" "computer science since _" "agency was established in _" "tower was completed in _" "time he retired in _" "winery was established in _" "garden began in _" "farm was purchased in _" "Tower was completed in _" "Hotel was established in _" "City was founded in _" "congressional elections of _" "factory , established in _" "bank was established in _" "arts institution founded in _" "_ was a disastrous year" "bridge , built in _" "liberal arts college founded in _" "ordinance passed in _" "company he founded in _" "He ran again in _" "Group founded in _" "Exchange , founded in _" "He was defeated in _" "State constitutional convention in _" "Pier , built in _" "We were founded in _" "magazine published since _" "inception in _" "band was founded in _" "High School was founded in _" "education act of _" "HAGGARD was born about _" "Kiefer was born abt _" "Law School , graduating in _" "organization founded in _" "edition issued in _" "business was founded in _" "Franco-German war of _" "University community since _" "Choir was established in _" "Research was established in _" "Historical Society was formed in _" "Lodge was established in _" "Helen died in _" "decade beginning in _" "university , founded in _" "City , circa _" "Development Founded in _" "Historical Society was organized in _" "LLC , founded in _" "Hospital was established in _" "church edifice was built in _" "non-profit educational organization founded in _" "it was founded in _" "lighthouse , built in _" "present farm since _" "movement began in _" "plant was established in _" "shop founded in _" "profession since _" "insurance career in _" "liberal arts institution founded in _" "war began in _" "they separated in _" "they split in _" "risk management since _" "Museum Founded in _" "Mary was born about _" "clubhouse was built in _" "dam was completed in _" "he founded in _" "disestablishment in _" "fraternity founded in _" "College , established in _" "Society , formed in _" "Bridge was opened in _" "MARTIN was born about _" "Brewery was established in _" "She was scrapped in _" "Group was founded in _" "Law Center was founded in _" "Theology degree in _" "Football Club was formed in _" "New York was founded in _" "major breakthrough came in _" "literary debut in _" "They moved there in _" "Keffer was born about _" "University , was established in _" "summer of _" "rule was restored in _" "county was formed in _" "collection was started in _" "Courthouse built in _" "present name in _" "he has lived since _" "father retired in _" "Academy was founded in _" "Museum , established in _" "Tragedy struck in _" "father passed away in _" "original taken in _" "measurements began in _" "University established in _" "Opera House was built in _" "Building , built in _" "They divorced in _" "Covered Bridge was built in _" "engraving , dated _" "present building was completed in _" "region began in _" "naturalized citizen in _" "it did back in _" "Center Founded in _" "He retired in _" "lighthouse was built in _" "office was created in _" "mansion , built in _" "organization incorporated in _" "Service was formed in _" "Inc. was established in _" "Center began in _" "Homes was founded in _" "Overview Founded in _" "Ray died in _" "They emigrated in _" "Victorian was built in _" "COMPANY Founded in _" "House , founded in _" "School , founded in _" "Bank , founded in _" "It reopened in _" "County Courthouse built in _" "Singh , born _" "Surgery was founded in _" "Crown colony in _" "Law was established in _" "Association was founded in _" "reservoir was completed in _" "record dating back to _" "organization was formed in _" "charity established in _" "doors first opened in _" "municipality until _" "station was closed in _" "HOLLINGSWORTH-DDDDD was born in _" "Museum , founded in _" "JONES was born about _" "County was established in _" "Hall , built in _" "it was torn down in _" "late fall of _" "mine closed in _" "vineyard was established in _" "area began in _" "Inc was founded in _" "Society , established in _" "She remarried in _" "Journal was founded in _" "Arts began in _" "day it opened in _" "counties since _" "decade ending in _" "historic visit in _" "first vintage in _" "building was razed in _" "building was remodeled in _" "body was exhumed in _" "club , founded in _" "club founded in _" "second edition appeared in _" "business was established in _" "property was built in _" "building was constructed in _" "herself died in _" "organization was founded in _" "school was founded in _" "winter of _" "search Established in _" "_ was a significant year" "Ontario bar in _" "Franco-Prussian war in _" "Arcade was built in _" "House , circa _" "charity founded in _" "transformation began in _" "town , incorporated in _" "first licensed in _" "home Born _" "Franco-Prussian war of _" "Society was established in _" "History Founded in _" "Railroad was built in _" "Bar Association , founded in _" "Opera House was opened in _" "Washington D.C. area since _" "University , founded in _" "Christmas season of _" "building was opened in _" "Railway was completed in _" "Martin died in _" "Society founded in _" "WRIGHT was born about _" "mid-September of _" "it originally opened in _" "Arts was founded in _" "Hotel was built _" "Park , created in _" "non-profit organization founded in _" "available going back to _" "awards began in _" "Company , founded in _" "French citizenship in _" "Park was created in _" "Co. , founded in _" "D.C. area since _" "Building was built in _" "society , was founded in _" "father’s death in _" "Association , formed in _" "Factory , established in _" "county was established in _" "choir was formed in _" "College class of _" "Academy , founded in _" "Club formed in _" "Society formed in _" "Commission established in _" "Inn , built in _" "Texas legislature in _" "Energy was founded in _" "spring term of _" "Methodist Church , built in _" "Technology , established in _" "financial panic of _" "school , established in _" "addition was completed in _" "university was founded in _" "spring of _" "firm , founded in _" "last erupted in _" "enterprise was established in _" "market crash of _" "solutions since _" "team was founded in _" "Summer of _" "Club was built in _" "HOLLINGSWORTH-DDDDDD was born in _" "It was founded in _" "church edifice was erected in _" "homestead was built in _" "bridge opened in _" "degree was awarded in _" "law faculty in _" "county was created in _" "Corporation was established in _" "Technology Founded in _" "County formed in _" "club established in _" "Service , founded in _" "Institute was established in _" "S.A. was founded in _" "present location since _" "photographer since _" "Law School was founded in _" "factory closed in _" "Texas was established in _" "Mill , built in _" "Profile Founded in _" "School class of _" "courthouse fire in _" "deanship in _" "early Summer of _" "records begin in _" "York Founded in _" "George was born about _" "section was completed in _" "plan adopted in _" "present name was adopted in _" "Hall , completed in _" "She died about _" "County was organized in _" "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Founded _" "agency was formed in _" "» Founded in _" "school closed in _" "final retirement in _" "learning founded in _" "service founded in _" "addition was built in _" "separate municipality until _" "late spring of _" "family moved here in _" "institution , founded in _" "first founded in _" "universities since _" "y flwyddyn _" "professional level since _" "nonprofit organization founded in _" "novel was published in _" "Hospital was opened in _" "Association Founded in _" "Robert died in _" "Club established in _" "Pa" ] using n1870
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in April of arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 there in June arg2" ] using (place, n1870)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 in April of arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" "arg1 there in June arg2" ] using (place, n1870)